ted cruz slams oboma on stance on legalized marijuana in two states.

Politifact's liberal bias is well known, I was being facetious canndo, follow along.

I don't think you really get the difference between "bias", and fact. When facts are reported, the only bias is IF they are reported or not. If this place is keeping a tally of Obama promises and it comes out about even, the odds are that regardless of their "bias", they are reporting fact, furthermore, bias is mostly an issue of opinion. Now, as I was saying about your indiction that the NYT is "biased", you seem to have no trouble using them when it pleases you.
Yep, I'll admit my bias against the lazy platform that can only find solutions by taking from others so I'm guilty of this myself. When I listen to a speech of Obama's, I find myself agreeing more than not, but in practice he's not the same man. What he's shown is he's Bush without the humanitarian efforts. I'm also not a fan of dropping bombs in sovereign countries without a declaration from congress. Or killing US citizens by executive order. I see your side support actions that is absolutely shocking to me, and I KNOW that if a different letter were in charge you would not support them. (You in general terms, not you in particular canndo).

The Democratic leadership heavily supported the war in Iraq, then supported lobbing a few harmless bombs at Syria yet Bushney will be seen by your side as the lying war monger. There is a lot of red and blue filters covering facts.

When there was huge pressure on Obama over gay marriage his answer was that's a state thing. I see your side claiming "see? Obama supports gay marriage". I challenge anyone to name a president in our lifetime that was less of a state's rights guy. It was a cowardly cop-out and he does not get called out on it.

You are right there is an Obama derangement disease in this country. You conveniently leave off that Bushney derangement syndrome is still prevalent 5 years later. There is so much hatred for Bushney in this country that when Obama doubles down on what we hated about Bush, He gets a free pass from "Bush did it too" crowd.

I blame our two party system as much as anything, but I don't have a better solution. Maybe our elections should be held American Idol style where we whittle down candidates every week 1 by 1 and party doesn't matter. Of course the problem with this is teenage girls will decide all elections.

You are a little bit wrong here. No one is saying "well.... Bush did it too", what they are saying is "well, when Bush did it, none of the right seemed to have a problem with it, but now when Obama does the same thing, the right is up in arms. That is the cux of the "bush did it too" argument. Where is was the outrage that is so evident when Obama does the same thing.
All right, I went back and found it. Most of those I don't call promises. Everyone runs on a platfrom.

A promise is....read my lips, no new taxes

........I will close Gitmo

........I promise an open an transparent govt,

Stuff like that. The rest of it was done by Congress not the Preisdent

It is not a President promise, what the Congress will deliver.

And the Miami Herald? Did you check with the Cato Institute?

....508 promises he made when he ran for president in 2008? Promises. That's not what got him his second term. That is white guilt.

What about the lies that got him elected in first place? All that revision of his first Biography.

The guy is living a lie. But, I don't hate. That is a very corrosive emotion.

So now you are splitting hairs on what a "promise" is. The original poster said he kept NONE. You say most of those he kept were not really promises - my point is the same, Obama did not keep NONE of his promises. The rest is a different conversation.
So now you are splitting hairs on what a "promise" is. The original poster said he kept NONE. You say most of those he kept were not really promises - my point is the same, Obama did not keep NONE of his promises. The rest is a different conversation.

I am not splitting hairs, the Herald is. Someone else posted a similar list, where Obama took credit for all these accomplishments....from Congress.

The mid-term had no promises but more of the same. Stuff happens. Usually the President did not promise it. Stuff happens in self rule. Good, bad, and ugly. This stuff listed as promises is backdated logic on what the Congress did as the ACA, in his first term.
I don't think you really get the difference between "bias", and fact. When facts are reported, the only bias is IF they are reported or not. If this place is keeping a tally of Obama promises and it comes out about even, the odds are that regardless of their "bias", they are reporting fact, furthermore, bias is mostly an issue of opinion. Now, as I was saying about your indiction that the NYT is "biased", you seem to have no trouble using them when it pleases you.

Canndo, how naive can you be, Politifact is made up of a bunch of media hacks hiding behind the title of "political facts"

PolitiFact.com is a project operated by the Tampa Bay Times, in which reporters and editors from the Times and affiliated media outlets "fact-check statements by members of Congress, the White House, lobbyists and interest groups".
Canndo, how naive can you be, Politifact is made up of a bunch of media hacks hiding behind the title of "political facts"

PolitiFact.com is a project operated by the Tampa Bay Times, in which reporters and editors from the Times and affiliated media outlets "fact-check statements by members of Congress, the White House, lobbyists and interest groups".

Beenthere, you can cross check each and every statement that politifact makes about Obama's kept promises. I am farr from unaware of the right's teqnique of accusation of "bias" when it is convenient for them to do so. But FACTS are not biased and you can check them easily enough. DID Obama sign the ACA into law? Did Bush claim that we are not about nation building and then attempt to do just that, killing thousands and costing a trillion or so in the process? are those FACTS? we can spin them all we wish but they are still facts.

I have yet to see your answer - CAN I or can I not use the New York Times as a reference without having you cry Bias and lie?
Canndo, how naive can you be, Politifact is made up of a bunch of media hacks hiding behind the title of "political facts"

PolitiFact.com is a project operated by the Tampa Bay Times, in which reporters and editors from the Times and affiliated media outlets "fact-check statements by members of Congress, the White House, lobbyists and interest groups".

One more thing - shall we follow rightist think tanks, funding and astroturf organizations, let alone right biased news outlets like, oh, say, FOX? which you will claim is not biased I am quite sure, or that only their opinion pieces are, right?
Well, first of all, those are not promises. Second, they are not referenced, that I could find. Third they speak of a thing already done as a Promise.

But, without the reference and context it is just pick and choose sentences that are Called promises by the oh so biased, FL news papers.

You did NOT see the left and liberals and canndo, acknowledging the list of Bush accomplishments. And they still will not.

You don't confirm that Bush did not take credit for the "accomplishments" of Congress. You don't realize the Bush had to make very few promises to be elected and he kept them all.

None of the tap dance and parse from the Herald, to shoe horn out of context praise for congress as a Presidential promise, kept, we pushed by Conservatives against the rabid DEMs.

So, what did he promise that he could do, that he did do? Nothing.
Well, first of all, those are not promises. Second, they are not referenced, that I could find. Third they speak of thing aleady done as a Promise.

But, without the refernces and context it is just pick and choose sentences that are Called promises by the oh so biased, FL news papers.

You did NOT see the left and liberals and canndo, acknowledging the list of Bush accomplishments. And they still will not.

You don't confirm that Bush did not take credit for the "accomplishments" of Congress. You don't realize the Bush had to make very few promies to be elected and he kept them all.

None of the tap and parse from the Herald, to shoe horn out of context praise for congress as a Presidential promise, kept.

So, what did he promise that he could do, that he did do? Nothing.

It's funny, on the one hand the right will claim that Obama is in violation of the constititon when he attempts to do something on his own but he doesn't get credit for having congress do his bidding, he also gets the blame when he cant get a congress that vowed never to accept anything he wants to do. You all can't have it both ways - oh, and I did give Bush credit for Part D. Sorry,I can't give him credit for misleading the American people into a 10 year war.
Silly Sophist cannot hold to the discussion.

This is about actual accomplishments and actual promises. So soon the Partisans fart to cover their actual faux pas.

And Obama has us in War in more places than Bush did. Obama lies at every turn. We have paid Army, but private contractors in Iraq, and Tunisia, and Libya, etc. And we have special forces still fighting though out east Africa, the Philippines and in Columbia, and in Asia.

Obama is a Sky Killer with more hash marks than Bush. His defense budget is through the roof and billions are being spent to militarily protect the world from Global Warming.

You are funny.
canndo, you are responding to Finthere as if you were debating someone who wanted to seek the truth. That is not Finthere's MO, he is trolling you. and he is doing a mighty fine job of it.

well done Finthere!
Silly Sophist cannot hold to the discussion.

This is about actual accomplishments and actual promises. So, soon the Partisans fart.

The fact is, most all politicians lie, left, right and center.

The left just can't handle it when it's their turn to get it put in their face.
You are a little bit wrong here. No one is saying "well.... Bush did it too", what they are saying is "well, when Bush did it, none of the right seemed to have a problem with it, but now when Obama does the same thing, the right is up in arms. That is the cux of the "bush did it too" argument. Where is was the outrage that is so evident when Obama does the same thing.

Bushney got a pass? I missed that but wasn't here for his terms so maybe... from the news reports I saw, he got blamed for others incompetencies while Obama's clan blamed others for his own. Did you know that Bush waited SEVEN FUCKING MINUTES after 9/11 before he took us to war?

Want an example of hypocrisy? Where's the war protests? Hell, we even had some dolts here wanting to drop bombs in Syria because Obama and Gore wanted it. Not a lot of bombs mind you, just a few to make them act right. Of course, if it were the right wanting to do the same, they would only be creating more terrorists.
So now you are splitting hairs on what a "promise" is. The original poster said he kept NONE. You say most of those he kept were not really promises - my point is the same, Obama did not keep NONE of his promises. The rest is a different conversation.

Got your back here. I think there were promises made that he kept. It's unproductive to think otherwise.
Silly Sophist cannot hold to the discussion.

This is about actual accomplishments and actual promises. So soon the Partisans fart to cover their actual faux pas.

And Obama has us in War in more places than Bush did. Obama lies at every turn. We have paid Army, but private contractors in Iraq, and Tunisia, and Libya, etc. And we have special forces still fighting though out east Africa, the Philippines and in Columbia, and in Asia.

Obama is a Sky Killer with more hash marks than Bush. His defense budget is through the roof and billions are being spent to militarily protect the world from Global Warming.

You are funny.

Can you tell me again who holds the purse strings in this country? Last I looked, Obama isn't the one.
Can you tell me again who holds the purse strings in this country? Last I looked, Obama isn't the one.

You just made me think of another bias from the left. Sequestration was blamed for everything by Obama, yet he takes credit for reducing the deficit. Hmmm, doesn't seem right does it?
You don't seem to understand how government in the United States is supposed to work, compromise does not mean broken, it means that everybody gets a little of what they want. I'll give you this, if you give me that. One of the reason this government is so ineffective is the absolute lack of compromise.

You can check on most of the more recent presidents if you look - I believe he may hold a modern record for most campaign promises kept. You may not like his actions, or promises but that isn't what this converssation is about.

Government is supposed to be about compromises. But if you make a promise to do something, and don't actually do exactly what you said you'd do, you didn't keep the promise.
A lack of a meaningful response only shows us how pedo you are. We know your mommy was a Filipino house maid and you are a bastard child of a product of your overweight pedo father who ass fucked your mom.

How does it feel to be birthed from the anus of a Filipino house maid? Is that what makes you such a blatant pedo?


I didn't think you were that stupid but you have managed to reach stormfrontBUCK* status.
You just made me think of another bias from the left. Sequestration was blamed for everything by Obama, yet he takes credit for reducing the deficit. Hmmm, doesn't seem right does it?

The deficite was going down before sequestration if I recall.