Hash and Oil Picture Thread

wait so you are saying 400g of cold butane (how cold?) will extract the same amount of hash from the same martial as 800g of room temp butane??
Hashman think about it this way, not literally but just to make a point. If you could hold your butane over your product for twice as long without damage how much more would you get? well what if you used half as much to get the same instead via colder temps. It's not magic it's our end goal driving every decision in the extraction process, I mean we could all get 100% if people where kicking down door's for the black stuff.

I repeat this is an analogy, someone will step in with harder fact's as it's not a 2+2 = 4 but a curve over multiple variables.
wait so you are saying 400g of cold butane (how cold?) will extract the same amount of hash from the same martial as 800g of room temp butane??

Freeze it alongside the flowers for the same duration. (We put in freezer as soon as purchased and not removed till used) We also typically flip the freezer to the max setting to save time.

Saybian is right its not always 50% but depends on how good its broken up, how cold and how good your tubes are etc....

Last run of the honeycomb from me in this thread only needed less than a full can to process 1.8oz trim. (per tube) Typically you would push two cans through 1.8 oz. You can tell when your extracting is done by touching your dribble and checking for stickiness or if your eyes are good look for no yellow tint.

Also you can set your tubes aside to dry (or re pack them) and blast again. Second time will look yellow but turn out much browner/blacker in the final stages because it has much more lipids and chlorophyll than the first. Keep it separate; its's less heady and more body.
Hey Blu, the info you have provided is helpful but a lot of it I cant use as I am doing closed system extractions and cant see or touch the n-butane during extraction.
Ah OK, You can still freeze and drain a bit sooner than usual. I think you will be happy with results.

Have some fun with it! =)
I am planning on freezing some trim and a solvent tank to see if it makes a difference, thinking 1/3 less in the freezer run to see if it makes a difference for me thank you again for the helpful insight !!
and thank you too saybianTv for helping to explain it in a different way. I love how helpful the C & E community can be
Tonight's result:

.5 shatter piece from a run from few nites ago. this is 2nd wash pic. crappy lighting. with light its very light yellow and see thru.


loll. raping the solvents up.

iso , to pentane? then iso?

does pentane remove chloro or what? then you re balhsdifkc woahh

Yes pentane cleans up the iso extract. Of pentane wasnt so expensive id do a full extract with it. Iso to pentane to everclear.
That was from all popcorn and bottoms of ice. I like it cause i can do a longer iso extraction without black gooping it up.
Soo clarify how your cleaning iso with pentane(btw hexane is cheaper, I like it better too)
I assume you extracted with iso because its the cheapest off the list and you needed quite a bit to extract all your herb.. leaving you high in polar and non polar ickies. Throw it in pentane and water wash? Or did you saline? Or attempt at winterizing and filtering? Just curios cause you didn't mention ....then with the polar ickies gone, washed away in the water (or filtered?) you dissolve in etoh, freeze and filter (winterize) to remove the non polar components...
That's the basics of it guz
To clarify i did the iso wash first. Then used the skunkpharm polishing tech for hexane/saline wash except i used pentane instead( i prefer its 0 water solubility and easier purge) then i broke it down in everclear and froze for 36 hours without opening( thanks qwiso)filtered thru coffee filter then evpped