no i don't worry about flyovers had plenty over the years but only lost a couple patches years ago and up here in maine i haven't seen a chopper for years now . nobody can rat ya out if they don't know what ya are doing !! feds? fuck them i never have more than 20-30 in a spot so not in the game plan for that few for federal involvement so just the local wardens that couldn't find their ass with both hands lol....been growing for over 20 years now so when weed was bad in big amounts is when they should of done something not nowadays ,maine is legal now and getting better all the time .
That's true for the most part but many of us have that inner circle of people who no matter how hard we might wish otherwise do know what we do. Many of us have friends and family that are such a big part of our lives it is impossible to keep them in the dark. I trust complete strangers more than some people in my own family and with damn good reason.
I've become an isolationist for the last 3 years. I have severed all ties to all people except those who live with me. There is a reason I haven't smoked in the last 3 years. At first it was forced on me by drug testing but that is finally over. I will not contact anyone from my past ever again. I lost all faith in people who I thought were my friends only to find out that when I needed people the most there was nobody there. I have disappeared off the grid as far as people are concerned and I intend to keep it that way. I have been growing for 25 years myself and became "known" for growing awesome weed. This wasn't by choice. I'd smoke people up and they'd ask were the weed came from. Idiot friends would love to brag about the talent I tried to keep hidden.
Lots of people love to live vicariously through people that grow weed. They love to brag about things they have no right to brag about. As if being friends with a grower earns them some special considerations. The people that sold my stuff loved to brag. There was no way for me to avoid it back then. I worked with a bunch of tokers who were also my best friends so there was no way to keep things secret. Sometimes just being successful is to much for some people to be able to handle. I used to be an optimist before my world was shattered.
That was then, this is now. I now have the ability for a "Do Over". I will not repeat the mistakes made over a lifetime again. I have NO FRIENDS, nobody to ask me questions I must try to dodge answering. I'm
"NorthernMan" from New Hampshire maybe, or maybe southern Maine or northern Massachusetts trying to remain anonymous.
Anyone who grows needs to learn one thing:
Treat people like mushrooms, "keep them in the dark and feed them Bullshit!"