North of England brought up a good point IMO.
Legalization has changed terminology. Dealers are now calling themselves caregivers, etc..
How do you feel about this?
Yes, there is truth in the terminology. It is medicine, there are MANY patients, there are many, many caregivers. Not picking a fight on that. But, to me, the whole thing smacks of jargon. It reminds me of how the medical profession (and everybody associated with it) started to use the word "lives" instead of patients. "We have 1265 lives under our care". Makes them sound so damned important.
I'm a stoner. I smoke weed because I like it. On the other hand, I could be riddled with diseases that marijuana treats. I have no way of knowing.
Is this just a dance that gets done to stay right with the law? Is it a pretentious wank?