Obama says Weed is no more harmful than Alchohol


Well-Known Member
Contrary to popular belief, the term jaywalking does not derive from the shape of the letter “J” (referencing the path a jaywalker might travel when crossing a road). Rather, it comes from the fact that “Jay” used to be a generic term for someone who was an idiot, dull, rube, unsophisticated, poor, or simpleton. More precisely, it was once a common term for “country bumpkins” or “hicks”, usually seen incorrectly as inherently stupid by “city” folk.
Thus, to “Jay walk” was to be stupid by crossing the street in an unsafe place or way, or some country person visiting the city who wasn’t used to the rules of the road for pedestrians in an urban environment, so would attempt to cross or walk in the streets anywhere. As it stated in the January 25, 1937 New York Times, “In many streets like Oxford Street, for instance, the jaywalker wanders complacently in the very middle of the roadway as if it was a country lane.”


Undercover Mod
“If marijuana is fully legalized and at some point folks say, Well, we can come up with a negotiated dose of cocaine that we can show is not any more harmful than vodka, are we open to that?” Obama wondered. “If somebody says, We’ve got a finely calibrated dose of meth, it isn’t going to kill you or rot your teeth, are we O.K. with that?”

Sounds like hes advocating legalization of all drugs


Well-Known Member
He's the first president I can recall that said something that was sort of not negative about pot.
Jimmy Carter was and is an advocate. He's no longer a player in the political game, but he has made common sense about marijuana issues from day one.

Obama is an embarrassment to himself and our country. I voted for him first term. So much for "Change". More of the same old political bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Jimmy Carter was and is an advocate. He's no longer a player in the political game, but he has made common sense about marijuana issues from day one.

Obama is an embarrassment to himself and our country. I voted for him first term. So much for "Change". More of the same old political bullshit.
You are disappointed? Why you think McCain or Romney would allow any weed sales?


bud bootlegger
You are disappointed? Why you think McCain or Romney would allow any weed sales?
again, what happens when the next mccain or romney or christie, or whom ever, gets elected? what do we say then, boy, it was fun while it lasted??
just seems a bit short sighted imvho to get excited over nothing..


Well-Known Member
You are disappointed? Why you think McCain or Romney would allow any weed sales?
Disappointed...... yes I am.

McCain/Romney? No I never expected anything positive from either one of them concerning marijuana. Just what "O" promised and what he delivered are polar opposites.


Well-Known Member
Disappointed...... yes I am.

McCain/Romney? No I never expected anything positive from either one of them concerning marijuana. Just what "O" promised and what he delivered are polar opposites.
According to politifact your assumption is incorrect


Arguing that you have a right to use mj means that you also have a right to use heroin and cocaine.

If you are not for legal cocaine, meth, or heroin then you should not use the argument that you have a right to it.

Instead, the social harm/benefit argument is the clear path to victory. Point out that it is less harmful than all the other current illegal drugs (except for mushrooms) and even less harmful than alcohol, cigarettes, and maybe coffee.

Point out the economic benefit that could come from it. Both for recreational and industrial use.

Meth, heroin, cocaine and other illegal drugs (except maybe mushrooms) cannot survive this same "test."
Why not? Or why are they just better off illegal period with little alternative? Addicts and other individuals are still going to use those drugs that they buy on the "street" that they can't trace the source of and don't exactly know the contents of.

Heroin, in and of itself, is quite safe for heroin addicts. USP diamorphine, that is of known purity, sterile, with no adulterants is much safer than street heroin (God knows what may be in that). The majority of overdoses are related to poly drug use and/or prescription drugs. Any combination of respiratory depressants: opioids with other opioids (such as methadone), alcohol, or benzodiazepines is a very bad idea.
The point is that heroin and the stronger prescription opioid drugs are among those illegal drugs which are in high demand. There is still a lucrative black market for these drugs, which many people are physically dependent on. This market is not controlled legally and disputes often result in violence. The product is more harmful to the user, and innocent bystanders, than a suitable legal alternative would be.

What would the big deal be with allowing a certain reasonable amount of USP heroin to be sold daily to adults in certain pharmacies, for their personal use? Another alternative would be beginning to allow hydrocodone without APAP or lower dosage oxycodone tablets available without a prescription, to adults.

This doesn't mean heroin, crack, cocaine and methamphetamine should be openly sold in every convenience or even at liquor stores; it could be even more specialized than that. I am just saying there are definite alternatives to this out-right prohibition which is undoubtedly costing more in money and lives then a sensible alternative.

Lower dosage forms of cocaine could be sold; certainly the natural coca leaves themselves or a cocaine containing chewing gum. It is well established that chewing coca leaf doesn't result in addiction, it is just a mild stimulant less so than coffee. There is less than 1% cocaine in natural coca leaf. If people want to take the time and effort to buy up a bunch and try to concentrate it for a few hits of crack or a line of cocaine powder so what?


Well-Known Member
Jimmy Carter was and is an advocate. He's no longer a player in the political game, but he has made common sense about marijuana issues from day one.

Obama is an embarrassment to himself and our country. I voted for him first term. So much for "Change". More of the same old political bullshit.
I did not know this, thanks AimAim.

I was kid when he was prez, all I remember is he talked funny and I liked that, and he ruined the summer olympics and I didn't like that.


Well-Known Member
If Obama kept his campaign promise, the feds would stay out of the MMJ laws completely, that means in any capacity.
did you even listen to what obama said?

he literally said he was not for giving 'carte blanche' to a cannabis industry. he said he would direct his justice department to make it a lower priority.

as we've seen, the only busts you can show us were folks, often felons, growing a shit ton and trying to use state MMJ laws as cover.

you don't really care for facts, do you?


Well-Known Member
According to politifact your assumption is incorrect
What assumption? That he would not turn into yet another assclown? I'm not going to take the time to figure out what "politifact" is, just another internet blathering site I assume.

Fact is he made promises he never has attempted to deliver on.

I'm not too hung up on the marijuana thing, but he was (maybe still is) a stoner. Well documented, he does not deny it. But as Prez he now has the authority and ability to get MJ off the Schedule 1 drug list. Is that gonna happen?



Well-Known Member
What assumption? That he would not turn into yet another assclown? I'm not going to take the time to figure out what "politifact" is, just another internet blathering site I assume.

Fact is he made promises he never has attempted to deliver on.

I'm not too hung up on the marijuana thing, but he was (maybe still is) a stoner. Well documented, he does not deny it. But as Prez he now has the authority and ability to get MJ off the Schedule 1 drug list. Is that gonna happen?

i don't recall him making that promise. i highlighted what he actually said in the campaign above. he never said he was gonna legalize, he never said he would stop all the busts, he never said he was even a friend of the idea of a cannabis industry. he talked about making it a lower priority (which he can direct his justice department to do, but state AGs can choose to ignore), he talked about not prosecuting sick people or those in compliance with state laws, and he talked about not giving carte blanche to a cannabis industry.

he did kinda break that last promise by allowing CO and WA to go ahead.


Well-Known Member
What assumption? That he would not turn into yet another assclown? I'm not going to take the time to figure out what "politifact" is, just another internet blathering site I assume.

Fact is he made promises he never has attempted to deliver on.

I'm not too hung up on the marijuana thing, but he was (maybe still is) a stoner. Well documented, he does not deny it. But as Prez he now has the authority and ability to get MJ off the Schedule 1 drug list. Is that gonna happen?

What other president has allowed all the sales of marijuana on the scale we have now?

And on the issue of promises. Which one do you think he failed at?


bud bootlegger
What other president has allowed all the sales of marijuana on the scale we have now?

And on the issue of promises. Which one do you think he failed at?
and again, what happens at the end of four years, and obama is no longer el presidente? nothing has changed, the laws are still on the books.. if the next person decides that he's going to go after marijuana users, again, what then?