Well-Known Member
For Christ's sake
He is the first president to say marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and you guys bitch.
He is the first president to say marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and you guys bitch.
The first mod I ever put on ignoreand again, what happens at the end of four years, and obama is no longer el presidente? nothing has changed, the laws are still on the books.. if the next person decides that he's going to go after marijuana users, again, what then?
and again, what happens at the end of four years, and obama is no longer el presidente? nothing has changed, the laws are still on the books.. if the next person decides that he's going to go after marijuana users, again, what then?
The first mod I ever put on ignore
what makes you think that it's a good idea to call this experiment in re-legalization a success so quickly? they just started selling it two weeks ago.
give it another couple years, and once people see the sky has not fallen it will be much easier to change the law. if nothing changes, what difference is it to you? you didn't go out to colorado and sink capital into a weed business, and anyone who did knew damn well that it was a huge risk and did so anyway.
i find it hard to believe that this is the reaction i am reading on a pot website two weeks after the first legal sale of cannabis in this century took place, and two hours after we hear that the president is actually talking common sense about cannabis.
nothing will satisfy some people.
instead of ignoring me, why don't you try and answer the fucking question cheesus??
what in gods name has changed because one president doesn't arrest people over pot?? what the fuck is going to happen when the next president is going to go after pot smokers??
how the hell is that change?? nothing has changed, my blind friend. oh, i sure can't wait for 2016, see we can all look back on the golden years of cannabis in the us of a..
why the hell won't you answer the fucking question instead of ignoring it??
And on the issue of promises. Which one do you think he failed at?
I answered every one of your questions. Either go back and read what you missed, or take a remedial reading course
and again, what happens at the end of four years, and obama is no longer el presidente? nothing has changed, the laws are still on the books.. if the next person decides that he's going to go after marijuana users, again, what then?
talk all you want, it's talk.. and again, ok, obama isn't throwing people in jail over pot, today.. in two states out of 50.. big deal, what happens when the next president who isn't cool with pot gets elected and starts upholding federal law??
legit question? i'd love to know? i keep asking cheesus, but he's since put me on ignore, i feel honored btw..
Yeah he kept 350 out of 500 compromised on about a 100?Really funny you should ask that. You cited Politifact as a credible source back in your post #72.
Well here's a list of promises broken by our President, on Politifact:
Funny how that works isn't it?
if weed is some how legal because obama isn't locking people up, what happens when the next person comes along and suddenly does their job and locks people up over the same thing?? how is that a victory?
Go back and never answered the one question i asked over and over and over. you keep ducking it, say why do i have a problem with obama not upholding the current laws..
you asked what i'd like better, if he were to do his job and enforce the laws, and i said, no, i'd like the law changed, i'd like to see cannabis rescheduled, then you went into some spleal about alcohol and tobacco, and then i asked you what about tomatoes, then you said somehow tomatoes purchased in the store are magically better then the ones i grow in my garden because of the fda and the usda, i can go back and get quotes if you like cheesus, it's all right there in this thread for the world to read..
if weed is some how legal because obama isn't locking people up, what happens when the next person comes along and suddenly does their job and locks people up over the same thing?? how is that a victory?
i can do much more than talk, i can literally go out and buy some cannabis legally now.
it's been two weeks. have some patience, grasshopper. this is a great wedge issue and obama is not gonna let one of those go to waste.
Go back and reread.
He ain't gonna reschedule. At least not before the midterms
You answer your own question as to the rest Abra su ojoswhen it said it's all talk, i meant el presidente, not uncle buck from riu ffs..
the law is still on the books, growing or possession of cannabis is very illegal to do.. just because the president who is in office now is ok with this, it does't make it any less illegal does it?? am i missing something here, as i'd love to know..
so, for the fifty millionth time, what happens when the next person who happens to get elected is no longer cool w ith marijuana starts to go after smokers and people who possess cannabis?? christ, why is that such a difficult question to answer?? why can't obama do real change, you know, like the aca, and enact a law saying cannabis has been rescheduled, that way, hey, here's a fucking thought, no matter who gets elected, there will no longer be a law to up hold that says you have to arrest cannabis users?
You answer your own question
people start to get arrested and thrown in jail again for cannabis, that's what happen.. what do you think if mitt romney or his mirror image somehow gets into office, they're going to do as the great one has done and simply over look federal law? fuck no, they're going to have their agenda, and do what the people who got them elected wish for them to do, and in the case of a religious right winger, that's obviously going to include locking people up over the devil weed, yet again..
was that really so hard, christ, ten pages later, and i have to answer my own question?
so, until cannabis is rescheduled and people are stopped being told that cannabis is just as bad for you as herion and cocaine, i fail to see a victory, sorry to be debbie downer.. either, legalize, or get off the pot, pun intended of course..
people start to get arrested and thrown in jail again for cannabis, that's what happen.. what do you think if mitt romney or his mirror image somehow gets into office, they're going to do as the great one has done and simply over look federal law? fuck no, they're going to have their agenda, and do what the people who got them elected wish for them to do, and in the case of a religious right winger, that's obviously going to include locking people up over the devil weed, yet again..
was that really so hard, christ, ten pages later, and i have to answer my own question?
so, until cannabis is rescheduled and people are stopped being told that cannabis is just as bad for you as herion and cocaine, i fail to see a victory, sorry to be debbie downer.. either, legalize, or get off the pot, pun intended of course..