Don't date single moms


Well-Known Member
All of these points were addressed in the clip

So your single moms with good jobs who are loving parents do not apply
In the spirit of fairness are you going to post a video clip admonishing dating dead beat dads? There's one that is world traveled that I know of. Grifting his way around the world with kids on nearly every continent. Or is that the type of guy you get a high five from while trashing the women he impregnates?


Well-Known Member
In the spirit of fairness are you going to post a video clip admonishing dating dead beat dads? There's one that is world traveled that I know of. Grifting his way around the world with kids on nearly every continent. Or is that the type of guy you get a high five from while trashing the women he impregnates?
No, this is a thread about dating single mothers

You're welcome to start that thread if you'd like

Are you one of those male feminist types?


Well-Known Member
No, this is a thread about dating single mothers

You're welcome to start that thread if you'd like

Are you one of those male feminist types?
I've become an idealist who believes in equality. Being pessimistic, cynical and worrying about what the other person has is something I make an effort to put behind me. Making a concerted effort to view the world with positivity has done wonders for my mental well being. If we just buy what the media sells then the world will seem like a cold, heartless place. Which it is. However there are alot of positive things going on as well but that doesn't make the general populace feel good about their won little lives. I make a positive difference for some people, hopefully they carry that on a little.


Well-Known Member
I married my last single mom and i wouldnt trade it for the world. She came with the smartest cutest lil girl ever and im proud to be her daddy. Happy to claim her on taxes too. Go child tax credit!!


Well-Known Member
Hey and it's not the Girl's fault they kept the kids. Thank GOD someone did. I don't know the last time you visited a state or federal run orphanage or foster care system was, but go take a look there at those poor kids who have NO parents then come back here and see if your attitude has changed. Or go live with a single mom for a week, it's not all candy and kissing owies. I couldn't give less of a shit how they got into that position, if your not man enough to love someone with kids, and eventually love those kids as your own just admit it, don't kick people while they are down.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Just off the top of my head I know four single moms that dispute the misogynistic view of the op and the video. One is a Professor, one is a nurse, one is a nursing manager, the other owns her own Salon. All make their own money, 3 are very good looking.
off the top of your head do you know their phone #'s? ;)


Well-Known Member
I've become an idealist who believes in equality. Being pessimistic, cynical and worrying about what the other person has is something I make an effort to put behind me. Making a concerted effort to view the world with positivity has done wonders for my mental well being. If we just buy what the media sells then the world will seem like a cold, heartless place. Which it is. However there are alot of positive things going on as well but that doesn't make the general populace feel good about their won little lives. I make a positive difference for some people, hopefully they carry that on a little.
I'm not sure how this applies to this thread or my post


Well-Known Member
What if your one of the dads that had an absolute phsyco of a bitch! That trys her hardest to destroy your angry dawn till bedtime, every frickn day..up and down like roller coaster.but mainly down, never has anything good to say and is clearly delusional? The two most beautiful kids you've ever seen, angels, are slowly getting effected by the crazy behavior? Always pushing away then braking down once a month and saying shes sorry...i love my kids but sometimes the best decision is too walk away for their sake...they know who their dad is and they know I love them! But I can't keep getting dragged across the coals.the pain gets two much and one has to ultimatley think about self happiness before its too late.out doesn't make me a bad dad! but I can't let her keep head fucking me....


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how this applies to this thread or my post
Dealing with the negativity that seeps through you posts. Equality for one. The last two have seemed to have the vein of basically calling a woman a riblet. If you wanted to bring up gender equality like the other thread disguised as gentlemen treatment I have a good one for you. Selective Services. If women truly wanted to be equal they would be clamoring to have to sign up for selective services when they are 18. They have official combat roles now. Shouldn't they too have to know the joys of signing up to be drafted or the joys of a governmental screw up when applying for a college loan only to have it delayed because the g'vment says you never signed up for selective services? Or should women say "Hey why do men have to sign up for selective services when stop loss prevented a draft in the earlier part of this century?" That my friend is a topical handgrenade at a party. Try it sometime.


Well-Known Member
What if your one of the dads that had an absolute phsyco of a bitch! That trys her hardest to destroy your angry dawn till bedtime, every frickn day..up and down like roller coaster.but mainly down, never has anything good to say and is clearly delusional? The two most beautiful kids you've ever seen, angels, are slowly getting effected by the crazy behavior? Always pushing away then braking down once a month and saying shes sorry...i love my kids but sometimes the best decision is too walk away for their sake...they know who their dad is and they know I love them! But I can't keep getting dragged across the coals.the pain gets two much and one has to ultimatley think about self happiness before its too late.out doesn't make me a bad dad! but I can't let her keep head fucking me....
Walk away. Get yourself in a position to obtain as much custody as you can have. Dot your i's and cross your t's. The best revenge against a crazy women is to have a good, happy, successful life. That last part is from personal experience. Kids eventually figure out what was really going on and know who was really crazy. Good Luck with everything.


Well-Known Member
Shits complicated, financial of course..i know it has too happen, but I can't leave my babys and be ' that guy' + ive got nowhere to go lol


Well-Known Member
I had a friend in London whom had a lovely 10 year old daughter. He was only 26 years old himself and had taken care of this baby since the white mother (he's black) left when she was tiny. His parents did help out too but still, what an admirable thing for a 16 year old boy to do. Plus I think the mother was a bit older!

Men can be just as good parents if not better. I've seen it for my own eyes.


Well-Known Member
Shits complicated, financial of course..i know it has too happen, but I can't leave my babys and be ' that guy' + ive got nowhere to go lol
Anyone else close enough to her that you could approach and say hey tell her she's bat shit crazy and needs to get a grip on reality? Sometimes an outside friendly voice can get the gears turning a little. Or can you afford some sort of professional help for her? I'm laughing, but serious.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
What if your one of the dads that had an absolute phsyco of a bitch! That trys her hardest to destroy your angry dawn till bedtime, every frickn day..up and down like roller coaster.but mainly down, never has anything good to say and is clearly delusional? The two most beautiful kids you've ever seen, angels, are slowly getting effected by the crazy behavior? Always pushing away then braking down once a month and saying shes sorry...i love my kids but sometimes the best decision is too walk away for their sake...they know who their dad is and they know I love them! But I can't keep getting dragged across the coals.the pain gets two much and one has to ultimatley think about self happiness before its too late.out doesn't make me a bad dad! but I can't let her keep head fucking me....
so you run away and leave the kids to fend for themselves with said crazy bitch?

I couldn't do that.


Well-Known Member
I knew this Mormon single mother. Well, she considered herself a Mormon even though she was cast out on account of the little one. But she still wore the crazy Mormon underwear.  Something would come over her as she peeled those Mormon undies down her beautiful Mormon single mother body. By the time they got down to her waist, she'd be saying the dirtiest things.  Awful things.... Denying the angel Moroni, calling John Smith a "stone fool". She always called it "fornicating". It was pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
so you run away and leave the kids to fend for themselves with said crazy bitch?

I couldn't do that.
Some dudes gotta pull back and re organize for a counter attack. My buddy did it and it sucked for a year. He ended up with full custody, the kids were older though.


Well-Known Member
Why does it always have to be aggression or a form of? Another fucking power move playing stupid games? The only ones who get hurt are the kids..what will be will be...i can only pay she wakes up and seeks help Herself..

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
People, pick up on what I'm putting down.
Welfare mothers, make better lovers.


thump easy

Well-Known Member
[video=youtube_share;sm2aFSRz5O8][/video]dude you posted the wrong video^^^^^^^^^this is the one you ment..