My first grow guys!

Hey matt my plants r bout a foot n a half from touching but I put weights on them,but I have a ?,1 of my stems r hollow its grown fine but do u no why that happened?


Don't chuck it out yet cdd, sometimes plants look like male initially but given a little more time you can tell for sure, plants can form little pods that look like male plants but in fact turn out to be female because they are not developed enough. But like green said there is a good chance it is male, this is just a small chance it will turn out female.

I switched 12/12 today, well I switched the bulb the nutes and the water schedule but it will only get 3 hours extra dark on this schedule then change to 12/12 from tomorrow. No pre-flowers as yet as I just changed so will give it a week. Boosted the nutes up as well so hopefully that wont cause to many issues, plants were looking like they needed more anyway.

Green a hollow stem in many plants is caused by malnutrition or diseases but thankfully in Cannabis and hemp its actually a good thing, often a plant with a hollow stem is bigger or has a good possibility to produce higher yields. Be happy man, it means that plant is probably going to give you a good harvest. The only down side to hollow stems is if you were trying to clone, it is harder to root than with a plant that isn't hollow.


Well-Known Member
Oh so don't throw it out yet?? Lol like a very slim chance it is female? Can I switch to 12-12 now?


Males will not pollenate female plants immediately, it takes the sacks time to develop then open. This does not happen when they are just little balls, it is only their pre-sex stage, they will grow usually up to the first two weeks of flower and then start to open, at which point if you were super fast removing them you may only face a little of your plants being pollenated. Often this is not the case though as pollen can travel for miles and pollenate every plant within that radius (this is a huge issue with idiots outdoors who leave male plants in because they figure the cops were onto their grow, if your grow is all female and a mile from theirs next thing you know your whole crop is pollenated = WTF man)


I am in dark at the moment so I cant take a photo to show you the difference in mine, but the ones I posted a couple of pages back are pretty clear. Don't be to concerned about pulling until you get closer to flower, I switched now and I will check every day and probably pull WWxS#1 very soon, as long as you get it in that first week of flower your pretty safe.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking of switching to 12-12 now. So I will know for sure.. So you say there is a good possibility this is a male right? It looks so healthy and beautiful haha I don't wanna kill it!


Oh I forgot to mention I dropped my GSC fem seed today, included pic next to my clones. Tried to expose to air today but they started wilting (day 3) so am going to give them another 24 hours and try again. The rock wool is not drying out very quickly so little worried about the water content being to much, going to not water them till they just about dry out completely. About 10 days to root so we will see how my first attempt cloning weed goes. Does not matter to much if it fails as I will probably just run GSC clones for next grow, might be little slow on the transition with growing out GSC for 2 months then cloning but no matter, hope for enough buds from this grow to last me few months.



You just topped a few days ago give them at least till next week to get some growth going on those tops. Try to be patient, the plants will reward you for it and id say by then you will be able to tell the sex from pre-flowers anyway for sure.


The reason I switched 12/12 is because the height of my grow space if they shoot up another 1x to 1 1/2x the distance between my light and the tops of the buds will still allow about 12-20 inches (hopefully). You have much more room than me height wise so I would take advantage of that and allow them to grow out a bit more (especially if you have one male), it will mean better yields from your females.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah true so it's safe to leave the one in there though right just to make sure it's male. Prolly just gonna take it out so I have more room.


Matt does this look weird? In my main stock it formed this big knot is it a common thing? Is it weird? As u can c n 1 of the pics its the main stem
The reason for knots in plant growth is usually due to a breakage in the stem at some point, so the plant sends a lot of energy to that spot to repair any damage that it may have suffered. If it did not face any damage at that point it can be from diseases in the stems of plants on occasion but this would usually be met with slower growth and visual signs in leaves.

I would say if neither of these things is the cause it could perhaps have been if you topped the plant a little to close to the stem it may have sent a lot of energy to that point causing the knot and as a result the increased branch growth.

Not 100% sure but had that happen on a mango tree once in one of my old houses when my ass hat neighbor just lopped half the tree off because he said it was blocking his view. It created a massive (I mean massive it was about 5 inches high and across) knot in the stem and next thing I knew the tree shot off new branches in all sorts of weird directions.


I don't want it to be a male! Lol
Yeh unless your a breeder males suck, its like all that effort to throw something in your neighbors trash (chuckle)...

Makes you sad.

But oh well that is part of growing weed, you just have to smile if you get fems and nothing hermies and put the males behind you. I have seen grows with all males or all hermies, now that would suck more. I think those situations can occur with anyone but many lazy growers or people who just leave plants to do their own thing. The first type don't really deserve it but the second, don't put the effort in don't grow weed!



flowering day 2, I am not sure but ice and wwxskunk#1 may be males, giving them a few days to see for sure, the ww looks like it has balls on one node but on another looks like hairs, so it may be a hermie perhaps, they are still very small so need to wait and see.

The stem of my plant outside that snapped over was still standing up but it looks like even with the bandage some pests attacked it and now its super thin, think it may have had it, will need to wait and see, I wrapped it again and covered the stem with dirt this time.

I love the color change, I was getting sick of that bright whitish blue light.

If you think you should do it but make sure it is male first. I keep checking mine each day, will take some photos of the nodes and you can see what you think. I was really sure the WW was a male but now from the other nodes I cant be sure.

The growth in flower is amazing nearly a couple of inches in two days.