Well-Known Member
My well water is typically 30-50ppm all year around so I am good to go and I have to add CalMg, but I learned this before I got his bookblackstrap molasse for chloramine but you can only use so much of it right? I am lucky here I think tapwater is pretty good though I have never tested it. I am curious about the spikes it would allow me to have overall weaker soil with the spikes I am definitely going to give it a try. It is true in nature you find ''pockets'' of food in the soil like wherever the animals pooed or where the rats died etc....
He has master mix soil recipe a beefed up super soil with a balance of slow and fast releasing nutrients you have to cook like Subs before using due to high N and P sources.
Nonetheless the master mix recipe of his did best so far of all recipes and container style growing I've tried. I find the TLO layering style of building containers is helpful if you don't have cooked soil at the ready. This is where the layering and spikes help keep young plant roots safe till soil biology prepares food for consumption.
Otherwise I would just prefer to build a soil that can go the whole distance, just add water which my PHOGS does for me keeping me busy doing other things.
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