What's For Dinner Tonight?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone own these Bacon Bowl things?
I was reading you can just use muffin tins to do the same job.

They say you can bake or nuke theses things and it neatly collects the grease.

Good for baking other things as well.

good for baking up a bacon fueled heart attack. I saw the commercial for that thing and really thought, what would bacon in the shape of a bowl do to improve my quality of life? Zero point two seconds later id come to the conclution that it would take up space in my kitchen and help distribute plaque on my carotid artery causing needless clutter and then death.:):):)


Well-Known Member
I picked up this salmon bento box today .
Oh man that stuff is so tasty , I've never really done sushi before
I love the seaweed and mushroom thingy , and fresh raw salmon mmmmmmmmmm with abit of wasabi and soy .
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thump easy

Well-Known Member
ow man i got chicken ribs and steaks lamb chops ill post tommorow im done i got STONE sublimely self righteouse ale FUCK it stout!! NO JOKE THIS SHIT IS FUCKING GOOD!!! IM HAPPY ITS GREAT WHEN THE FRIDGE IS FULL!!!! ;)

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
good for baking up a bacon fueled heart attack. I saw the commercial for that thing and really thought, what would bacon in the shape of a bowl do to improve my quality of life? Zero point two seconds later id come to the conclution that it would take up space in my kitchen and help distribute plaque on my carotid artery causing needless clutter and then death.:):):)
I eat a pound of bacon every 2-3 months, usually half the the pac for a meal.
Moderation. I don't think it will kill me though I see your point.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I picked up this salmon bento box today .
Oh man that stuff is so tasty , I've never really done sushi before
I love the seaweed and mushroom thingy , and fresh raw salmon mmmmmmmmmm with abit of wasabi and soy .
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I never had the balls for sushi, yet.
Salmon is great but the price has been so expensive over the last few years.
I sometimes see Alaskan river salmon in some stores.
It's almost red and not orange in color.
Damn it looks soooo good.


Well-Known Member
Hey clint, howd you like the sweet bean curd inari? Thats a good one to start out with. I love the flying fish roe.... tobakio??....wait, google.....tobiko ahh yes. Its a texture thing. I like the crunchy pops in my mouth from those but the salmon roe, its kinda squishy and not so poppy crunchy. I cant really do that as well.


Well-Known Member
Hey clint, howd you like the sweet bean curd inari? Thats a good one to start out with. I love the flying fish roe.... tobakio??....wait, google.....tobiko ahh yes. Its a texture thing. I like the crunchy pops in my mouth from those but the salmon roe, its kinda squishy and not so poppy crunchy. I cant really do that as well.
Wow you know your stuff aw ! I had no idea what any of it was apert from salmon and rice Hahaha lol
So i looked up tobiko , it looks like what i had on my roll thingies . It's supposed to be very good for you in small amounts .
I havn't tried the sweet bean curd inari yet (i thought it was a turd !!! ) i only tried a pice of salmon and some vegies , they were really nice .
i'll have the rest abit later , i will let you know what the turd was like !!!!!:-P


Staff member
Next time take the wakame and put it with the bean curd a bit of wasabi and pickled ginger it's like heaven


Well-Known Member
I never had the balls for sushi, yet.
Salmon is great but the price has been so expensive over the last few years.
I sometimes see Alaskan river salmon in some stores.
It's almost red and not orange in color.
Damn it looks soooo good.
Those little ball things are nice nutes . I never had them either , i found out they were flying fish row called tobiko , Thanx alienwidow :clap:
Salmon is really pricey here to , this meal cost $14 au , i thought that was cheap .
I know what you mean about the color of the fish , here in aus we have rainbow and brown trout ,
If you buy from a shop or go to a fish farm they are pink , if you catch the wild fish here they are red because of the yabbys and such they eat in the wild .


Well-Known Member
Next time take the wakame and put it with the bean curd a bit of wasabi and pickled ginger it's like heaven
Hey thanks sunni , i havnt had it yet so i will try this out !
Now i now what the sea weed stuff is called , cheers

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Those little ball things are nice nutes . I never had them either , i found out they were flying fish row called tobiko , Thanx alienwidow :clap:
Salmon is really pricey here to , this meal cost $14 au , i thought that was cheap .
I know what you mean about the color of the fish , here in aus we have rainbow and brown trout ,
If you buy from a shop or go to a fish farm they are pink , if you catch the wild fish here they are red because of the yabbys and such they eat in the wild .
Maybe I should rephrase 'Balls' as in nuts or nads or male gentailia.
Raw fish just freaks me out.

I think closest thing was smoked salmon, which was tasty.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I should rephrase 'Balls' as in nuts or nads or male gentailia.
Raw fish just freaks me out.

I think closest thing was smoked salmon, which was tasty.
OOOOOHHHHHHHH i getcha now , who didn't read a post properly "clint did !!!"
I do my own smoked fish and it is the best eva , the key is to rub brown suger all over the fish b4 you smoke it !


Well-Known Member
Sushis better when it comes with the uneaten parts of the creature your eating still moving on the plate. Youtube that shit for a good chuckle. The lobsters cool ;)