Sleeping pills that work....any ideas??


Well-Known Member
Ive been getting between 2 and 6 hours of sleep a night for the last couple months and lately its been alot of two hour nights. Its getting kinda scary thinking about surviving on two hours of sleep a night so i think its time to invest a couple bucks on somthing to knock me on my ass for eight hours.
I wake up five hours before my alarm goes off and when i open my eyes I always know that ive underslept again and I scream Nooooooooo!!! in my head because i know theres no chance of me getting back to sleep for hours, and once im awake its all over for sleep time.
ive tried melatonin and that doesnt work for me, neither does valarian root, or i tried somthing tonight called galla-galla or some crap. None of it works.
Can anyone point me twards a sleep aid that works really good. I dont care if its not herbal as long as i can sleep. I dont want to go and get a perscription because doctors love to get you on addictive meds and ill pass on that. Any suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance.
I've tried melatonin years ago and slept for like 12 hours, it sucked.
I saw you mentioned that.
Beer works.
Getting smashed is the only thing that lets me fall asleep when i want to fall asleep. But then i have to plan it out that im drunk enough to when i want to crash, and i feel like shit in the morning and usually sleep around seven hours. I had these pills once and they were green on one side and black on the other. God they were great. I could sleep like 10 hours on them and i felt like i could do anything the next day.
Well I was gonna say Ambien or Trazodone, but if you don't want to go to a doctor and get a script I would say good ol' benadryl pills. I have a pretty high tolerance to most things, and short of prescription meds nothing puts me on my ass like 50mg or so of benadryl. Also it doesn't feel as gross on the system as other pills, I don't feel like I'm destroying my liver or anything like drinking nyquil does.
Well I was gonna say Ambien or Trazodone, but if you don't want to go to a doctor and get a script I would say good ol' benadryl pills. I have a pretty high tolerance to most things, and short of prescription meds nothing puts me on my ass like 50mg or so of benadryl. Also it doesn't feel as gross on the system as other pills, I don't feel like I'm destroying my liver or anything like drinking nyquil does.
Oh god, nyquil tastes like shit. I almost throw up when i drink that crap. Im almost ashamed to say ive done it a couple times because it tastes so bad.
Getting smashed is the only thing that lets me fall asleep when i want to fall asleep. But then i have to plan it out that im drunk enough to when i want to crash, and i feel like shit in the morning and usually sleep around seven hours. I had these pills once and they were green on one side and black on the other. God they were great. I could sleep like 10 hours on them and i felt like i could do anything the next day.

Sounds like Librium (Chlordiazepoxide)

Oh god, nyquil tastes like shit. I almost throw up when i drink that crap. Im almost ashamed to say ive done it a couple times because it tastes so bad.
Not as ashamed as I am at how much I love the taste of the red nyquil. But yeah, the green nyquil can go fuck its self, along with everything else that is licorice/anise flavored.
It says benadryl is an allergy medicine...?
It is an antihistamine, so usually used for allergies and anything that itches. But it, like a lot of antihistamines, will knock you on your ass. Thats why they take them out of nyquil to make dayquil.
they were more football shaped than that and the green was darker, and the color separation was in vertical not horazontal. Im going to see if i can find em on images but i doubt it.
Ah. Librium was the only sleeping pill I knew off the top of my head that was green and black. On a separate note about benadryl, this is a quote from someone on an allergy board talking about the sleep effect I was talking about "How do you prevent so much drowsiness from Benadryl? It is the only medicine that works for me, but it makes me pass out for hours. It's not that exciting to be [FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important]allergy [/FONT][FONT=inherit !important]free[/FONT][/FONT] when you sleep through it all!" So yeah, allergy medicine on purpose, sleeping pill on accident.
Not as ashamed as I am at how much I love the taste of the red nyquil. But yeah, the green nyquil can go fuck its self, along with everything else that is licorice/anise flavored.

I take red nyquil (or cheap substitute) in a sore throat spray bottle and keep at my bedside.
Great for waking up with a dry throat and might help you to rest.
Not many things help me to rest.
Not as ashamed as I am at how much I love the taste of the red nyquil. But yeah, the green nyquil can go fuck its self, along with everything else that is licorice/anise flavored.
Thats licorice flavoured? More like intestinal juice flavoured, just thinking about it makes me want to heave.:spew:
Ah. Librium was the only sleeping pill I knew off the top of my head that was green and black. On a separate note about benadryl, this is a quote from someone on an allergy board talking about the sleep effect I was talking about "How do you prevent so much drowsiness from Benadryl? It is the only medicine that works for me, but it makes me pass out for hours. It's not that exciting to be [FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important]allergy [/FONT][FONT=inherit !important]free[/FONT][/FONT] when you sleep through it all!" So yeah, allergy medicine on purpose, sleeping pill on accident.

That's interesting.
I have allergies.
Gonna buy some B when I get some extra $.
I take red nyquil (or cheap substitute) in a sore throat spray bottle and keep at my bedside.
Great for waking up with a dry throat and might help you to rest.
Not many things help me to rest.
Same here. That's why if you look at a graph over time of my posts I hit my peak right around 3am-4am. I've dealt with insomnia a lot though, when I was in highschool (Which was longer ago than I care to think about) I usually didn't sleep at all from sunday-wednesday, at which point I would be tired enough to crash. Never went more than 5 days without sleep though, and only gone 5 days twice. About day 3-4 you really start hallucinating, and not in a fun way. Makes me shudder to remember what that must have done to my heart, now that I'm old enough to worry about that sort of thing
Since we are talking the chemical route anyway


Have you ever tried breaving exercises , Sounds like BS i know but they do help so many people , myself included

Also sometime people do better taking a mild - mid range stimulant than a sedative

KRATOM , always does the trick for me
Same here. That's why if you look at a graph over time of my posts I hit my peak right around 3am-4am. I've dealt with insomnia a lot though, when I was in highschool (Which was longer ago than I care to think about) I usually didn't sleep at all from sunday-wednesday, at which point I would be tired enough to crash. Never went more than 5 days without sleep though, and only gone 5 days twice. About day 3-4 you really start hallucinating, and not in a fun way. Makes me shudder to remember what that must have done to my heart, now that I'm old enough to worry about that sort of thing

I remember my 20's where I stayed up friday morning till early Monday morning.
Seems my body has been on a 30+ hour day.
Not 24 like the sun says.
Since we are talking the chemical route anyway


Have you ever tried breaving exercises , Sounds like BS i know but they do help so many people , myself included

Also sometime people do better taking a mild - mid range stimulant than a sedative

KRATOM , always does the trick for me

A workout is always good.
At work I'm on my feet most of the time though,
I come home more mentally exhausted than physically.
It's hard to un-wind.