What's For Dinner Tonight?

OOOOOHHHHHHHH i getcha now , who didn't read a post properly "clint did !!!"
I do my own smoked fish and it is the best eva , the key is to rub brown suger all over the fish b4 you smoke it !

My neig has a smoker he made out of an old ice cream truck.
All sorsta vents and shit but he can dial in a certain temp and smoke.
He quick smoked some fish in about an hour with higher temps.
Still some tasty fish.
He smokes all sorts of meat in it.
That's for you aw !
That one is for me !
See everyone does it !!!!!
Sick fucker... I'd rather eat stank old 5 days un showered pussy....
I'd rather octopus than smellypuss !!!!!

Thats perfect, i cant rep you for it though lmao! Too much rep to clint mesage still :):):)
Hahaha i get that mesage all the time with you guys :hug: I mean when i try to add to other peoples rep !!

oh man, at 2:33 that snake thats got him by the nose! Baaaaahahahahaaaa
Tell me that wouldn't hurt ? and they are highly poisonous still at that age !!!
He must be immune to the venom i guess .

That is funny in a away.
Just young men showing off.
Non of them said it tasted good.

Tru they said nothing about what it tasted like !
I guess that didn't have to , they know how good it is !!!!!
What's wrong with good ole hamburgers and French fries?

so sick of this fucking Nanny internet shit... I was going to show you guys the Nelson Technique to cleaning roughed grouse. But youtube won't let me post unless I verify I am 18 years old.....

Now now tell me , why should I at 45 years old be inconvenienced because some parent let ther kids surf the internet without a seatbelt and helmet.

Sorry for the rant, I am just sick of this fucking nanny shit.