OK if i stop "wasting" water, I want people to stop over fishing the oceans, Stop poaching, Stop raping, Stop,Stop, Stop, Stop!!!
Every year the population grows which means MORE PEOPLE, MORE HOUSES, MORE WATER BEING USED.
If i stopped using the water i do use which is minimal how is that gonna help cause i know the Jackass next door isnt.
I live in a place that has a home owners association, One of the rules here is Do not run your water past 10PM cause most of the time ppl will forget it and leave it on and drain the pond then someone has to go up and refill it, Long story short Like half the ppl dont abide by the rules.
My point is if getting ppl to stop wasting water is not working, They should concentrate on trying to find other ways to get water rather then telling ppl to stop using it, cause the ones that are using it arent listening, And the ones that are there is not enough to make a difference.
In the end i guess they could make Water prices more then Gas that should help right? LMAO