Boycott hydro in California

Hydro doesn't mean letting a faucet run over the plants. I used dwc and almost all the water is consumed by the plant. I do about three res changes, so in a four month grow I throw out about 15 gallons. I'd guess soil growers waste more than that from their run off.
seriously though, there is alllllll sorts of ways to get water from the desert, just study it, innovate, there's ways around, I promise.

I watched Survivorman collect water in the Sahara. I am positive you can do this method and get a LOT of water quite easily in California.

Shit, I seen Bear Grills dig a hole in the desert and get water and then shit in the same hole. go figure, that was saving a flush.
Shit, I seen Bear Grills dig a hole in the desert and get water and then shit in the same hole. go figure, that was saving a flush.
Yeah! Can you guys down south please start doing that in your back yards please? Haha! Seriously though! Lol
Fuck me our planet is made up of water more than land so how can there be a shortage lol neva heard so much bs in all my life lol
Whats the point? Conserve all you want but you have more people than the land can support in a "comfortable" way. Adapt or move to a more "comfortable" place, just like animals do. Do like florida and build a desalination plant that sends its waste water to the hydroelectric plant before being returned to the ocean. Reuseable power and water but you arent going to do that because who wants to look at one of those ugly plants? But I hear ya, its easier to stay in Cali and bitch about smog, water shortages, and power problems than it is to move to a place with plenty of power, water, and clean air because those places arent the cool place to be.
Truth about water is every piss you take , every drop
you drink every drop in the shower that goes down the drain
eventually either goes back into the water supply or evaporates and becomes clouds.
we live in a big fishbowl (atmosphere) and the water doesn't just disappear it may relocate
But it will never ever disappear. Probl is there's too many people in Cali and you guys have way too much sex !
stop fucking so much your overpopulating the joint!
waters not the prob, too many people in a arid region is!
Since when did hydro equate dumping gallons of water down the drain? By your argument why not boycott soil growers for watering for runoff?

I grew hydro, I never dumped a drop. The plants drank it.

Why not boycott all growing entirely. Surely if there is a water shortage then being able to drink is more important than having a toke?

Uh Oh! There is the real kicker......I water my soil with......hold it.......WATER!
Hmm,,,logic says that if I maintain my hydro runs properly and the same for my soil runs. Other then my dump at change over, Whoopsy, can't count that as it goes on my veggies out doors , thus reducing that watering by the same amount,,,,Then,,,,I USE THE SAME AMOUNT OF WATER!

This whole Cali drought thing had me thinking about how you here about how they keep proposing some dumbass pipleline from the great lakes to the West Coast...

I can say with 100% certainty that no matter how much $$$ they offer, the people in the Midwest could give less than a dam about all the people that left the rustbelt for the dry left coast....

trust me, droughts, water shortages, earthquakes; whatever: they won't get one drop of water from the Great Lakes:hump:
I know I'm sorta beating a dead horse here but, you know that around 5 years ago, we started sending 30% LESS water down south because of what happened to our chinook salmon fisheries. Central california is pissed! But what if we had sent that extra 30% this year? Does anyone realize how low the dammed up river systems are up here? You know, the lakes that get drained to fulfill the needs of a completely different region/regions? I just can't imagine if we HAD sent that extra 30% this last year,,,, crazy shit man.
Now, as much as we all need to help through conserving, pushing the ultra-liberals to allow desalination plants, smarter agriculture, and other things, to call out "hydro" growers is lame! But if the OP really thought your typical hydro grower used way more water than himself, he prob doesn't think it now, rite
Ive thought about the water use issue with hydro. the only thing Ive come up with, and this is dependent on your space availability, is a system to distill your waste-water. if you had the space you could ,fairly easily, construct a passive solar distiller that would reclaim your h2o and leave the impurities behind. A small submersible heater( think large fish tank heater) could help with the process. The only problem i see, and i haven't run numbers, is you would probably need a containment vessel multiple times the size of the system your running in order to store the waste-water and process enough to not have to add makeup water. It's doable..whether its worth it...IDK.
A desperate and obviously futile attempt by a soil grower to shift his local market.

No one could really be so dense as to think that hydro growers are a significant source of water consumption in the state.
OK if i stop "wasting" water, I want people to stop over fishing the oceans, Stop poaching, Stop raping, Stop,Stop, Stop, Stop!!!

Every year the population grows which means MORE PEOPLE, MORE HOUSES, MORE WATER BEING USED.

If i stopped using the water i do use which is minimal how is that gonna help cause i know the Jackass next door isnt.

I live in a place that has a home owners association, One of the rules here is Do not run your water past 10PM cause most of the time ppl will forget it and leave it on and drain the pond then someone has to go up and refill it, Long story short Like half the ppl dont abide by the rules.

My point is if getting ppl to stop wasting water is not working, They should concentrate on trying to find other ways to get water rather then telling ppl to stop using it, cause the ones that are using it arent listening, And the ones that are there is not enough to make a difference.

In the end i guess they could make Water prices more then Gas that should help right? LMAO

OK if i stop "wasting" water, I want people to stop over fishing the oceans, Stop poaching, Stop raping, Stop,Stop, Stop, Stop!!!

Every year the population grows which means MORE PEOPLE, MORE HOUSES, MORE WATER BEING USED.

If i stopped using the water i do use which is minimal how is that gonna help cause i know the Jackass next door isnt.

I live in a place that has a home owners association, One of the rules here is Do not run your water past 10PM cause most of the time ppl will forget it and leave it on and drain the pond then someone has to go up and refill it, Long story short Like half the ppl dont abide by the rules.

My point is if getting ppl to stop wasting water is not working, They should concentrate on trying to find other ways to get water rather then telling ppl to stop using it, cause the ones that are using it arent listening, And the ones that are there is not enough to make a difference.

In the end i guess they could make Water prices more then Gas that should help right? LMAO

well, thanks for replying. I understand what your saying.

This isn't about comparing and justifying your own water consumption against someone else's.

everybody needs to make an effort to conserve water in every category of their life.

water more expensive than gas...? why is that so unbelievable?
Stop reading between the lines, and seeing what you only want to see!!

I remember hearing about the water crisis when i was a kid, Man did soemthing change cause this is the same song and dance ppl were doing 15-20 years ago, and my water still flows out of my faucet.

Yea or you're just a complete moron!

I also didnt say use all the water you want, you like to put words in peoples mouths, you only see, and read what you want!

Stop listening to everything the government tells you!

In California they pay growers to not grow, there is bare farm land all around due to the governments regulations!

About 70 percent of the Earth's surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth's water, 2.5 Percent is fresh water like 1 percent of that is stored in glaciers.

They have processing plants to process the salt out of the ocean water and make it clean drinking water.

Do some research bro!!