Boycott hydro in California

In the end we are all born to die!

Accept this fact and you will be fine.

Water is not the biggest issue here, and if you're to blind to see that im sry have a good day sir!
How often do you water your grass, shave with the water running, shower, flush the toilet? Hydro isn't creating as much of a void as these other things that seem to get over looked.

10-minute shower at 5 gallons per minute is 50 gallons of water used per shower.
A 10-minute shower at 2.5 gallons per minute is 25 gallons of water used per shower.

If you shower everyday even for 5 minutes that is Based on the small one) = 12.5g x 7 days = 93.75 gallons.

My aero unit probably uses 20 - 25 gallons/ per week. Thats a quarter of showering. I think you should boycott showering not flowering, haha <----- that's funny
just be concious, and eco-friendly with how much water your using for your grow, and in the rest of your life.

1st world problems, right?
Yea or you're just a complete moron!

I also didnt say use all the water you want, you like to put words in peoples mouths, you only see, and read what you want!

Stop listening to everything the government tells you!

In California they pay growers to not grow, there is bare farm land all around due to the governments regulations!

About 70 percent of the Earth's surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth's water, 2.5 Percent is fresh water like 1 percent of that is stored in glaciers.

They have processing plants to process the salt out of the ocean water and make it clean drinking water.

Do some research bro!!

Fresh water is cheaper. You don't want to take a hit on your profits do you?
just be concious, and eco-friendly with how much water your using for your grow, and in the rest of your life.

1st world problems, right?

If we focused on the 1st world problems they would be solved. Yet we still send aid and help to countries that hate us.
First, I know how ridiculous that sounds, but my intent is only positive.

but folks, were In a water crisis here. Have you heard? Cycling and dumping gallons of water down the drain during a hydro grow is not okay.

How many gallons of water a week do you use for your grow?

lol i have a very greedy plant at the moment that is drinking something like 6-8 liters per day
How often do you water your grass, shave with the water running, shower, flush the toilet? Hydro isn't creating as much of a void as these other things that seem to get over looked.

My aero unit probably uses 20 - 25 gallons/ per week. Thats a quarter of showering. I think you should boycott showering not flowering, haha <----- that's funny

Damn Global warming and cow farts !

Hey we could be like China and just be able to have one off spring, Just So Cal of course.
Ive thought about the water use issue with hydro. the only thing Ive come up with, and this is dependent on your space availability, is a system to distill your waste-water. if you had the space you could ,fairly easily, construct a passive solar distiller that would reclaim your h2o and leave the impurities behind. A small submersible heater( think large fish tank heater) could help with the process. The only problem i see, and i haven't run numbers, is you would probably need a containment vessel multiple times the size of the system your running in order to store the waste-water and process enough to not have to add makeup water. It's doable..whether its worth it...IDK.
If you want to go that route for a grower..what you could do is set up a condensate pump from your A/C unit..that is if you are running it this time of year any in cali..also your dehumidifier and collect the water run off that it has distilled kind of out of the the condensate line to a condensate drain pump and run it to a holding barrel or tank and collect it.
You would be surprised at how much condensate water a A/C unit or dehumidifier will put off.Gallons and gallons of it per day.
Another thing about Cali. though.
They seem to be able to shit billion of dollars from a broke economy for a high speed rail system..but dont have the money to put huge underground storage tanks in to collect and store water that would actually be needed and would probably cost far less than a unwanted and unneeded high speed rail system that runs to Fresno California.
The farmers are sweating it right now in cali because the government is going to shut their water off..someone didnt tell Washington that the food produced in cali is needed to feed people with.
Kind of like Ethanol.
Freakin retards running this country..i swear it,Who in the hell votes these people in?
Unbelievable kind of stupid.
You would think if you lived in a desert you would want a water supply.
Hell no ..cant have any of that shit..we need a high speed rail system.
The whole economy of cali needs water.WOW. When you think of cali i know most people think of gays and hippys..well actually cali is one of the largest agri states in the country,
More food comes from that state than anywhere else.
Watch them run out of water cry and wine about it then blame all the neighboring state(who are also short on water)for not giving them their water.
But everyone will pay in the form of higher costs for food for that kind of stupid.
I hope when you get the high speed rail system you tie jerry brown to the front of it along with hollywood wacky doodles and run them at at full speed up and down the rail system at like..300 miles a hour through the middle of a desert waste land in what used to be farm land.
OK if i stop "wasting" water, I want people to stop over fishing the oceans, Stop poaching, Stop raping, Stop,Stop, Stop, Stop!!!

Every year the population grows which means MORE PEOPLE, MORE HOUSES, MORE WATER BEING USED.

If i stopped using the water i do use which is minimal how is that gonna help cause i know the Jackass next door isnt.

I live in a place that has a home owners association, One of the rules here is Do not run your water past 10PM cause most of the time ppl will forget it and leave it on and drain the pond then someone has to go up and refill it, Long story short Like half the ppl dont abide by the rules.

My point is if getting ppl to stop wasting water is not working, They should concentrate on trying to find other ways to get water rather then telling ppl to stop using it, cause the ones that are using it arent listening, And the ones that are there is not enough to make a difference.

In the end i guess they could make Water prices more then Gas that should help right? LMAO

Translation:Cali is full of stinky hippys so a few more wont hurt a thing.
How often do you water your grass, shave with the water running, shower, flush the toilet? Hydro isn't creating as much of a void as these other things that seem to get over looked.

10-minute shower at 5 gallons per minute is 50 gallons of water usedper shower.
A 10-minute shower at 2.5 gallons per minute is 25 gallons of water used per shower.

If you shower everyday even for 5 minutes that is Based on the small one) = 12.5g x 7 days = 93.75 gallons.

My aero unit probably uses 20 - 25 gallons/ per week. Thats a quarter of showering. I think you should boycott showering not flowering, haha <----- that's funny

Translation:Cali is full of stinky hippys so a few more wont matter.
there is definatly a water problem in cali but hydro is not the culprit my leftover nutes go on my fruit trees green things help purify the air i breathe air quality another cali problem so in my opinion its water well spent drink more beer i say unless you want to shut that down too
Re use the water, water your outside garden, trees and lawn with it. The garden and your water bill will thank you. Also, consider changing to "natural soaps" for baths, save the bath water and water your garden with it bucket brigade style. Or , change your home plumbing system to greywater and really pump up your savings. Reduce, re-use, re-purpose, recycle. Link to greywater page . Hope this helps people conserve and get the most out of their water.

Reading between the lines huh?

Like i said im done, my views have been posted if you dont like them well thats your opinion.

I wasn't disagreeing with you, lol.

If I were a water producing facility and it costs half as much to cleanse fresh water. Then I am only going to use fresh water. If there is a fresh water shortage We announce a drought. Therefore allowing me to increase prices and either use freshwater and or salt water to supplement what is needed.

It just let's them justify higher prices.
The biggest source of problems is often solutions.

look people, there is always a solution to every problem..... The obvious solution to this problem is get one of those portable emergency filters that you can piss into from an army surplus that converts you piss into water and drink LOTS of
