Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

It has taken me about 2 days but I have read the majority of this thread.. and WOW man. IMPRESSIVE! I am new to this forum and I am glad I found your thread. Lots of information here. Id love to pick your brain sometime :)

Pick away bro, always happy to help. There are some great guys who hang out in here, and if I don't know the answer, they will. We're all mainly organic soil gardeners though, not a whole lot of Hydro know how around here, except for Hamish that is. He knows his hydro stuff.


:bigjoint: Myco
Pick away bro, always happy to help. There are some great guys who hang out in here, and if I don't know the answer, they will. We're all mainly organic soil gardeners though, not a whole lot of Hydro know how around here, except for Hamish that is. He knows his hydro stuff.

:bigjoint: Myco

Thank you Kind Sir! .. I believe you and I think a lot a like. I am more interested in organic soil than Hydo. I am however as green as they come.. (and not the environmental green.. NEWB green) LOL.. I am not new to buds, but raising my own will be a new thing for me. I did one time half ass style in college... but that was almost 10 years ago. I am much more interested in quality than anything and your pics were making me drool! I am a big believe in the medical qualities of it all. I took prescription medication for 10+years.. almost 2 years ago I about ruined my entire life with bad decision making and a messed up mind (I quit taking all med). I am now in a good place and have quit drinking alcohol as well. I stopped for two years about 4 years ago (drank the last 2).. and now have stopped again. Drinking is not for me.. That is for sure. Marijuana is the only medicine I need or want in my life.
Out of curiosity is there not a PM function with this forum? Or do I need to have been a member for a while with multiple posts to achieve PM greatness? LOL I guess I am kinda looking for a mentor, one or multiple with patience that can help me from the ground up. I have absolutely no equipment .. anything at all. I am one of those people that likes to do things right the first time and honestly don't want to make costly mistakes. My wife and I are 6 months into our first pregnancy and I cant be failing more than I succeed :)

I apologize if I am thread jacking in any way...
Out of curiosity is there not a PM function with this forum? Or do I need to have been a member for a while with multiple posts to achieve PM greatness? LOL I guess I am kinda looking for a mentor, one or multiple with patience that can help me from the ground up. I have absolutely no equipment .. anything at all. I am one of those people that likes to do things right the first time and honestly don't want to make costly mistakes. My wife and I are 6 months into our first pregnancy and I cant be failing more than I succeed :)

I apologize if I am thread jacking in any way...

I think it is around a week before you have full abilities like PM's and repping etc. And above 30 posts or something. You can find all the info in the 'support' section it is a bit buried though...
Good to hear you're turning your life around bro, huge props for that. I was in your old boat myself. It's a hard thing to completely change your ways, and it doesn't happen overnight. We all slip, no shame in it if it makes your resolve more intense in the end. I know I'm so much healthier for stopping all that crap. Plus I'm a lot more motivated, and able to get my shit done, always. I have been drinking Honey Brown in the evenings, helps me sleep sometimes.
So what are some of your questions bro?

Here's one for ya about the medical establishment. I had a Spinal Cord Stimulator put in my lower back, and now I can't get the same surgeon, or any surgeon to take it out. They don't take my insurance, WTF!!! They put a toxic device under my epidermis with a not so long shelf life before almost guaranteed epic failure(10 years), and take absolutely no responsibility for it. That asshole didn't even place it correctly the first time, and there was a revision surgery done. Should have thrown up red flags, but at a certain point you just get desperate, and want some kind of relief. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to darken the mood. I've just been dealing with this crap for over a month now.

My wife and I are 6 months into our first pregnancy and I cant be failing more than I succeed :)

I apologize if I am thread jacking in any way...

I'm right with you bro! I'm having my first baby this year too, well my wife is, 4/20 2014! No bullshit! You can ask any question you want in here bro, nothings too small or too big. I'll help you however I can. Glad to see you do it right the first time. I saw recently that a newb put seeds directly into chem ferts, WTF, read a book dude.

Nice to see you Hamish, what's up bro?
Good to hear you're turning your life around bro, huge props for that. I was in your old boat myself. It's a hard thing to completely change your ways, and it doesn't happen overnight. We all slip, no shame in it if it makes your resolve more intense in the end. I know I'm so much healthier for stopping all that crap. Plus I'm a lot more motivated, and able to get my shit done, always. I have been drinking Honey Brown in the evenings, helps me sleep sometimes.
So what are some of your questions bro?

Here's one for ya about the medical establishment. I had a Spinal Cord Stimulator put in my lower back, and now I can't get the same surgeon, or any surgeon to take it out. They don't take my insurance, WTF!!! They put a toxic device under my epidermis with a not so long shelf life before almost guaranteed epic failure(10 years), and take absolutely no responsibility for it. That asshole didn't even place it correctly the first time, and there was a revision surgery done. Should have thrown up red flags, but at a certain point you just get desperate, and want some kind of relief. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to darken the mood. I've just been dealing with this crap for over a month now.


Wow man that is a very messed up situation. My heart goes out to you on that one. That has to be so frustrating knowing you have a foreign object implanted in your body that you do not want there. That would drive me insane!
I'm right with you bro! I'm having my first baby this year too, well my wife is, 4/20 2014! No bullshit! You can ask any question you want in here bro, nothings too small or too big. I'll help you however I can. Glad to see you do it right the first time. I saw recently that a newb put seeds directly into chem ferts, WTF, read a book dude.

Nice to see you Hamish, what's up bro?

Mine is due 5/22 :) We are a month behind you!. 4/20 baby!! haha thats freaking awesome. I guess my first place to start will be acquiring the proper equipment.. I have a very large unfinished basement I can set up in. I honestly dont know where to start. I need to get the right soil, testers, soil additives, monitoring items (temp/humidity)..ect. I dont want to re-invent the wheel, so I figure its best to just go with what someone of your caliber uses. I have 3 seeds, 2 of which came from the last year or so of smoking, just popped out of nice nugs, and the 3rd came out of something I recently got.. which I was told was "grand master kush" but I honestly don't know exactly.
Alright, let's get started. Unfinished basement huh, yeah you want HID, High Intensity Discharge. Metal Halide for vegging plants, and High Pressure Sodium for flowering. I'm not 100% sure of your experience, so we'll start with lights, and move from there. You could also work with some LED's, but the start up costs are quite a bit more than HID, so that's where we'll start HID. You'll need to decide if you want an older magnetic ballast(cheaper, and they last forever) or go with a digital ballast. The latter won't last as long, but they dim, meaning you can change the wattage, and a digital ballast will run both metal halide bulbs, and high pressure sodium. Usually a magnetic ballast will run one or the other, but there are some that switch(more expensive). Metal Halide bulbs put off colors that are more blue, and a lot like summer or spring light. They are used for vegging your plants, a light schedule that has to be more than 12 hours a day, usually 18/6 or some crap. Now high pressure sodium is used for flowering, and is more like fall sun which is more red, and runs on a 12/12 schedule.
I have a 600 watt Lumatek digital ballast with a SunlightSupply Blockbuster hood. Although there are lots of different brands out there. I can say, I've never had a single problem out of my ballast though, I love my Lumatek. SunlightSupply hoods are really top notch too, built like they're made for the military. Again, there are lots of different brands out there, some better than others.
Soil kind of depends on what you can get around where you live. Some states have some weird agricultural laws. I assume you can get yourself some FoxFarm ocean forest, or something similar. I know a fella (Prosperian) that just puts that into a tub, and puts water, and molasses in it, and cooks it to great success. We'll get to soil cooking, but I'm just saying you don't have to spend a ton to get a nice return. I can give you a list of cheap dry fertilizers that are worth putting in as well. Do you know anything about mycorrhizae, it's a soil gardeners best friend.
This should get you started, but if you have any more direct questions fire away. One thing that will save you alot of money is reading other peoples mistakes. I spent hours upon hours scouring this forum for every bit of information I could pull out of it. has a great forum too, extremely great group of guys.
Thank you.. I will get my shopping skills on and try to find best deal on the ballast, 2 bulbs, and the reflector.. Any recommendations for the fan to cool the light?
Any recommendations for the fan to cool the light?

Oh yea, they help too. I picked up a couple oz of really good fruity weed last night, excuse me if I forget some stuff.
I have a Sunleaves Windtunnel inline fan. I've had it for 6-7 years, and haven't had problem one from it. It comes in a plastic case for less noise, and it's a powerful little beast. You can also easily open it, and give it a clean when needed. Inline fans can get dirty as hell bro, you might want to look in to some kind of filter for it. Oh yeah, a carbon filter that fits the same size fan, and hood you're looking at will come in extremely handy in flower. I never knew how strong fresh marijuana could be until growing myself. Believe me it's some strong stuff, and your neighbors can easily smell some strains. Something to keep in mind. usually have good deals on hoods, bulbs, and such. They're close to me, that's why I use them, that and the great prices. They're a good place to compare costs with though as they usually have great deals.
:leaf: Myco
Oh yea, they help too. I picked up a couple oz of really good fruity weed last night, excuse me if I forget some stuff.
I have a Sunleaves Windtunnel inline fan. I've had it for 6-7 years, and haven't had problem one from it. It comes in a plastic case for less noise, and it's a powerful little beast. You can also easily open it, and give it a clean when needed. Inline fans can get dirty as hell bro, you might want to look in to some kind of filter for it. Oh yeah, a carbon filter that fits the same size fan, and hood you're looking at will come in extremely handy in flower. I never knew how strong fresh marijuana could be until growing myself. Believe me it's some strong stuff, and your neighbors can easily smell some strains. Something to keep in mind. usually have good deals on hoods, bulbs, and such. They're close to me, that's why I use them, that and the great prices. They're a good place to compare costs with though as they usually have great deals.
:leaf: Myco

Awesome. Thank you!! I currently have no worries about neighbors. The closest house to me is about 1/2 mile, my driveway is gravel and house is about 1/3 mile from the road. :). Sitting in the middle of 25 acres lol
If you're married, can you be friends with an ex who is so beautiful, and exciting she makes your hair go on end. I got a FB friend request from an ex I have quite the background with. Good Gods, she's still so fuckin hot, why did she ever mess around with my dumb ass. One of those innocent looking girls who turns in to a freak behind closed doors. It's crazy how we always find each other, it's like we have our own gravity. Fuck me, I don't think I can write back, I'll slip, and destroy my marriage. I hate being weak, I would love to go hang out with her, she's bad ass.
What do you guys think?
:leaf: Myco
If you're married, can you be friends with an ex who is so beautiful, and exciting she makes your hair go on end. I got a FB friend request from an ex I have quite the background with. Good Gods, she's still so fuckin hot, why did she ever mess around with my dumb ass. One of those innocent looking girls who turns in to a freak behind closed doors. It's crazy how we always find each other, it's like we have our own gravity. Fuck me, I don't think I can write back, I'll slip, and destroy my marriage. I hate being weak, I would love to go hang out with her, she's bad ass.
What do you guys think?
:leaf: Myco

I am going to go ahead and say dont do it... :) Been there.. done that.. Although you are thinking of only being friends, crazy talk happens. Soon you will be deleting messages from FB and checking your phone for messages, and the questions (from the wife) will start. Regardless of just being friends with this girl, your wife will not be happy. The fact that its an ex will only make it worse.. (your wife knows you have seen her naked) Women can be very fickle, and at times extremely jealous... Even the idea of you talking to your ex will make her have unfathomable thoughts of what you two may be talking about.. even if she is 99.9999% wrong.. it will do a number on her mentally. I think it would be in your best interest to just leave it be, don't accept or decline the friend invite.. just let it coast, if anything your ex will be frustrated that you have not acknowledged her.. which puts you in a win/win situation with your wife and your EX... Drama is one of the most draining forces in life, it can overwhelm and destroy everything comfy and peaceful in your life. Instead of talking to the ex, maybe go out of your way to throw an extra I love you to the wife, or some kind of sweet thing you can do for her, and every time you get the itch to talk to the ex, relieve it with doing something for the wife. That can only make home life much happier... thats my .02 from a hard learned life lesson...
I am going to go ahead and say dont do it... :) Been there.. done that.. Although you are thinking of only being friends, crazy talk happens. Soon you will be deleting messages from FB and checking your phone for messages, and the questions (from the wife) will start. Regardless of just being friends with this girl, your wife will not be happy. The fact that its an ex will only make it worse.. (your wife knows you have seen her naked) Women can be very fickle, and at times extremely jealous... Even the idea of you talking to your ex will make her have unfathomable thoughts of what you two may be talking about.. even if she is 99.9999% wrong.. it will do a number on her mentally. I think it would be in your best interest to just leave it be, don't accept or decline the friend invite.. just let it coast, if anything your ex will be frustrated that you have not acknowledged her.. which puts you in a win/win situation with your wife and your EX... Drama is one of the most draining forces in life, it can overwhelm and destroy everything comfy and peaceful in your life. Instead of talking to the ex, maybe go out of your way to throw an extra I love you to the wife, or some kind of sweet thing you can do for her, and every time you get the itch to talk to the ex, relieve it with doing something for the wife. That can only make home life much happier... thats my .02 from a hard learned life lesson...

Solid fuckin advice bro, thanks for that. I guess I'm just going crazy cause my wife is preggers. I love my wife to death, but I also love the way my ex makes me feel. WTF, why did she contact me?
Maybe she isn't happy right now in life an wants a little attention and feels she can get a quick relief to the need... Who knows. Hell could just be an incocent hello, or maybe she wants higher friend number on FB. Probably best to not even worry yourself with it. Sometimes life throws things at you that require no thought or action. Just a wtf moment
Maybe she isn't happy right now in life an wants a little attention and feels she can get a quick relief to the need... Who knows. Hell could just be an incocent hello, or maybe she wants higher friend number on FB. Probably best to not even worry yourself with it. Sometimes life throws things at you that require no thought or action. Just a wtf moment

There you go. Whatever her motivations she's thinking about herself. I say if she speaks to you no reason to not have a great conversation etc, but she is out for herself and won't give a shit about those around you bro. So yeah give nothing, once you feed it...

A lot of the time all is cool with stuff like this, but when it goes wrong wowaaaa. Chicks be hardcore crazy bro. ESPECIALLY the ones that easily get attention. Popular girls are BIG trouble, period. Keep those monsters away from me they have no conscience and will still manage to fuck up a relationship even if the never even got within a mile of you. They get in your girl's head man. You have no idea what that does. Wowowow. You want living hell that is it, living with a girl that has another woman messin with her head. Oh my god. I will not wish that on any man alive.