I will Growing DWC topping and root pruning
I will be using Technalflora Nutes, hygrozyme,SuperThrive, and Clearex
Base Nutes for Vegging
ThriveAlive B1 Red
BC Boost
BC Grow
Base Nutes for Flowering
ThriveAlive B1 Red
BC Boost
BC Bloom
Awesome Blossom
Foliar Spray
ThriveAlive B1 Green every other 7th day at night.
SuperThrive on the opposing 7th night.
Vegging Cycle
6500K + 2900K mix spectrum 4 foot flouros 18/6
will be topping about 1 month into veg if i think it can handle it
will be root pruning from starting of the tap root aver day to every other day.
Will either LST or Scrog the plants havent made up mind yet will have to work around the flouros.
Flower Cycle
will be using a 600 Watt HPS on a 12/12 cycle.
Side Notes
will be using Clearex every other res change.
will be using Distilled water by the gallon
IF NOT will have
RO system made.
Also will be using 1/3 strenght of nutes PPM at 500-600 at vegging and 700-900 at flowering.
will stop use of flowering nutes 9 days before harvest. will only be using SuggarDaddy and Magical for 2 days then do a Clearex flush and the remaining 7 final days PHed Distilled or RO at 5.5-5.9, and that PH will be during the whole grow.
sorry for the delay on this post.