Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

I couldn't friggin sleep last night. This girl is like a strong drug, one taste, and she's all you want. I know she's thinking of herself. I also know we've had an unspoken deal that we would always hook up with each other, we've done that for a very long time. I can't exactly do that anymore, but I would like to feel that thrill again. My life is horribly stagnant right now, I want some excitement. I feel selfish as hell even talking about all this. Have you ever known somebody so intimately you can never get the way they smell out of your head.
I couldn't friggin sleep last night. This girl is like a strong drug, one taste, and she's all you want. I know she's thinking of herself. I also know we've had an unspoken deal that we would always hook up with each other, we've done that for a very long time. I can't exactly do that anymore, but I would like to feel that thrill again. My life is horribly stagnant right now, I want some excitement. I feel selfish as hell even talking about all this. Have you ever known somebody so intimately you can never get the way they smell out of your head.

Don't beat yourself up over it. Its only natural to feel that way. You are human and you are also a man. Its in our genetics to want to spread our seed everywhere and perpetuate the human race. The thrill of talking, and the emotions that go with the "new/fresh" attention to what you perceive as a stagnant life are all crazy rushes of chemicals that do crazy things to your body and mind. Unfortunately nothing good will come of it. Compare it to growing, you have the seed, you begin to water it so it sprouts (start casual conversation)... but where are you going from there... think of the end game... There are basically only two ultimate outcomes.. A) you pursue her and leave your wife and child for an unsure attempted life with her because you feel it will be better (which will either fail or succeed).. or B) you do nothing and life continues on its wild journey... I guess I could be sounding extreme here but then again what else could come of it? You could bang her and then feel guilty and off all the time around you wife.. again what good would that do. Single women trying to contact married men are just asking for trouble and drama because its what they thrive off of. These are the struggles every man will go through, I applaud you for actually thinking with your head and getting thoughts from other rather than thinking with your dong and just going for the thrill. It takes a self reflecting mind to actually think before acting and it takes vulnerability to put it out there to ask about it. Both excellent traits to have in this life. You sir sound look a good man, and your wife is lucky to have you. Sometimes its easier to simplify life and find the happy in what you have. If it feels stagnant right now.. thats okay, think bout the sad lonely ppl out there that don't have a significant other that knows them inside and out, a comfortable rock to always rest your head on. We become used to these things and become complacent which creates a situation where you unknowingly take for granted the greatest gifts in life. Just know that your arent alone in your thoughts, its all normal. You are free to think and imagine things without causing harm or error, but actions are not able to be undone and will ultimately dictate your path.
I have a quote I created.. its long winded a bit but a good one.. It can help you get through times like this, and actually all kinds of situations where self reflection is needed. Sometimes we have moments of clarity that make us realize all the pieces to the life puzzle, but unfortunately it leaves just as easy as it comes.. this quote has helped me sometimes just put my mind back in a position of power and give me more control over what I do.

"Sometimes life throws you a curve-ball. Not the kind of curve-ball that throws you off track but one that puts things in perspective and makes you realize you have lost or stumbled off your path. This curve-ball can come in the form of a question that makes you reflect or just something simple that slaps you in the face and says... HELLO are you even paying attention to your own actions?... In order to understand our own reality and the reality that others see of us we must consider other points of view, and know that there is no true "one reality". Take time and think about your reality, then think about what others may perceive as your reality. How do these "realities" compare?, how are they different? Taking personal inventory in life is necessary, consider all your actions... are they getting you where you want to go, or are they only making the journey harder, and lonelier than it needs to be? Sometimes unwanted change is necessary. Self reflection is ALWAYS necessary." -Me
Be careful with the posts Myco. Wives have a way of finding computer left on with the forum up, maybe 'cause we are all a bunch of forgetful stoners. Lol :eyesmoke:

Just be careful what you posts and prying eyes brother. :roll:

That being said, I don't fault a man for wanting another woman. Hell I'm guilty of that and I have everything I could ever want in my little redhead wifey. But men are stupid, and we always want what's bad for us. Go figure.

Quit the FaceBook, it's only gets you in trouble. Cancelled my account after a similar experience bro. Good luck and PM me if you need to talk about it, safer that way.
Good to hear you're turning your life around bro, huge props for that. I was in your old boat myself. It's a hard thing to completely change your ways, and it doesn't happen overnight. We all slip, no shame in it if it makes your resolve more intense in the end. I know I'm so much healthier for stopping all that crap. Plus I'm a lot more motivated, and able to get my shit done, always. I have been drinking Honey Brown in the evenings, helps me sleep sometimes.
So what are some of your questions bro?

Here's one for ya about the medical establishment. I had a Spinal Cord Stimulator put in my lower back, and now I can't get the same surgeon, or any surgeon to take it out. They don't take my insurance, WTF!!! They put a toxic device under my epidermis with a not so long shelf life before almost guaranteed epic failure(10 years), and take absolutely no responsibility for it. That asshole didn't even place it correctly the first time, and there was a revision surgery done. Should have thrown up red flags, but at a certain point you just get desperate, and want some kind of relief. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to darken the mood. I've just been dealing with this crap for over a month now.


You know I'll take that shit out for you on my kitchen table. Why not? I'm game.:leaf:
If you're married, can you be friends with an ex who is so beautiful, and exciting she makes your hair go on end. I got a FB friend request from an ex I have quite the background with. Good Gods, she's still so fuckin hot, why did she ever mess around with my dumb ass. One of those innocent looking girls who turns in to a freak behind closed doors. It's crazy how we always find each other, it's like we have our own gravity. Fuck me, I don't think I can write back, I'll slip, and destroy my marriage. I hate being weak, I would love to go hang out with her, she's bad ass.
What do you guys think?
:leaf: Myco

No way. Pull yourself together bro. Don't make me come out there and kick your ass. You don't want any of what is happening to me. :wall:
I couldn't friggin sleep last night. This girl is like a strong drug, one taste, and she's all you want. I know she's thinking of herself. I also know we've had an unspoken deal that we would always hook up with each other, we've done that for a very long time. I can't exactly do that anymore, but I would like to feel that thrill again. My life is horribly stagnant right now, I want some excitement. I feel selfish as hell even talking about all this. Have you ever known somebody so intimately you can never get the way they smell out of your head.

And now for a little sad news: We never feel stuff the way we did when young. Nothing and nobody can bring that back. Except for one thing, when our kids accomplish stuff. Damn man, you haven't felt cloud nine yet... Wait for those first steps, hell the first smile is gonna blow you away. Hang tight mate, pretty soon you will NOT be bored oh hell no.

Can't fight the crawl of time brother. Dudes mellow with time, you want to feel ALIVE again it generally comes with all the angst of youth and takes a massive upheaval. Just ask ol Gandalf here. All the possibilities plus uncertainty of youth, not so nice once you got over it. Life is a package deal mate.

I say this: This person makes you feel great, so accept that and be thankful. But sounds to me like what you need is something to occupy that incredible mind of yours really. You are one smart mofo and you are bored man. All you need is a goal and off you go :)
LOL... I take it the spam bit got deleted. Either that or I am really confused. Oil for breakfast 3 days in a row time to lay off the shatter rofl...

Yeah it got deleted. Man if I had oil right now I may end up in jail. :lol: It's strange how now the pain is for my kid's loss of their parents not being in the same house. They are all hurting pretty bad. They hate the jumping from house to house and its killing my youngest who is 10. I fucking hate her for doing this to them.
Sorry Gandalf, that really sucks and your helpless as a father to doing anything. You must be pulling your hair out right now. :-(

Hate seeing my fellow growers in so much personal pain. I hope it passes quickly and you guys can find a way to make the most of your situations.
I hope things start working out GdG. I recently found out family is all there is. Thanks for all the great advice guys, you kept my mind where it needed to be. I did however need a little time to get my head straight. Anyways, to the plants.
DSCF2428.jpgSleeSkunk on left, OBR#2 on right.

The OBR#2 is quite a stretchy little girl, but OBR#1 hasn't been that bad. The bay11's are also pretty moderate in their reach, but starting to flower nicely. I really need to get out my larger filter because the 4in filter I have running is not working. I haven't had any plants flowering in quite some time so this is really exciting for me. Finally, Dank on the way. I moved my deep freeze here, and while going through it I found a gallon zip of trim in the bottom. Being a forgetful stoner works out sometime. Oh, I love oil!
:peace: Myco
Everything is looking great man! It's always great to find some shit like that, oils the best.

Is that sleeskunk the sleestack x skunk #1 or is it different? Just wondering because I just put two in soil I got for freebies, waiting for them to break soil.
look great brother, how do you like them LEDs so fare ?


thanks for the reminder, have a bowl of trim in my fridges ;) need to go and buy some butane tomorrow
That's a great shot...happy your getting on the other side of the bad stuff Myco. Hang in there man.

Thanks guys. Yeah, the SleeSkunk is Sleestack x Skunk#1 from D.N.A. Somebody was nice enough to gift me some seeds, and this was the female. Nice, woody, dank smell to her so far. The LED's are everything I was hoping for. I think flowering set in earlier with the plants under the LED's, but of course that could be genetic. I'll have to do a sog some time with clones under both light sources, and see what happens. My diesels are both doing good along with the Purple Maroc. The PM has a little leaf mutation, but that could be a seedling thing. I have them in between the panels, and they all seem happy. I'm not buying any more HID in the future, I really think the LED technology has got where it needs to be now. The prices could come down a bit, but I still think they're worth every penny. I really think I'll love em when the heat comes. Come on HEAT!!
Hell yea, that oil has helped soooo much. I ran out of butane, and had to order more. Strong herb saved my life, and now it saved my marriage. FUCK HATERS, SMOKE YOUR HERB!!!
WEEDY'S, Does a body good!

Thanks for all the support, and great advice guys. My house is now cleaner than ever, I got the crib together, put the baby's room together, and I bought my wife a spa package for this weekend. I really feel like shit, you guys have no idea. That, and I've been spending a lot of time with my garden. I can't look at my wife, WTF was I thinking?!

:leaf: Myco
Thanks guys. Yeah, the SleeSkunk is Sleestack x Skunk#1 from D.N.A. Somebody was nice enough to gift me some seeds, and this was the female. Nice, woody, dank smell to her so far. The LED's are everything I was hoping for. I think flowering set in earlier with the plants under the LED's, but of course that could be genetic. I'll have to do a sog some time with clones under both light sources, and see what happens. My diesels are both doing good along with the Purple Maroc. The PM has a little leaf mutation, but that could be a seedling thing. I have them in between the panels, and they all seem happy. I'm not buying any more HID in the future, I really think the LED technology has got where it needs to be now. The prices could come down a bit, but I still think they're worth every penny. I really think I'll love em when the heat comes. Come on HEAT!!
Hell yea, that oil has helped soooo much. I ran out of butane, and had to order more. Strong herb saved my life, and now it saved my marriage. FUCK HATERS, SMOKE YOUR HERB!!!
WEEDY'S, Does a body good!

Thanks for all the support, and great advice guys. My house is now cleaner than ever, I got the crib together, put the baby's room together, and I bought my wife a spa package for this weekend. I really feel like shit, you guys have no idea. That, and I've been spending a lot of time with my garden. I can't look at my wife, WTF was I thinking?!

:leaf: Myco

ROFL... As it should be. Take from your past and give to your NOW. That is what I do when chicks mess with me or even try to, spoil the wife :) It us all about how you harnass emotions mate.
You guys are great, thanks for letting me bitch, and whine some. Also, thanks for helping me keep my head on straight. The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fuckin fence, the grass on this side is pretty damn lush.
DSCF2430.jpgOBR#2DSCF2434.jpgOBR#2 on left, #1 on right w/ SleeSkunk in the back too..
DSCF2437.jpgDSCF2443.jpg Bay11's
DSCF2440.jpgGroup shot.

I'm telling you guys, these LED's are bad ass. Quite, no heat, no bulb changes, and just easy to use. I just can't promote them enough, I'm sold. I thought taking pics under all white light would be easier, but they're intense, and will wash out your pic pretty easily, LOL. My garden is finally looking like she's gonna cough up some meds :mrgreen:!
:peace: Myco
You guys are great, thanks for letting me bitch, and whine some. Also, thanks for helping me keep my head on straight. The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fuckin fence, the grass on this side is pretty damn lush.

I'm telling you guys, these LED's are bad ass. Quite, no heat, no bulb changes, and just easy to use. I just can't promote them enough, I'm sold. I thought taking pics under all white light would be easier, but they're intense, and will wash out your pic pretty easily, LOL. My garden is finally looking like she's gonna cough up some meds :mrgreen:!
:peace: Myco

The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fuckin fence, the grass on this side is pretty damn lush.

Hah! You made a fence reference! But clearly, I catch your drift as it applies to other things and peeps. I gave up and just took the fence down and graze on both sides. But I'm a taker.

It's ridiculous how well the led panels perform. Just looking at them you wonder, "are they putting out enough light", and then you see the results, oh yeah, plenty of light.