Hash and Oil Picture Thread

idylis is the brand they say they are 14k btu but its more like a solid 10k
they work great these last 3 summers have been brutal, with one year having 100 days over 100 degrees, at night time when the sun goes down the temps only drop to 90 degrees.
most people in Texas run their light at night because its too hot in the day, in the middle of summer time on the hottest day i can have my room at 65 if i want it.

and i get the 2 duct ac units because they pull outside air to cool off the condenser where as the single ducting ones are pulling air from inside the room and run it into the attic, and no booster fans are needed the built in fans on it are powerful enough. the only down side it all the holes i cut into the ceiling of these houses, but once you figure out how to patch the holes its a breeze, still nerve wrecking on your first house to just start cutting holes in walls and ceilings and running wires

i got a couple of before and after pics i took of some rooms ill post up
idylis is the brand they say they are 14k btu but its more like a solid 10k
they work great these last 3 summers have been brutal, with one year having 100 days over 100 degrees, at night time when the sun goes down the temps only drop to 90 degrees.
most people in Texas run their light at night because its too hot in the day, in the middle of summer time on the hottest day i can have my room at 65 if i want it.

and i get the 2 duct ac units because they pull outside air to cool off the condenser where as the single ducting ones are pulling air from inside the room and run it into the attic, and no booster fans are needed the built in fans on it are powerful enough. the only down side it all the holes i cut into the ceiling of these houses, but once you figure out how to patch the holes its a breeze, still nerve wrecking on your first house to just start cutting holes in walls and ceilings and running wires

i got a couple of before and after pics i took of some rooms ill post up
Right on, I'm pretty familiar with how a dual hose unit works, just mainly wondering if you ran booster fans with the extended ducting. How far are you ducting? I'm looking at about a solid 15-20 feet, which is why I was wondering. Been running a window unit that is about to die...though it gave me a solid 3.5 years. Glad to hear the 14k(more like 10k) worked out for you...How many ac units and whats the wattage in that room? Sealed with a closed loop system on the lights too?(that's what I'm running at least), feel free to PM me this shit if you don't wanna blast the thread.

thank you, and why david?

My acid buddy from 15 years ago was named David, but we all called him Twitch(in a totally good spirited sorta nickname way) Ate a lot of acid with Twitch.
the ducting that comes off the back of my units is only 10 feet long, just long enough to have a foot or 2 above the insulation in the attic even when a 20 foot ducting as long as there arent 2 many turns you wont need a booster fan. there are 2 more portable ac units you dont see in that picture and another can 100 ill take a picture from the other side.

this is a 5k room the lights are air cooled 8" raptor hoods they run attic to attic i have 2 8" can fans in the attic pulling air through the lights
it is not a sealed room but i could make it one is i added co2 and sealed the doors

and if you can run window units do it, i run portables because the houses i set up are always in suburbia hell, cant have window units the HOA complains. actually where that ac unit is at there is actually a window, and 20 feet on the other side of that is my neighbors back door
the ducting that comes off the back of my units is only 10 feet long, just long enough to have a foot or 2 above the insulation in the attic even when a 20 foot ducting as long as there arent 2 many turns you wont need a booster fan. there are 2 more portable ac units you dont see in that picture and another can 100 ill take a picture from the other side.

this is a 5k room the lights are air cooled 8" raptor hoods they run attic to attic i have 2 8" can fans in the attic pulling air through the lights
it is not a sealed room but i could make it one is i added co2 and sealed the doors

and if you can run window units do it, i run portables because the houses i set up are always in suburbia hell, cant have window units the HOA complains. actually where that ac unit is at there is actually a window, and 20 feet on the other side of that is my neighbors back door

The problem is I've been using the window unit to cool the ambient room temp that I draw from, as my grow room has no windows closer than 15ft. It works, but it's not efficient. I saw your pic, and it's honestly something I've been thinking about for 2 years now...lol...and I'm stoked that I can pick your brain about it, and even more stoked to hear that it works rather well. I already run my light ducting out the window, won't be much to run a couple more hoses for the AC along the same route. Thanks bro!
ok so i walked out to my chamber and it looked liked the pic on the left, no bubbles nothing. so i pull it out and it can be handled, but it has a really low melting point, at 76 77 it will stick to your finger and be gooey, at 70 degrees you can play with it. tastes amazing so i kept 3/4 of it in this form and put the rest back in the chamber to wax up to see if there is a flavor difference without changing the temp. this is some of the best non winterized shatter i have made, and yall know me i am a wax man but this is pretty good stuff.


wax pics and verdict coming soon....
very nice! it does look like a rose
and nice set up btw, looks like a bigger/better version of my last set up.
this stuff turned out really good

so i put some back in the chamber and had it wax up under the same temp just purged it long
Identical flavor, great stuff.

Hehe...Twitch dabbin shattah?
Has hell frozen over?

it seemed like it was meant to be...
i walked into my garage and there were zero bubbles or movement in my oil so i pulled it out, dabbed it and it had no snap crackle or pop and it didnt get hard and brittle.
so i put some back in the chamber to wax it up, i didnt change the temp just the time in the chamber. i wanted to see if there would be a noticeable difference in taste
B.h.o. Yo yeyyy.clean yummies. Congrads on the harvests! Hope the transition to CO makes life less stressful . Tx= yuck