Strongest Strain Known To Man?

This Is For All The People Postin About Nyc Diesel/sour Diesel Any1 Else Agree With Me That These Strains Of Marijuana Are Not That Great I Mean Out Of All The Posts In This Thread Most People Are Saying Diesel Now Fuck That I Would With The People That Say Og Kush, Gods Gift, Sensi Star, White Widow, White Russian, La Confidential. Thos Are Wayyyyy Better Then Any Diesel
This Is For All The People Postin About Nyc Diesel/sour Diesel Any1 Else Agree With Me That These Strains Of Marijuana Are Not That Great I Mean Out Of All The Posts In This Thread Most People Are Saying Diesel Now Fuck That I Would With The People That Say Og Kush, Gods Gift, Sensi Star, White Widow, White Russian, La Confidential. Thos Are Wayyyyy Better Then Any Diesel
hey dude have u had white russian??
yes i have had white russian it is so simmilar to white widow its basically identical very good bud it gets u baked not high or stoned but baked like a nice sativa/indica mix that warms ur body =)
yes i have had white russian it is so simmilar to white widow its basically identical very good bud it gets u baked not high or stoned but baked like a nice sativa/indica mix that warms ur body =)
then it must have been grown wrong cuz ive heard lot different
just cuz its the same strain doesnt mean the genetics are exactly the same cuz they are many of the same strains that the seed banks offer but they r different in they own ways.
the strongest shit Ive ever smoked was a hash strain called Afghani Gold (or something similiar). that tobaccy was waccy :)

had me seeing myself in this eternity reflection and inventing a completely new language. was 100% pure, three weeks after harvest. try. it.
kush king is correct la con or og kill any white strain in potency and i have grown both and have access to all these strains og and la con are simply newer and better. that said i like w.russian w.widow i.c.e. w.ryno etc.. but they are not at the level of some of the socal strains:peace:
Ok I know that it says I'm a "noob" but I have some time under me.

[1] Herijuana (Don't think you can buy seeds of it, but I saw it in the Grow Bible.)

[2] White Widow (Most well grown WW is 23-26%) You seem like you know your stuff. It's not like the widow taste bad either. Very earthy!!!

*Best Tasting:
[1] Lemon G-13
[2] Lemon Skunk
kush king is correct la con or og kill any white strain in potency and i have grown both and have access to all these strains og and la con are simply newer and better. that said i like w.russian w.widow i.c.e. w.ryno etc.. but they are not at the level of some of the socal strains:peace:
cali cant fuck with amsterdam bud
i have been to amsterdam twice cali has better cannabis strains by far no question. anything in amsterdam is in cali. but we have clone only strains they dont have. besides a good number of the best strains were developed here. i have no need to go back to amsterdam(besides the beautiful women) if you have had the best from both places you would agree with me:peace::mrgreen:
i have been to amsterdam twice cali has better cannabis strains by far no question. anything in amsterdam is in cali. but we have clone only strains they dont have. besides a good number of the best strains were developed here. i have no need to go back to amsterdam(besides the beautiful women) if you have had the best from both places you would agree with me:peace::mrgreen:
i have and i dont agree with u sorry dude but its cool everyone likes different kind of bud
you could have the strongest strain known to man and still it may not be great it all has to do with the way it is grown!!!!! i once did kahli mist and pot of gold at the same time and the pot of gold rocked over it by miles to be fair this is one of the nicest smokes ive had and ive smoked my way round the world lol

so there u go treat them well and they will reward you!
Some of you guys have said that durban poison is the bomb.. both dutch passion and nirvana seeds have durban poison, to which breeder are you refering? If it makes any difference..
anyone familar with woody kush???? heard it was a mix of lots of kush's into one strain???.................:joint:
30 years ago, before growing pot was so technical and you grew it outside if you could but mainly depended on imported smoke, I smoked 1/2 joint of some Jamaican weed that ripped my head off. Actually seeing colors. Never had it again after that. Too bad.
anyone familar with woody kush???? heard it was a mix of lots of kush's into one strain???.................:joint:

Don't know much about it, but I did see it in at a Dispensary in Hollywood, they have it regularly and I have seen it both times I have gone, want to say it was $75 per 8th. I smelled it and it was nice almost got some but I got something else at the time, think I got Mango Kush and some Purple Master Kush. Purple Master was some of the best tasting I have ever had, it's in my all time top 10 fav's for sure and I don't normally go too wild for purples.

If you are able to get to Hollywood I can get you the name of the place.