It's All The Fault Of Fox News


Well-Known Member
I think the Kelly File falls more under News although her tone conveys and opinion and she does have guests with opinions. Either way? I think it was funny when she started the show and was coached on speaking *Breathlessly* or something. Totally different mannerism. I dont see her show much due to time slot.

Red Eye should be moved to *comedy*

The Five is awesome. I DVR it and play back episodes if I have the time. Nice mix of opinion. Poor Bob...

Edit: You forgot Huckabee, which everyone should because it is a snoozer...
goddamn, you just sit there and soak up the stupid all day.

no wonder you forest fires with landlocked iran in domestic alberta.


Well-Known Member
so why is it that none of the fox news lovers are gonna defend the lies i pointed out that came from brett baier (supposedly news, lulz) and britt hume (supposedly news, lulz) or the fact that you'd be better off watching NOTHING than fox news?

has fox taught you guys that well to just block out facts that make you guys look stupid?


Well-Known Member
I like Stossel but the topics he talks about (at least not on Fox Business) just piss me off in an yes, you are right and I should be pissed off kind of way...
is there any point during your day at which you are not masturbating wildly to fox news? or is that how you keep your edge in the race to the center of stupidity?


Active Member
I watch MSNBC at times to see what topics are being headlined and what topics are being ignored.
Rachel Maddow, Chris Mathews, The Revvvvverrrrrand Al. Haven't seen Eliot Spitzer is some time, guess his ratings were to poor for the network


Well-Known Member
is there any point during your day at which you are not masturbating wildly to fox news? or is that how you keep your edge in the race to the center of stupidity?
Your reading comprehension fails yet again.

I sometimes watch Fox and Friends in the morning for a little bit before getting out of bed. I work for a living so I cannot lay around and watch TV all day unlike you. Therefore, as I pointed out I DVR the FIVE and sometimes watch it later. It keeps the most current 5 episodes. I probably catch 3 or 4 of them a week. At night I might catch some O'Reilly or maybe Megan Kelly. Hannity is on alot in that time slot though and I am annoyed by him, more often when he has a studio audience. And again, Huckabee will make me change the channel.

So yeah, thanks for completely mis-representing my life and attacking it... It makes you look so smart.... Oh wait... LOL!!


Active Member
Al Gore's old network, now called Al Jazeera, is worth a watch too.

BBC america is best for world news, imho


Well-Known Member
Your reading comprehension fails yet again.

I sometimes watch Fox and Friends in the morning for a little bit before getting out of bed. I work for a living so I cannot lay around and watch TV all day unlike you. Therefore, as I pointed out I DVR the FIVE and sometimes watch it later. It keeps the most current 5 episodes. I probably catch 3 or 4 of them a week. At night I might catch some O'Reilly or maybe Megan Kelly. Hannity is on alot in that time slot though and I am annoyed by him, more often when he has a studio audience. And again, Huckabee will make me change the channel.

So yeah, thanks for completely mis-representing my life and attacking it... It makes you look so smart.... Oh wait... LOL!!
wow, that explains a lot.

from the moment you wake up, for several hours after you get done servicing dudes for the day, probably until you fall asleep you're tuned into the most divisive, polarizing, and misinforming institution in american politics.

i had no idea idiots even watched this shit. no wonder you ask me to show you iran's route to the sea.


Well-Known Member
so why is it that none of the fox news lovers are gonna defend the lies i pointed out that came from brett baier (supposedly news, lulz) and britt hume (supposedly news, lulz) or the fact that you'd be better off watching NOTHING than fox news?

has fox taught you guys that well to just block out facts that make you guys look stupid?
Prolly cause you have less ratings than cnn.....blame chioce uncle galt.


Well-Known Member
so why is it that none of the fox news lovers are gonna defend the lies i pointed out that came from brett baier (supposedly news, lulz) and britt hume (supposedly news, lulz) or the fact that you'd be better off watching NOTHING than fox news?

has fox taught you guys that well to just block out facts that make you guys look stupid?
Which lies do want defended?

I'll take on your challenge even though I could care less what your opinion is.


Well-Known Member
I watched FOX News last night, eh.

There was a story about 'password' pills that turn your body into a 'key' so as to unlock your electronic devices.
The girls on there preferred the idea of the temporary tattoo which does the same thing.

I did not understand the purpose of the story. Was it news? Was it opinion? Was it some sinister, subliminal advertising?

And that was the highlight of the stories (and uncomfortably long weather report) which I saw.

Even the ticker at the bottom of the screen failed to deliver news headlines.

But da Seahawks are gonna kick da shit outta doze Blue Jays.
Brocket 99, rockin the stereo.


Well-Known Member
so if more people watch the lie, then it's true?

is that the way nature intended it to be?
The more lies the more ppl don't watch....which is why fox enjoys ratings, unlike yourself.

Lol what that thread not do what you wanted?

As for how its intended to be....look at your back yard...just look at it...there's your answer.

Basiclly, equality community it takes a village constitution is a living document
Multiculturalism united states is opressor here's a bunk study you're racist I win.


Well-Known Member

you'd rather defend lies than face the truth.

says a lot about the types of idiots that watch fox news.
So you go on and post stupid shit like, why don't any of you want to blah blah and then I give you an opportunity and this is your response.

You call things lies just like some other twerp in here tried posting a video of fox reporting on something false to which I easily debunked after he/she said that they didn't even correct themselves. Anything you could ever post about fox I could easily counter and you just don't want to look like an idiot again at the hand of me.

But, that ship has sailed.

may your complaining fall upon deaf ears and blind eyes.


Well-Known Member
you just don't want to look like an idiot again at the hand of me.
i've posted lies from bret baier and britt hume in size 7 bold, they're sitting there waiting for you to defend them.

because we all know you don't mind defending lies.

see your membership in white supremacy groups and citation of white supremacists for examples of such.

now go on, defend the lies.


Well-Known Member
So you go on and post stupid shit like, why don't any of you want to blah blah and then I give you an opportunity and this is your response.

You call things lies just like some other twerp in here tried posting a video of fox reporting on something false to which I easily debunked after he/she said that they didn't even correct themselves. Anything you could ever post about fox I could easily counter and you just don't want to look like an idiot again at the hand of me.

But, that ship has sailed.

may your complaining fall upon deaf ears and blind eyes.

Do you think the FOX network doesn't lie or push any right leaning political agenda at all? Do you think they're 100% fair and balanced in their reporting?