Great news! My most recent batch was completed from start to finish in ~ 4 hours from starting point being extraction and end point being completely purged. End result, 36g of crystal clear yellow shatter. The thin-film technique is a sure-fire way to completely purge your material in roughly an hour. I flipped the patty once during the heat purge.
1. Extract
2. Liquid butane evaporates off
3. Scrape onto parchment paper (scraped into an even sized 'glob' in the middle of the pp to avoid muffin mess)
4. Vacuum with no heat until stable. *this* I first put 'glob' in vacuum at room temp, and of course cannot pull full vacuum before degassing or else i will have a muffin mess. I generally pull vacuum and degass the 'glob' 4 or 5 times and at this point it is starting to stabilize but you can still see some (just a little) expansion. I continue this process until I do not see ANY movement (expansion) from the oil. IS THIS CORRECT? --
I am not sure if I am stopping too soon. I have seen some pictures of people doing the vacuum purge without heat until their muffin has consolidated into a very small compact sphere-shaped figure. Should i keep vacuuming until my muffin consolidates into a small little ball as well?? Or am i doing it correct; ending this process once the 'glob' no longer EXPANDS or CONTRACTS when vacuuming. Maybe they are getting such small little spheres because they are running less (I run +/- 8 oz at a time)
5. SLOWLY heat 'glob' with a heat gun on to 'melt' it back to an oil and a nice even square-like patty that is consistent in it's thickness
6. Place in vacuum chamber/oven at 110 - 115 degrees and typically run vacuum entire time during this process. Watch all the butane bubbles pop. Half way through, open chamber and flip patty, seems to increase activity in the patty for whatever reason. (This took about one hour to 1 and 1/2 hours).
7. Remove from chamber, set on cool tile. Shattered instantly. Tested and ENJOYYYYYEDD
I know I have the majority of this shatter process down good and am happy with the results, wondering if anyone could answer that little question I had above about the non-heat vacuum purge?
I think next I am going to try wax or honeycomb. I know there is a lot of controversy on which is better so I figured I would like to be a judge of it myself

. I just trying to get my vocab right here

. I believe wax and honeycomb are two different concentrates, do they both crumble?? What is the name of that wax you get in dispensaries that looks like ear wax ?
I know this was very long-winded as usual, so again apologize and thank anyone who took the time to read and answer these <3 . Lastly, as far as the blast dishes and scrape tools that have a little residue on them, I cannot find the thread that mentioned how to use this material and make some nice qwiso. Maybe it was Guz that said he soaks all his tools in a mason jar that after a while he eventually makes some nice qwiso with? Can anyone point me in the right direction with this?
What should I do with the small amounts of residue that are left in the pyrex and on scrape tools other than just using alcohol to clean them out real well.
Thanks SOOOOOOOOO Much RIU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!