It's All The Fault Of Fox News


Active Member
"Real News" broadcast on the network known as "The Blaze" is worth a watch as well as "The Independents" broadcast on Fox's business channel are worth watching if one is tired of the common place pro or con two party news.


Well-Known Member
"Real News" broadcast on the network known as "The Blaze" is worth a watch as well as "The Independents" broadcast on Fox's business channel are worth watching if one is tired of the common place pro or con two party news.
really, theblaze?

were you just trying to illustarte that you are a shitty consumer of information?


Well-Known Member
"Real News" broadcast on the network known as "The Blaze" is worth a watch as well as "The Independents" broadcast on Fox's business channel are worth watching if one is tired of the common place pro or con two party news.
you mean glen beck's "the blaze?:lol:


Well-Known Member
Bro, with these unemployed and uninformed idiots, if it doesn't come from MSNBC or Huffington Post, it's all bad news.
Bro, with these unemployed and uninformed idiots, if it doesn't come from Fox or The Blaze, it's all bad news.

see how that works, beennowhere?


Well-Known Member
One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
I Pledge a Grievance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republicans Whom I Can't Stand, One Nation Under Smog Indispicable, With Liberty for Just Us Not All..


Well-Known Member
Bro, with these unemployed and uninformed idiots, if it doesn't come from Fox or The Blaze, it's all bad news.

see how that works, beennowhere?
i have seen your feet, and i will beat you up if you ask me about the racist things i have said.



Well-Known Member
get used to it. i hear he got the "lifetime achievement award".

Woa. I tried to get banned for like a week straight. Ended up closing a few threads, and getting a pat on the back. Lawls. He must of really been trying. We can all learn something from that fucking psychopath.


Well-Known Member
Pretty serious indeed.
Come on, now. UB has some abrasive qualities, but, a snitch he is not. I would stake my account on it. A little offended that anyone would even start throwing around an accusation like that without some sort of evidence. It breeds distrust. Unless that's your goal, quiet your paranoia.