Just curious how many people wish


Well-Known Member
So the question is "who would stand up"? I did not see an opportunity to react in any instance in the videos.
It seems not having an opportunity to react is the intent.
Some people you can haul off and smak hard as hell and all you do is piss them off. When that happens the knock out agressor is fucked.


Well-Known Member
sorry to anyone who thinks im a raceist i guess i got to many black friends and i use the n word freely like they do my bad i wasnt trying to offend anyone thats just how i talk, if u knew me you would be alright with it


Well-Known Member
sorry to anyone who thinks im a raceist i guess i got to many black friends and i use the n word freely like they do my bad i wasnt trying to offend anyone thats just how i talk, if u knew me you would be alright with it
You are far from racist, my dude. Don't let anyone here fuck with your world view. You're good people.


Well-Known Member
sorry to anyone who thinks im a raceist i guess i got to many black friends and i use the n word freely like they do my bad i wasnt trying to offend anyone thats just how i talk, if u knew me you would be alright with it
No worries....thats a cultural phenomenon.....I watch boondocks...therefore I am.


Well-Known Member
I refuse to do your work for you, you're the one that wants to know how and I'm the one that could care less. If you must know how, go find out for yourself.I believe her and have no reason not to.
i googled it and you can get unlimited....if you pay extra.



Well-Known Member
sorry to anyone who thinks im a raceist i guess i got to many black friends and i use the n word freely like they do my bad i wasnt trying to offend anyone thats just how i talk, if u knew me you would be alright with it
if you couldn't tell by who i latched onto in this thread,i don't think you're racist from some reason. not sure why. but i just don't get the vibe.


Well-Known Member
Or maybe having taxpayers foot the extra, ...I`ll poke at it.
do you even understand how the lifeline program works?

woodrow wilson made a deal way back when before telephones were even a thing. FDR took it a step further. reagan, clinton, and shrub then amped it up as the times changed.

it's a tiny little charge that shows up on your phone bill. the taxpayers only cover 250 minutes/texts and a cheap old phone. that's the law.

get some facts in here or give up the crusade.


Well-Known Member
why you cheating on us?
I'm just a pathological slut. I whore around when I don't get the attention I need to survive. Thinking about starting a fresh journal, soon. Got some new toys, and stuff. My boy just shot me a pack of some killer F1s.

You know I can't stay mad at you, baby.


Well-Known Member
do you even understand how the lifeline program works?

woodrow wilson made a deal way back when before telephones were even a thing. FDR took it a step further. reagan, clinton, and shrub then amped it up as the times changed.

it's a tiny little charge that shows up on your phone bill. the taxpayers only cover 250 minutes/texts and a cheap old phone. that's the law.

get some facts in here or give up the crusade.

It`s no crusade for me, I could give two shits.


Well-Known Member
She has it and no money so there`s something going on. Don`t you read about multiple phones to one person and all the fraud that`s going on with it now ? You definitely know more than I cuz I don`t bother.