how early can i force flower too test sex?ReVeg?NE


Well-Known Member
going with reg seeds with a few femd too be sure i at least get some. plan on growing them indoors for two months prior too a july 1 planting. does anyone have experience in sexing plants early so i can get rid of/select what males i want too keep and seperate them? how should i go about a lighting schedual for plants that will be put out into around 14hrs of sunlight per day/ about 7-8 direct.


If you are in a hurry to sex the plants instead of waiting 4 to 6 weeks for them to indicate the best way to do it without slowing them down by altering the light cycle and then reveging is to use the clone method.

When your seedlings are big enough you cut a small clone off and put the clone under 12 hours of darkness and it will indicate in a week give or take.

Make sure you label each plant and the clone from it so you will know what clone belongs to which parent. Some people believe they must first root the clone but I never have, I've always gone to 12 hour dark cycle right away. By doing it right away the clone won't root but you don't care because your just looking to find the sex and not create a viable clone. If you cut the test clone from the top you will also be getting the benefit of topping the plant and creating multiple tops and also it will send the hormone Auxin to the lower plant which will boost growth in all the lower branches making the plant a fat bush verses a leggy tall thin plant. I always top my plants several times through their youth to get 16- 32 main colas and have bushes.

If you dare do it let the plant grow enough to cut a 3 node cutting and sex the cutting and watch your plant explode with side growth and two main tops.

if you have questions just ask and I'll try to explain it better.


Well-Known Member
Dude... just take a small clone of each plant and label plant and clone same...
Then put the clones into 12/12... letting the moms not get their cycles f-ed up...
As clones show sex...
Dispose of dads, and sons....
Now you will have some early bud from the clones...


Well-Known Member
Dude... just take a small clone of each plant and label plant and clone same...
Then put the clones into 12/12... letting the moms not get their cycles f-ed up...
As clones show sex...
Dispose of dads, and sons....
Now you will have some early bud from the clones...
what he said and they dont have to grow roots they will start to bud and show sex in 2 weeks usually. jsut use grow dome with high moisture around 80degree F.


Active Member
I'm in the same boat. I went to Jamaica a while back and managed to get a couple seeds back with me. I have 2 of them going strong at about 7 1/2 weeks in veg. They both look awesome and I've been debating taking the tops and putting the clones to 12/12 but Im scared to fuck with them being my first attempt at flowering a clone. I'm also having trouble getting clones from a rhyno mother to take root. So if I top the plant, even if the clone doesn't root I can still sex it??

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Well-Known Member
sweet thanks everyone. i was just worried about plants that dont take well too topping. but its a risk i must take i guess


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same boat. I went to Jamaica a while back and managed to get a couple seeds back with me. I have 2 of them going strong at about 7 1/2 weeks in veg. They both look awesome and I've been debating taking the tops and putting the clones to 12/12 but Im scared to fuck with them being my first attempt at flowering a clone. I'm also having trouble getting clones from a rhyno mother to take root. So if I top the plant, even if the clone doesn't root I can still sex it??

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take the clone use a butter knife and softly scrap it jsut a little to soften the stem she will take off allot faster. but you dont need roots to sex a clone. just spray feed it with water in the leaves.


I'm in the same boat. I went to Jamaica a while back and managed to get a couple seeds back with me. I have 2 of them going strong at about 7 1/2 weeks in veg. They both look awesome and I've been debating taking the tops and putting the clones to 12/12 but Im scared to fuck with them being my first attempt at flowering a clone. I'm also having trouble getting clones from a rhyno mother to take root. So if I top the plant, even if the clone doesn't root I can still sex it??

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Forget about rooting it. By putting it into bud cycle the plant will forget about rooting and be thinking about breeding. Even if it does root it will be stalled out big time by being in bud cycle. If you want a real live clone then cut a real live clone and root it, don't sex it.

If you have a great plant and want to keep it cut a clone to keep. As far as sexing, a small clone is all you need. They normally indicate their sex and then die because they didn't get established with a root system but all you want is to know Male or Female.

Once you know if you have females then you can decide if you want to create a real clone or not. For a real clone to establish roots you'll want 24 hour light not 12/12. Without constant light clones don't root easily.

Did I make sense out of that?


Well-Known Member
Forget about rooting it. By putting it into bud cycle the plant will forget about rooting and be thinking about breeding. Even if it does root it will be stalled out big time by being in bud cycle. If you want a real live clone then cut a real live clone and root it, don't sex it.

If you have a great plant and want to keep it cut a clone to keep. As far as sexing, a small clone is all you need. They normally indicate their sex and then die because they didn't get established with a root system but all you want is to know Male or Female.

Once you know if you have females then you can decide if you want to create a real clone or not. For a real clone to establish roots you'll want 24 hour light not 12/12. Without constant light clones don't root easily.

Did I make sense out of that?
perfect reply better than mine, here comes some rep for it.


Active Member
Yea makes a lot of sense.. So if I take the top to sex it and it turns out to be female, by taking the top its not going to put my plant into shock or anything? I've toped other plants that I started from clones before and they came out great. I just dont wanna stunt the growth in anyway being as I started this one from seed if she really is a momma.

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Well-Known Member
Yea makes a lot of sense.. So if I take the top to sex it and it turns out to be female, by taking the top its not going to put my plant into shock or anything? I've toped other plants that I started from clones before and they came out great. I just dont wanna stunt the growth in anyway being as I started this one from seed if she really is a momma.

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dont top too early 5 nodes is perfect. and toping or fimming will slow her a bit. but will come back stronger.


i like either 18/6 or 20/4 for mothers they do need to sleep.
That is not true, that is your opinion but not a fact. Plants don't require sleep! They don't have brains which is why animals and people require sleep. We need to sort out what memories are stored or dumped during our sleep cycle, plants don't have that issue.

I've been cloning off a Northern Lights strain that was purchased as seed in 1990. Several hundred pounds of weed have been produced from clones of a clone of a clone for 24 years. Never, not once did I ever give them darkness in Vegetative growth indoor until it was time to put them out and then out they went, never went into bud, no problem. I had friends that did 18/6 and my plants were always bigger because they kept growing 24/7. Most people cut the light to 18/6 or 20/4 because of the electric bill, not the fact that the plant needed to sleep.

There are many Old School growers like me who never give plants darkness and its not because we are to cheap to buy a timer, I'd rather pay more for electric and have bigger plants, the more light the more growth.

Not trying to bust balls but when you give a blanket statement that goes against my 25 years of experience I can't remain silent. If you think they need sleep by all means, tuck "em in, sing them a

I say keep the lights on, they'll get all the rest they need when they are dead and being smoked, as for now, grow, grow grow!

For anybody that wants the truth, there is NO Harm in 24 hour light, they don't need their sleep!

24 hour light was constant and worked the balls. Your assuming that because people and animals need sleep plants must also but that is wrong.


dont top too early 5 nodes is perfect. and toping or fimming will slow her a bit. but will come back stronger.
I agree 100% as far as topping, when your just topping and not trying to get a clone. I always top them at 5 nodes, in a few days you'll have two tops and wait a week and you can cut two clones, 1 for sexing, one for rooting and you'll then have 4 tops, win/win!

Topping only slows them down for a couple days and they come back with a vengence of growth because the hormone auxin activates growth in all the nodes below the cut.


but if i keep them on 18 and put them in 14 wont they start too flower?
Depends on the strain, I've always grown Northern Lights under 24 hours of light and put them outside around May 21st, equinox, and they never went into bud, some strains do need to be slowly adjusted. With Jamaican I think you'll be fine, but check around and see what others have to say. Indicas react different than Sativas.