The dumbest shit you have ever done-Let's hear about it!

hi my name was i was at the park and i walked home and smoked some dank right and then i got more dank in my fridge been on that dank 4 wasnt a crimianal not that way son
I was at the store picking up the makings of a pizza. sauce, crust, peperoni. I went to get cheese I picked up o of those pre shredded packages and looked at it. I read "Approx 2 cups". visibly degusted I said what the F is approx and why is there 2cups of it in my cheese, put everything back and got the hell out of there. It was until I was pullin into my driveway that I realized that it was short for approximately.
Im super stoned and later went to sleep..I had a terrifying dream and jumped up to run away from the killer, got my foot tangled in the sheet, tripped and broke my nose on the door knob...both my eyes swelled up.. this is my 3 week old scar

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I was at the store picking up the makings of a pizza. sauce, crust, peperoni. I went to get cheese I picked up o of those pre shredded packages and looked at it. I read "Approx 2 cups". visibly degusted I said what the F is approx and why is there 2cups of it in my cheese, put everything back and got the hell out of there. It was until I was pullin into my driveway that I realized that it was short for approximately.

The deadly approx. :wink:
The dumb shit I have done is a very long list but the main one is when me and my brother were smoking really dank shit and we were like NIGGAH I NEED A 40oz and at the time I was 14 and he was 19 so we walked to food lion high as fuck and we got in there and we got 6 olde English and we went to the register and the cashier asked for our I.D. and my brother was like oh shit I left it and he was like tyler you have a id right??? And I was like no, I have a small dick and 3 grams of some dank ass shit and the cashier looked at me and I said idk were that will get me but it should go pretty far and she said I dont smoke and iam looking for a big dick so get the fuck out and my brother said that he had a 20 inch dick and she said just go and my brother was like RUN NIGGA RUNNN so we bolted out and we stopped in the parking lot and he was like drink it quick so we chugged like 4 of them and then a guy came up and said I dont like underage drinking and iam calling the cops my brother was like TYLER HANDLE IT and I threw a bottle at his head and we stumbled back home then guess what COPS CAME so my brother was like welp its your fault and I was like yooooo I can handle it so I went to the cops stumbling and I was like mannn there was some drunk dude stumbling around my yard and they said you look like who were looking for and I said NO IAM RETARDED and I started screaming and rolling on the ground and they said alright well if you see them them again then tell your care taker and I said I HAVE TO TAKE A POOPY DOKIE and they said alright have a good day sir and I actually pissed my pants and they believed it lol the next day we were in the paper and they were looking for two teens that looked like us lol thats all of what happened I have alot more stories like this shit :p
Had an old trans am with a 455 and 4 speed parked in a garage with a polished cement floor. While working on a friends car some transmission fluid spilled and didn't get cleaned well. Back tires were greased and I went to back out of the garage, tires spun, rear end kicked to the right and took out the right side of the garage door opening.
So there I was sitting on my front porch drinking a mickeys 40oz (still in the 40 bag cause I be what they call an O.G.) when my redtick hound came running around the house flinging a damn rabbit around..It wasnt just some cotton tail it was one of those real pretty rabbits with the big floppy ears..And I thought to myself ohhh shit the dog just snuck into my neighbors garage and killed their damn pet rabbit..It was about 445 and my neighbor (we will call her Gloria) usually gets home with her kids at 5...So I run inside and start washing the fucking rabbit off Im shampooing that bitch and getting all the blood off, then I blow dry and brush all its hair trying to make it look real pretty again. So by the time I get that done its like 459 so I run next door and crawl under the garage door cause Gloria usually leaves it cracked a little (that is how the dog must have got in). I go and open the rabbit cage and stick that fucker in there and kinda arrange its ears so there stuck in the side of the cage a little so it looks good. Then I crawl out haul ass to my porch and start sippin on my forty....Just like two min later her comes Gloria in her mini van with her kids she pulls up in the garage I can hear them get out and go inside.

Then just about when I stopped putting attention I hear Gloria screaming AHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH so I run over and say Gloria whats wrong! She says my rabbit that died yesterday that I buried in the back yard its back in its cage....:dunce: all I could do is stand there stunned.....

and that is by far the stupidest thing I have ever done.
LMAO those poor kids

I was sitting on my front porch drinking a mickeys 40oz (still in the 40 bag cause I be what they call an O.G.) when my redtick hound came running around the house flinging a damn rabbit around..It wasnt just some cotton tail it was one of those real pretty rabbits with the big floppy ears..And I thought to myself ohhh shit the dog just snuck into my neighbors garage and killed their damn pet rabbit..It was about 445 and my neighbor (we will call her Gloria) usually gets home with her kids at 5...So I run inside and start washing the fucking rabbit off Im shampooing that bitch and getting all the blood off, then I blow dry and brush all its hair trying to make it look real pretty again. So by the time I get that done its like 459 so I run next door and crawl under the garage door cause Gloria usually leaves it cracked a little (that is how the dog must have got in). I go and open the rabbit cage and stick that fucker in there and kinda arrange its ears so there stuck in the side of the cage a little so it looks good. Then I crawl out haul ass to my porch and start sippin on my forty....Just like two min later her comes Gloria in her mini van with her kids she pulls up in the garage I can hear them get out and go inside.

Then just about when I stopped putting attention I hear Gloria screaming AHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH so I run over and say Gloria whats wrong! She says my rabbit that died yesterday that I buried in the back yard its back in its cage....:dunce: all I could do is stand there stunned.....

and that is by far the stupidest thing I have ever done.
Ok idk but this is pretty fuckin dumb...
Me and my friend tried to get a couple tblsp of gas to get a fire going (grade 7 shitheads), and the grade nine shithead gave us 1L in a milk carton. Fire lit, then i got scared (smoking salvia) and stood like 35 feet back. My buddy (dumbass) tried pouring gas down a stick into a fire. it obviously ran back into the half litre left of gas and he tossed it backward. A bit splashed on my jeans and i fuckin thought sparky had my back tellin me to stop drop and roll but he never said that was for plain fires not gas..
My buddy told me to take off my pants and it instantly went out.
Went down to another friends popped all the blisters and wrapped it and turns out that was the worst thing to do...
His mom smelled the gas and drove me to the hospital.
To this day i have a scar that is easily damaged by prolonged sun... Its fucked.
So if you think your dumb just remember playing with gas, smoking salvia with ginger kids is probably worse.
There is something stupid my mom did,

Well the setting is 1982 my mom was in her early or mid 20s in Jacksonville Florida my mom and her friend were token and her friend was like do you know anyone who has shrooms and my mom was like no and her friend was like we should go to that one farm with cows and go shroom hunting and my mom was probably like hellz yeah bitch so they went there with her friend's boyfriend to look for some well after about an hour they found a huge patch of some in a pile of cow shit and they dug in there and started to take them and guess what? SOUTHERN FARMER TIME he came out with a shotgun and was yelling you damn fuckers get out of my land and my mom was like fuck it lets go and her friend was like oh hell no so she grabbed like 3 handfuls and told the farmer to go fuck yourself and they bolted out and was getting shot at by the said farmer and guess were the boyfriend was??? Fucking taking a leak and she was like I need my man so she ran back and pulled him over the fence well they got back safely and made tea out of it and they lived happily ever after
lol,yeah if your feathering it while your revein it a bit,your gona fly if that happens,lol,i went through a garage door like that once
backing up a slight upgrade,foot was wet from snow,came off the peddle,while i was maybe 3000 rpm easein it up to the door,so i could put the em brake on.didnt go all the way through it,cause there was another car in there,,it stopped me,so 2 cars n the door went to insurance,lol,,,,oh and that ant the stupidest thing i ever did,its only about a 5 of 10,lol
Iam generally a stupid person who lets other people pressure me into stuff so I have alot of stupid stuff that I have done for money and other favors lol

like one time my friend's dad had his house broken into by this meth head that lived across the street from him and his dad said I whould pay someone to break in his house and trash his shit up and look for his stuff ,,the meth head stole 38 gold one dollar coins his shot gun and a 2oz brick of his weed and I broke down the back door while he was doing meth related activities I took back the shot gun his coins and the rest of the weed and I found some other stuff so it looked like a random robbery so I stole a ps3 17 games a gold necklace and a kel tech 9mm with one in the chamber and 4 in the clip, a bunch of movies and a long board and the dude showed up right when I was making the great escape and he saw me and started to run me down so I pulled the tech out and said just forget about it asshole and I said turn around get on the ground face first and put your fingers in your mouth and bite hard on them till you bleed and keep them in that place and if I see your jaw move ill make your stupid ass regret it then I put the pistol up to his head and pushed it in the soft part were the top of the spine is and I said you try anything smart and I'll come back and put a fucking 9mm sized hole in your head

that was stupid and I could have been killed or arrested and I was scared as fuck when this went down iam no dirty hairy or nothing lol but anyways his dad paid me 500 and let me keep half the weed and the long board which was like a $200 treason long board and if you are wondering what ever happened to the meth head well he got thrown in jail for possession of child pornography,

What a piece of shit,, I hope big bubba has a BIG surprise waiting for him in the showers :p
This isn't what I did it's what my best friend did (I was there) it was a while ago I think he was 16 I think I was 17 , so him and this girl was walking through a field and they were having small talk back and forth the girl was looking at his lips and of course he thought that was a sign she wanted to kiss him so he just went for it and kissed her, that was all fine me and him went back to our place and I just had to tell him, the girl was deaf and she was trying to lip read, they never spoke after that ....
Was 19 yrs old messing around with a hot little 15 yr old girl in my old neighborhood where I grew up in ( I was young and stupid ). She got pregnant and she has haunted me for all these years, and I am 51 yrs old now. Said a whole lot of lies about me to my now 18 yr old daughter which she has never seem me since my ex took off with her out of the country for 13 yrs. She just got back to USA 4 months ago and already had me back in court to raise the child support amount. Thank God, everything went in my favor. I had to send money to get to US from where I live - for nothing... It BLOWS, but hey, I love life and thank God for every day that I am alive... Peace :peace: