I was sitting on my front porch drinking a mickeys 40oz (still in the 40 bag cause I be what they call an O.G.) when my redtick hound came running around the house flinging a damn rabbit around..It wasnt just some cotton tail it was one of those real pretty rabbits with the big floppy ears..And I thought to myself ohhh shit the dog just snuck into my neighbors garage and killed their damn pet rabbit..It was about 445 and my neighbor (we will call her Gloria) usually gets home with her kids at 5...So I run inside and start washing the fucking rabbit off Im shampooing that bitch and getting all the blood off, then I blow dry and brush all its hair trying to make it look real pretty again. So by the time I get that done its like 459 so I run next door and crawl under the garage door cause Gloria usually leaves it cracked a little (that is how the dog must have got in). I go and open the rabbit cage and stick that fucker in there and kinda arrange its ears so there stuck in the side of the cage a little so it looks good. Then I crawl out haul ass to my porch and start sippin on my forty....Just like two min later her comes Gloria in her mini van with her kids she pulls up in the garage I can hear them get out and go inside.
Then just about when I stopped putting attention I hear Gloria screaming AHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH so I run over and say Gloria whats wrong! She says my rabbit that died yesterday that I buried in the back yard its back in its cage....

all I could do is stand there stunned.....
and that is by far the stupidest thing I have ever done.