The dumbest shit you have ever done-Let's hear about it!

Not really the dumbest thing, but a funny dumb thing.

Years ago, after work, late night, we used to pitch in for a bottle or two of hards and go somewhere pass it around and party. Someone would always have some smoke as well. This time we went under a bypass by the Aloha stadium and drank and smoked.
After a while, pretty blazed, a few girls and I had to pee so we went to a near-by J in the Box. The girls went their way and I went into the mens room and started to piss. As I was pissing I was looking in the mirror at how red my eyes were. Man my eyes were so red I couldn't believe it, but was so relieved to get to the restroom.
After a good long whiz, I zipped up and turned around to wash my hands. To my confusion, there were no sinks, til I turned my head to where I just came from and realized I just pissed in the sink.
I was so glad noone walked in. I should've known. Most urinals don't have a mirror there.
Walked home at dusk, some how I'm now looking at the sky thinking looks like morning sun will be up soon, people are out in their gardens cutting lawns etc etc, I'm now thinking feckin hell they get up doing shit pretty early down this road etf. so I'm walking home saying good morning to everybody I pass, get home say to my lad your up early or something like that he says what u mean it's 8 at night.. Time warp shit.. Lol
Mezcal first two times I was hospitalized people in town told me not to go to this part of town ( little Mexico) I have long hair drunk get jumped knock two out and take off running got away they came after me jacking and jerring me lost them found my bear mace and went back out to find them found them snuck up to about20 feet away and started charging spaying the mace the whole way ran right into the mace stream got stomped out woke up still being beaten out one last time broke into someone's house and took a shower cops came went to the hospital luckily the guy that saw the fight shot one of the guys and didn't see me mace myself so the third time is not the charm with mezcal woke up forgot I was even at the hospital so I called nine one one and went back cops gave me a ride home asked them to look through my house bong sitting out grow room wide open didn't say anything everything was right crankton cops don't care about weed
The dumb shit I have done is a very long list but the main one is when me and my brother were smoking really dank shit and we were like NIGGAH I NEED A 40oz and at the time I was 14 and he was 19 so we walked to food lion high as fuck and we got in there and we got 6 olde English and we went to the register and the cashier asked for our I.D. and my brother was like oh shit I left it and he was like tyler you have a id right??? And I was like no, I have a small dick and 3 grams of some dank ass shit and the cashier looked at me and I said idk were that will get me but it should go pretty far and she said I dont smoke and iam looking for a big dick so get the fuck out and my brother said that he had a 20 inch dick and she said just go and my brother was like RUN NIGGA RUNNN so we bolted out and we stopped in the parking lot and he was like drink it quick so we chugged like 4 of them and then a guy came up and said I dont like underage drinking and iam calling the cops my brother was like TYLER HANDLE IT and I threw a bottle at his head and we stumbled back home then guess what COPS CAME so my brother was like welp its your fault and I was like yooooo I can handle it so I went to the cops stumbling and I was like mannn there was some drunk dude stumbling around my yard and they said you look like who were looking for and I said NO IAM RETARDED and I started screaming and rolling on the ground and they said alright well if you see them them again then tell your care taker and I said I HAVE TO TAKE A POOPY DOKIE and they said alright have a good day sir and I actually pissed my pants and they believed it lol the next day we were in the paper and they were looking for two teens that looked like us lol thats all of what happened I have alot more stories like this shit :p

The more of this I read the dumber I get
Was 19 yrs old messing around with a hot little 15 yr old girl in my old neighborhood where I grew up in ( I was young and stupid ). She got pregnant and she has haunted me for all these years, and I am 51 yrs old now. Said a whole lot of lies about me to my now 18 yr old daughter which she has never seem me since my ex took off with her out of the country for 13 yrs. She just got back to USA 4 months ago and already had me back in court to raise the child support amount. Thank God, everything went in my favor. I had to send money to get to US from where I live - for nothing... It BLOWS, but hey, I love life and thank God for every day that I am alive... Peace :peace:

Are you paying child support to a 31 year old??
Isn't it amazing what we could have avoided had we heeded the advice of those that had already been through it.
Fuck it - hind sight and all of that. :cool:
I just got out of the joint in 1980 after doing 2 yrs for manufacturing & decided to get hammered & ride one of my bikes , i took off on an old amf sportster i had & put the vodka bottle in my leather , the 1st stop light i came too i came to a stop but forgot to put my feet down & dumped the bike on the carb , which tore the carb loose from the bike , while im reattaching the carb a cop pulled up on me & got out to help , it was a woman cop & she saw the vodka bottle in the grass & me drunk as fuk & asked if i was ok to drive home & how far home was , i thought i was screwed but she was cool as hell , after i got the bike going she followed me home & advised me to stay home & she split .

Shit was different in the 60's 70's & early 80's & cops weren't the peices of shit they are nowdays where ya go to jail for everything , that was the last time i rode drunk since .
A long time ago in a galaxy not very far, I was tripping balls on acid in a parking lot at a pub..for some reason I decided to kick the side mirror off a parked kick was a swinging upward one as if kicking a missed the mirror by cms and as my foot continued to sail up past the mirror , I twisted on my supporting leg, snapping my cruciate ligament...I went down screaming..yow! Off to hospital I went off my chops babbling all sorts of crazy shit to the my feet for few weeks/months? Can't remember lol but I know It was stupid haha
I shit allover the back of my pants once when I was mushed out once. Evil Dead marathon, and when Ash's gf started twirling around and dancing after getting her head removed via chainsaw, I flipped....I was terds...literally...Not embarrassing or anything.
Father of a 6 month old at the time, i was tired .. On a warm night of summer i decide to go fill up the gas of my car, prior to that i smoked some garden grown bud, and so i arrive to the gas station and go pay cash at the office.
I paid, went back in my car, and left..not for long, and lucky enough no one took my spot so i came back and fill the tank laughing by myself at my own stupidity..
Got married. Hands down stupidest shit I've ever done. Lesson learned and it only cost me my house, cars, and every cent that I'd ever saved.. and I'm still paying off her debt.