The dumbest shit you have ever done-Let's hear about it!

My girl and I got some shrooms from one of our usual guys. We ALWAYS get 2.5g each because we're not avid trippers. That fucker gave us 3.5 each and these things were POTENT. So we take them at 6pm with OJ and go to the store real quick. 6:45 we preheat the oven to make some chicken nuggets and the shrooms begin to take affect. At 7 I cant tell how deep the oven is, so im too scared to put the nuggets in and say fuck it. Every time I look at the clock the time has only advanced by 15 seconds. We start laughing hysterically at 7:30 then crying a min later. We decide to go to bed. Haha. NEVER try to sleep on shrooms. Its impossible. So were laying theyre tripping the fuck out, holding onto eachother for dear life and my body begins to feel moist like Im in the shower and my girls face is just a huge mouth wrapped around my head. I was able to grasp a few pieces of reality for a moment to realise we were NAKED and SOAKED in PISS. Theres a lot more to the story but its pretty embarrassing. Moral of my story. Make sure you know how much youre taking before you take it. Not after. Or else youll end up getting pissed on.
Tripped on shrooms, started coming down. Got bored so i went to the bar, got hammered. Left the bar and started walking the exact opposite way of my apartment. Ended up fenced in outside of some industrial plant. Tried to jump the fence, snagged it, fell down and fractured my ankle and left hand. Walked home without my shoes and lost my keys. By the time I got home the sun was setting and I had to break down my door to get inside. Finally did and was on crutches for 3 weeks
When I was 20 years old I went to a friends place that sold weed, and he had made cookies. I had never eaten cookies before, and since I was already quite high - I had 3.

My freind came in the kitchen after, and said: "did you have half a cookie?"

Apparently I was not listening when he said that 1/2 cookie would fuck you up for hours. I was fucked up for 36 of them - hahahahahahaha.

Now I listen better...
My girl and I got some shrooms from one of our usual guys. We ALWAYS get 2.5g each because we're not avid trippers. That fucker gave us 3.5 each and these things were POTENT. So we take them at 6pm with OJ and go to the store real quick. 6:45 we preheat the oven to make some chicken nuggets and the shrooms begin to take affect. At 7 I cant tell how deep the oven is, so im too scared to put the nuggets in and say fuck it. Every time I look at the clock the time has only advanced by 15 seconds. We start laughing hysterically at 7:30 then crying a min later. We decide to go to bed. Haha. NEVER try to sleep on shrooms. Its impossible. So were laying theyre tripping the fuck out, holding onto eachother for dear life and my body begins to feel moist like Im in the shower and my girls face is just a huge mouth wrapped around my head. I was able to grasp a few pieces of reality for a moment to realise we were NAKED and SOAKED in PISS. Theres a lot more to the story but its pretty embarrassing. Moral of my story. Make sure you know how much youre taking before you take it. Not after. Or else youll end up getting pissed on.

I had the urge to piss while on shrooms. I also have the urge to get naked so I try not to take too much
set up air pump without check valve and lower than water level £45 to replace 2weeks old. ....not too clever for someone who keep marine fish for 20 years...
Oooh, actually the cookies were NOT the dumbest.

The dumbest thing I ever did is reply via facebook to a post my friend sent me saying that I wanted to attend the event and if my ex boyfriend had a problem with it:
"VAJustin** can angst alone by himself"

Unfortunately, I hit "reply all" and he was in the group. Needless to say, we are no longer friends...

***name has been changed, just incases.