My girl and I got some shrooms from one of our usual guys. We ALWAYS get 2.5g each because we're not avid trippers. That fucker gave us 3.5 each and these things were POTENT. So we take them at 6pm with OJ and go to the store real quick. 6:45 we preheat the oven to make some chicken nuggets and the shrooms begin to take affect. At 7 I cant tell how deep the oven is, so im too scared to put the nuggets in and say fuck it. Every time I look at the clock the time has only advanced by 15 seconds. We start laughing hysterically at 7:30 then crying a min later. We decide to go to bed. Haha. NEVER try to sleep on shrooms. Its impossible. So were laying theyre tripping the fuck out, holding onto eachother for dear life and my body begins to feel moist like Im in the shower and my girls face is just a huge mouth wrapped around my head. I was able to grasp a few pieces of reality for a moment to realise we were NAKED and SOAKED in PISS. Theres a lot more to the story but its pretty embarrassing. Moral of my story. Make sure you know how much youre taking before you take it. Not after. Or else youll end up getting pissed on.