Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

After it has been through the worms I think it is fine for use without burning. I heard a long time ago that rabbit manure fed to worms makes the best worms. I wonder what kind of castings it would make?


I hear the same and if I thought I would be able to take care of one I would. Need to find a source perhaps craigslist? Thoughts, things to check with those who raise bunnies?

I don't know what buy the neighbor's kid a rabbit and promise to collect it's droppings? Not sure exactly how to source, but I do know rabbit poo is the best shit out there if they are feed right.

wow this thread has come a long way and its been a long time since i have been active on here. trying to maybe catch up on info when I can, school has kept me very busy.

Just for some info on DE from comments made back in november. DE is not a pesticide its a mechanical pest killer. it does not work when wet, therefore doing a foilar spray will not help for pest management. DE has to be dry for pests.

Loving how more people are becoming more active in this method as well. is Rorg, Headtreep, and Cann still around?
wow this thread has come a long way and its been a long time since i have been active on here. trying to maybe catch up on info when I can, school has kept me very busy.

Just for some info on DE from comments made back in november. DE is not a pesticide its a mechanical pest killer. it does not work when wet, therefore doing a foilar spray will not help for pest management. DE has to be dry for pests.

Loving how more people are becoming more active in this method as well. is Rorg, Headtreep, and Cann still around?

You are so right when wet doesn't work, however after spraying with DE a funny thing happens air warmth dries it and thus its razor cutting skeletal particles again start slicing into pest.

Try it and see
that is exactly what I do, my organic tea pot sets under my central heater vent in my unused bedroom, the vent cover is off so it is a direct push of warm air on my tea keeping it at room temps at all time

Haha - I wonder if you can water plants in the winter with warm water to keep the roots happy?
study.. dammit... ok.. I just did start a worm bin,, 500 plus strong

Vermiculture is what you are talking about, yes this is a practice that is done for us no tillers.

An example would be to add a little more of egg shells or something rich in calcium, this will be digested by the worms and the worms will shit out a calcium rich shit. But of course we dont just focus on calcium, other food scraps that are rich in other key ingrediants work as well.
More info here

top dressing or amending our rich vermiSHiT is key to success in ROLS

You are so right when wet doesn't work, however after spraying with DE a funny thing happens air warmth dries it and thus its razor cutting skeletal particles again start slicing into pest.

Try it and see


do people spray DE during flower? This is somethig that i view as a negative during flower, just like DANKSWAG said, it will dry up and essentially stay on the surface, heard a couple farmers say they use it during flowering, wouldnt want to inhale de, that shit will cut up your lungs
DE will dryout but seems to take a long time, it turns to a mud like consistency. Ive used it on top of soil and around containers at the base. If i apply it to any plant surface i use a duster that sprays it on dry not wet.
You won't get burn if you let a mix 'cook' or decompose. I actually have 1 of my worm bins dedicated to a very nutrient rich VC for top dressing and transplanting. I amended this bin with 1/4 cup kelp, alfalfa, neem, and crab shell. I was a little nervous about how hot the mix would get, so I dug into that black gold goodness to check the temp daily. It never even got warm. You could amend the VC and use less in your soil mix if you wanted. It's really about being local, getting off the bottle, availability, budget, preference, and commitment. Once you get a good cooked mix...all you have to do is add water ;) It actually takes all of the guess work out, and the girl ends up 'taking what she wants'. If I were you, I'd read the first quick half of Teaming with Microbes' and this thread. Once you go black gold, you won't go back.

Glad to hear you are doing that and it's working.

I don't know that I see the benefit of "no till" (other than if you are using massive pots or beds)but I definitely intend to recycle my soil once I get it going. I guess you have to get a feel for what the soil needs added back so that you don't go deficient or overdose and burn. But it sounds like the good news is that there is a lot of buffer room if you let things break down.
I have only grown with synthetics but the mixing and pHing and mix and pHing etc. plus trying to figure out what products were actually beneficial and which were just a waste of money... too much headache.

I think I will start off with a basic recipe, I'm not planning to use the subcool recipe because it seems out of balance(not very much worm casting/compost added). I'll be aiming for something like 30% castings to start.

I'll have to find myself that book. It sounds like a good resource.
Thank you
DE is like microscopic shards of glass. That is how it kills bugs. I am not sure whether worms could handle the texture.
I see how this is going, who wants to expose their worms to something that kills bugs, so let's draw worms the shortest one gets to use their worm bin as the guinea pig.

De also dehydrates bugs... And dehydration is very bad for worms... They are 90% water.. throw some green sand or egg shells in there..

has anyone used gro kashi ? I got a free pack of it at the cup..
ur idea on buildig your soil with 30% compost is great, shit u should do 40%!!
And even better to stay away from super soil, just like u said will need a bigger pot for better results.