Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

look at these crybabies try to reel off their lies unabated.

you guys need some fucking kleenex since you clearly have no bootstraps?

i mean, all those min wage people can just pull themselves up by the bootstraps instead of crying about how impossible it is to work full time and make a living wage, so why can't you crybabies do the same?

robert, i know you are a major racist douche, but why not pull yourself up by the bootstraps and just work harder and earn more instead of crying and whining about a regularly scheduled minimum wage increase?

and jahbrudda (who likes to cite white supremacists for his information), since you are clearly the self made republican archetype of success, why not just work harder and be a smarter job creator business person instead of constantly whining and crying about having to comply with a minimum wage increase?

why do you two get to be such entitled little crybabies while the folks working full time and earning minimum wage have to pull themselves up by the bootstraps?

it's crybaby hypocrisy at its finest.

Buck ..

My first job was at min wage in the early 70s and at that time it was 1.75 per hour. My rent was 150.00 per month for an apt. And now in oregon min wage is 9.10 per hour and rent for an apt is 700/800 per month. So I agree it needs to come up some because things are getting out of control. property tax's in oregon are out of control and that will keep the rent to high for people to get by now days. We have reached critical mass with low income and high costs, and there is no easy fix. I have been prepping for awhile because I don't believe this is going to end well. We are worse off now than we were when BarryO took over. For example, health care is great but people simply don't have the money for an extra bill every month when they were already having trouble paying their bills, so BarryO made things worse for poor people that don't get free health care..BarryO should of raised min wage before he started spending peoples money that they don't have. But the people in charge have no common sense in my opinion.
It wasn't available for me. I worked 2 jobs to compensate for bills when my parents got divorced, my dad made too much money for me to qualify for financial aid and both of our income after paying for bills and food and car insurance and gas, etc. wasn't enough to put me through school (my little sister is also attending, it was either her or me, not both of us). Keep in mind, this is with 2 jobs, my dads full time job, etc.

That is my real world experience
You could have taken out a loan.
Why not? Are you one of the "have nots" too lazy to work for one? Or.......too young to drive?

Yeah, I don't see how not having a car, makes you prefer rough sex.

I used to bicycle that distance to get to class. It is only an hr commute. It is good for Pad, And an hour commute makes him tough for job market. And he might meet some rough skank with no self esteem, like him. He might just waste his life with his thumb up his ass.

No car. WTF??? Work more, pontificate on RIU, much less. Broadband but no car. What is this world coming to?
Yeah, I don't see how not having a car, makes you prefer rough sex.

I used to bicycle that distance to get to class. It is only an hr commute. It is good for Pad, And an hour commute makes him tough for job market. And he might meet some rough skank with no self esteem, like him. He might just waste his life with his thumb up his ass.

No car. WTF??? Work more, pontificate on RIU, much less. Broadband but no car. What is this world coming to?

I like how he's mad that if a loan is taken has to be repaid.
As far as student loans go, Obama did one great thing.

I had about $25k for undergrad.

I racked up over 100k for law school.

So I'm sitting at about 135k total student loan debt. I consolidated my student loan debts under a new plan I think Obama put in, an income based repayment plan.

My job at the time I consolidated my loans under this plan paid $12/hr. My monthly bill with that income under that plan is $0.00 per month.

Saying I can't afford to pay for college, and I'm not taking out a loan to go because it can't be forgiven is an absurdity now. If you borrow money to go to school, you only have to pay it back now if you start making decent money, provided you consolidate your loans and choose the right plan.

I think this is a good thing Obama and the democrats did because my minimum payment would have been over $1000 a month. That isn't a hell of a lot of money to someone with a decent income, but it is a burden to most folks who trade hours for dollars. I have calculated what I think my payment might be next year. I expect to make $50-60k this year. As a single person with no children, at that income, under my repayment plan the monthly bill will be $400 or so. Thanks Obama!
Yeah, I don't see how not having a car, makes you prefer rough sex.

I used to bicycle that distance to get to class. It is only an hr commute. It is good for Pad, And an hour commute makes him tough for job market. And he might meet some rough skank with no self esteem, like him. He might just waste his life with his thumb up his ass.

No car. WTF??? Work more, pontificate on RIU, much less. Broadband but no car. What is this world coming to?

I wanted to say something to that effect, but because of me being relatively new here, I didn't want to come off as some callous jerk.
But you are right Doer, I think Pad would be in a much better position if he would focus on how to overcome his obstacles, rather than how he can't.
Worked as a 12 year old selling popcorn and peanuts at high school games. Summer of '66 worked a 10 hour split shift at a restaurant bussing tables (yech!), 6 days a week, $ .70/hr. Worked during the summers to pay for my college years. Unlike most of the spoiled brats of today, many did not have a car, bunking up in a dorm with a room mate was the norm, most didn't have TV much less a stereo system and we certainly didn't have neck tattoos, Nike's, ipad's, nose rings and all the other shit that goes along with this current thankless self indulging generation.

We had fun though!
Min. wage is an aggressive act of totalitarianism against the very group of entrepreneurs that this country was founded on and a higher (academic) education is over-rated.
Can you say a little more please? I cant tell if you believe this. Regardless, education is an individual process and is overrated by the people who thrive in the knowledge. You, of all people, a teacher type and very well educated in botany could share enough to make it less over-rated. Learning how to learn and the pursuit of curiosity is all I really care about.
Right, the whinning from this one is something else. And now we see he is a hermit and cannot go among them.

What is the min. wage? Doesn't matter. What is the minimum expense for you. How can you cut even that? Then you get 3 jobs, but one doesn't pay.

One entire job in life is to climb out of the hole of youth. It was nearly difficult for me. But, I put in effort. So, 2 min wage jobs? I've done that.

Eat at the Harri Krishna? I've done that. Hang out with a bunch of people for networking? I've done that. Sell door to door in the evenings? Been there.

Throw a paper route and work a high tech job, while owning 2 houses. Oh hell yes. I was 38 years old with a new wife that got up at 3am and helped.

I don't have any sympathy for the cry babies. A thousand years ago and a thousand years from now......still the world is full of crybabies the successful use as stepping stones.
I wanted to say something to that effect, but because of me being relatively new here, I didn't want to come off as some callous jerk.
But you are right Doer, I think Pad would be in a much better position if he would focus on how to overcome his obstacles, rather than how he can't.

I came off as a calloused jerk from day one, to some, and a real sweety pie to others. Go figure. Then I realized something. It is all in the tone, you hear these phrases, in your mind.
Let's see.....Before I was 10 years old I shoveled snow, sold seeds, mowed lawns, lied about my age to get my first of many paper routes, From 12-17 years old I worked on numerous fruit farms picking fruit (ya know, the jobs most Americans won't do), worked at a drug store for $1.35 an hour, cleaned grills and fryers, cut cabbage, and dug ditches. I'm sure there's many jobs I did that I cannot even remember.

These days I know kids that didn't get their first job until after college....and had absolutely no experience at how to work.
Right, the whinning from this one is something else. And now we see he is a hermit and cannot go among them.

What is the min. wage? Doesn't matter. What is the minimum expense for you. How can you cut even that? Then you get 3 jobs, but one doesn't pay.

One entire job in life is to climb out of the hole of youth. It was nearly difficult for me. But, I put in effort. So, 2 min wage jobs? I've done that.

Eat at the Harri Krishna? I've done that. Hang out with a bunch of people for networking? I've done that. Sell door to door in the evenings? Been there.

Throw a paper route and work a high tech job, while owning 2 houses. Oh hell yes. I was 38 years old with a new wife that got up at 3am and helped.

I don't have any sympathy for the cry babies. A thousand years ago and a thousand years from now......still the world is full of crybabies the successful use as stepping stones.

Victimization is the new crybaby.
Right, the whinning from this one is something else. And now we see he is a hermit and cannot go among them.

What is the min. wage? Doesn't matter. What is the minimum expense for you. How can you cut even that? Then you get 3 jobs, but one doesn't pay.

One entire job in life is to climb out of the hole of youth. It was nearly difficult for me. But, I put in effort. So, 2 min wage jobs? I've done that.

Eat at the Harri Krishna? I've done that. Hang out with a bunch of people for networking? I've done that. Sell door to door in the evenings? Been there.

Throw a paper route and work a high tech job, while owning 2 houses. Oh hell yes. I was 38 years old with a new wife that got up at 3am and helped.

I don't have any sympathy for the cry babies. A thousand years ago and a thousand years from now......still the world is full of crybabies the successful use as stepping stones.

I don't have much sympathy for cry babies because I need help often. Sounds a bit off I know, but that reality toughens you up and you learn to save your tears so when the time comes I am no burden. Some people have less perspective and just don't see it yet.
I came off as a calloused jerk from day one, to some, and a real sweety pie to others. Go figure. Then I realized something. It is all in the tone, you hear these phrases, in your mind.
You are a centrist. But it is a tone right. I wonder what my tone sounds like.
I believe people like Pad find themselves in a conundrum that is bolstered by today's society.
Victimization is in vogue and blame is the easy way out.
Pad just needs a new mentor to show him the way.
I came off as a calloused jerk from day one, to some, and a real sweety pie to others. Go figure. Then I realized something. It is all in the tone, you hear these phrases, in your mind.

You are correct, it's all relative IMHO, callous can be a good thing to some and the boogie man to the sensitive.
Yes I could easily live off min wage..and have
Had 4,000 to spare at the end of the year based on the calculator (without accepting any aid like a food pantry and discounts on elec bills etc and assuming I'm the only one in the household working..excluding my wife)
Its really not hard to be successful
You are correct, it's all relative IMHO, callous can be a good thing to some and the boogie man to the sensitive.

And I have found for fact, over the years, the most sensitive ones are by far, the most insensitive ones, of all.