The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
evening cunts .... loads of good looking bud porn ... yorkie that delay might be the cold on lights off .. im having the same problem now ... plants have looked like they got 2-3 weeks left for last 5 weeks !!! i think the cold is causing them to stress n slow the fuck down .. maybe yours doing the same ?


Well-Known Member
in my experience real cold temps can be far worse than running hot, the cold sloooooooows shit down badly, not saying that's your prob but cold is deffo not good lol


Well-Known Member
Aye ur right shawny, everyone loved it lol, all tryin to get there word in and stir things up worse too lol, lucky I'm too wise to fall for that
Haha Yeh blokes live a bit of action Jackson on site don't they lol ...I bet you felt shit hot about half hour after didn't ya or on the drive home having a reet laugh about it


Well-Known Member
anyone lads? nutes for dwc that don't cost feckin hundreds in postage from the states?
vitalink max

righ lads valium, joint and bed for me, i wont have net for 2 weeks til it gets installed, i may be bale to message in the AM long as i dont sleep in

so take care guys catch ya in a few weeks, wih a grow nicely in veg

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Aye the Exo are in the loft and it is quite cold lights off, not stupid cold though as the lights are off during the day.

They don't look like anything is actually wrong with em just that they're fucking slow.

See what this 600w does to warm up the situation but I'm damn sure these won't be coming down in any 2-3 weeks!?


Well-Known Member
its the lights of u need to deal with even insulated its a bitch ouyrs was made with inch thick ply stuff and lined with a tent and its still cold as fuk, get a minimum and high thermomenter then u will see how much it drops and gets too weneevr u go check

use canna coco in rockwool no problems


Well-Known Member
See bit ice tek it easeh Lol....can't u whack a little heater inthere yorkstar? Yeh I know fuck all about dwc too man never indulged in that game

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
its the lights of u need to deal with even insulated its a bitch ouyrs was made with inch thick ply stuff and lined with a tent and its still cold as fuk, get a minimum and high thermomenter then u will see how much it drops and gets too weneevr u go check
Aye I think intake from the house rather than the loft is in order.


Well-Known Member
from every grow ive seen I think dwc is the way to get real good yields but haven't a fucking clue how it works etc really, netpot,airstone,sealed bucket is about my knowledge lol