The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Bro I cut the tops iff 4 slh and atleast 2oz a piece on the 4 reckon about the 12 mark could be more could be less haha I aint 1 for weighin wet ya kno dat lol smashed I am lads the misses took me sum mad indian Ib brum my days talk about give ya head a wobble lmfao

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Lol 3oz muhahahhaha kid we knockin this shitout be4 ya knew how to turn ya lights on lmao lems the pepsi challenge is on de ron now take ya seat and get it on haha
well what you saying whose getting what i sent a couple samples a couple days guna send same people??.....whats gwaning.....are we guna send each other (you don't smoke???)......

let me know soon though stocks are low...(but i am super high)....


Well-Known Member
Morning bellends, just trimmed the psychosis in DWC last night, would have done a lot better if it got the light it needed but it was just squeezed in the side of the room, still get 3-4 off it I reckon

Up next is 4 livers trees lol, it'll prob take all day to trim them and then 4 exo for tomoro....goina be a long weekend



Well-Known Member
Morning gay dicks how's it goin?.. shit you can see how she been searching for that light can't ya hydro surprised it hasn't toppled over with the weight Lol....still no roots but the bottom 2 leaves have gone all shitty so surely there gonna pop soon man