The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Which reminds me rimmer anyone you know got a q today mate???
Funnily enough ive got a bit arriving today for a mate, will see if he wants to get rid of a Q of it to ya , may not have an answer for ya though till bout 1/2pm as he dont normally get up til then


Well-Known Member
@Gary your Fairy just arrived cheers mate, outstanding packaging as normal mate well done

nice one m8, was my 1st time sending as big a parcel so was careful to make sure it was well wrapped.

u shud enjoy the little bit of iso as wel mate im sure u will like it.

that filter of any use to u then? i also found the instructions for the fan i sent u the other week so chucked them in the box lol

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Funnily enough ive got a bit arriving today for a mate, will see if he wants to get rid of a Q of it to ya , may not have an answer for ya though till bout 1/2pm as he dont normally get up til then
yeah sweet mate let me having a proper lazy day..... Shemale me ill see it faster.....


Active Member
Fuckin proper mashed last night lads spewing me ring up at work while carryin tube is not a nice sight lol robbie pal gimme a call asap mate


Well-Known Member
nice one m8, was my 1st time sending as big a parcel so was careful to make sure it was well wrapped.

u shud enjoy the little bit of iso as wel mate im sure u will like it.

that filter of any use to u then? i also found the instructions for the fan i sent u the other week so chucked them in the box lol
Yeah was all good mate only thing i would say for next time is to take all the big stalks out, trim it down to smaller nugs and then the buds in a bag will fit to any shape, i.e. a glass jar/jiffy bag etc as its easier to disguise

Yeah gonna leave the ISO until tomorrow as off out for a meal n drink with mates tonight an if i smoke too much i have no interest in alcohol an its been months since i went to the pub so am looking forward to a few nice pints of ale lol

Yeah the filter is perfect cheers mate, only need it til harvest time then im upgrading my 4" exhaust fan n filter to 5" stuff so i can get the temps down a bit n minimize smell ready for the summer months, temps are slightly higher than i would like em and the bearing in the 4" fan has suddenly got rather noisy over the last week or so either needs oiling or an upgrade anyway

Only 5-6 weeks left til harvest, cant fucking wait been far too long (3.5years since last harvest lol) , yellowing is still a problem though, gave em another dose of biobizz last night so hopefully they will start coming round soon


Well-Known Member
so all moved now, buzzin its a brand new house, in a new city only thing is thers no cupboard big enough

so went up in the attick, open as fuk and huge, noticed ducting and looked behind me to a huge home extraction unit all wired up, and ducted in to every room of the house, so im thinking i could use that?

anyone with any expraince with these? ther using black ducting about a 2-3ft tall and 1.5 wide, even got my own power source up ther AND a playform for a tent straight up
just need to find a tent, i have AMPLE room for 3 tents and the bills are on quaterly,

fucking awsome, il show a pic later on o fthe usit, i have no net access and my phones at home as im at a pals,

anyone know what im on about tho?

also thers a water but outsite wat is a huge thing wat collects rain water? thats ideal for my plants? one of these thingy houses u know eco house


Well-Known Member
skinny unbushy livers myestery SOLVED

only been veggin under a phillps master sonT pia plus, FUCKING RED PSEC BULB!!! i ordered MH from ebay 6 weeks ago and he didnet know obv he just put it in as i hadent seen it or them till today

DO NOT VEG UNDER SONT bulbs, it just does not work lol,, ordering 400 MH on monday.,., just guna stik a 600 dual spec in ther for now, get sum blue to them since they havent seen any since they have arrived,

i think that kinda aswers all the yellowing witing slow growing.steressing out looking isssues.


New Member
its a very very simply set up pretty poor to be honest its basically a swingtop bin with radiator reflector and fans cut in but im just growing 1 plant bit of an experiment for the first time (just moved into my own place) its nirvana short rider. using a 300w cfl dual spectrum trying to keep it simple.

i just enjoy growning stuff plus i havent smoked in a while due so having no were to get it (dont really know anyone here and non of my friends are smokers)


Well-Known Member
i just enjoy growning stuff plus i havent smoked in a while due so having no were to get it (dont really know anyone here and non of my friends are smokers)
I'm from the middle of nowhere in Wales and it's everywhere. You're not looking in the right places ;)

Good luck on the mini grow man


New Member
I'm from the middle of nowhere in Wales and it's everywhere. You're not looking in the right places

its probably everywhere here too i just need to figure out the best way to find out. im abut shit at talking to strangers