"global warming petition project" peer reviewed and everything???

Niiiiiiiiiiiice! It's about time people were informed as to how real scientific methods are practised and used and not some consensus based upon speculation...
The Earth has not warmed in the last 15 years despite 'increases' in CO2. I don't know about you guys, but the CO2 increased from like 320 ppm to 380 ppm or something like that according to 'global warming', or 'climate change' or whatever gets you to send in your donation....I'm told the ladies like 1500ppm CO2 or something close to it. Seems like 320 to 380 ppm is bullshit. The Earth has always experienced 'climate change'...it's called weather. The main impact on our weather is the sun. Open your eyes to actual science, not just political science... ;)
i stumbled upon this and thought you guys would love it!!


A review of that website does not impress me. No scientific article that appeals to "31,487 Americans with university degrees in science – including 9,029 PhD..." as it's premise, and fails to state how they are qualified, should be taken as informed. Business administration is a university science degree; as is journalism, food science, hospitality management, pharmacy, psychology, nutrition science, mechanical engineering, and software engineering. The list of doctorates is even broader.

This whole premise is based on an appeal to authority, not expertise. I'd like to know how much research a person with a PhD in journalism has done regarding global warming for his/her doctorate thesis and beyond. Your site may have valid points somewhere, but they're buried under a shitty premise.
A review of that website does not impress me. No scientific article that appeals to "31,487 Americans with university degrees in science – including 9,029 PhD..." as it's premise, and fails to state how they are qualified, should be taken as informed. Business administration is a university science degree; as is journalism, food science, hospitality management, pharmacy, psychology, nutrition science, mechanical engineering, and software engineering. The list of doctorates is even broader.

This whole premise is based on an appeal to authority, not expertise. I'd like to know how much research a person with a PhD in journalism has done regarding global warming for his/her doctorate thesis and beyond. Your site may have valid points somewhere, but they're buried under a shitty premise.

Qualifications of Signers
Signatories are approved for inclusion in the Petition Project list if they have obtained formal educational degrees at the level of Bachelor of Science or higher in appropriate scientific fields. The petition has been circulated only in the United States.The current list of petition signers includes 9,029 PhD; 7,157 MS; 2,586 MD and DVM; and 12,715 BS or equivalent academic degrees. Most of the MD and DVM signers also have underlying degrees in basic science.All of the listed signers have formal educations in fields of specialization that suitably qualify them to evaluate the research data related to the petition statement. Many of the signers currently work in climatological, meteorological, atmospheric, environmental, geophysical, astronomical, and biological fields directly involved in the climate change controversy.The Petition Project classifies petition signers on the basis of their formal academic training, as summarized below. Scientists often pursue specialized fields of endeavor that are different from their formal education, but their underlying training can be applied to any scientific field in which they become interested.Outlined below are the numbers of Petition Project signatories, subdivided by educational specialties. These have been combined, as indicated, into seven categories.1. Atmospheric, environmental, and Earth sciences includes 3,805 scientists trained in specialties directly related to the physical environment of the Earth and the past and current phenomena that affect that environment.2. Computer and mathematical sciences includes 935 scientists trained in computer and mathematical methods. Since the human-caused global warming hypothesis rests entirely upon mathematical computer projections and not upon experimental observations, these sciences are especially important in evaluating this hypothesis.3. Physics and aerospace sciences include 5,812 scientists trained in the fundamental physical and molecular properties of gases, liquids, and solids, which are essential to understanding the physical properties of the atmosphere and Earth.4. Chemistry includes 4,822 scientists trained in the molecular interactions and behaviors of the substances of which the atmosphere and Earth are composed.5. Biology and agriculture includes 2,965 scientists trained in the functional and environmental requirements of living things on the Earth.6. Medicine includes 3,046 scientists trained in the functional and environmental requirements of human beings on the Earth.7. Engineering and general science includes 10,102 scientists trained primarily in the many engineering specialties required to maintain modern civilization and the prosperity required for all human actions, including environmental programs.

STFU you TROLL you obviously didn't review very much, you fail, and trust me the last thing im trying to do is impress people like you
The Earth has not warmed in the last 15 years

[TABLE="class: wikitable sortable jquery-tablesorter"]
10 warmest years on record (°C anomaly from 1901–2000 mean) [TR]
[TH="class: headerSort"]Year[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort"]Global[SUP][66][/SUP][/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort"]Land[SUP][67][/SUP][/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort"]Ocean[SUP][68][/SUP][/TH]

The main impact on our weather is the sun.


Open your eyes to actual science, not just political science... ;)

open your eyes and wake up you sheeple, the new line of argument against climate change isn't that it's not happening, it's that it is happening but it's not really us and the effects will be positive.

do you not attend climate denier meetings anymore?
The Earth has not warmed in the last 15 years despite 'increases' in CO2. I don't know about you guys, but the CO2 increased from like 320 ppm to 380 ppm or something like that according to 'global warming', or 'climate change' or whatever gets you to send in your donation....I'm told the ladies like 1500ppm CO2 or something close to it. Seems like 320 to 380 ppm is bullshit. The Earth has always experienced 'climate change'...it's called weather. The main impact on our weather is the sun. Open your eyes to actual science, not just political science... ;)

Wrong on about every angle here. firstly, we have lived through 10 of the hottest years on record, it HAS warmed and there is little dispute exept in the minds of the blind. Secondly, climate is not weather and never has been. Thirdly, the "main impact" on our weather (climate) is not just the sun but the albedo of the planet and its atmosphere. That same sun that strikes us with its rays warms the surfaceof the moon to several hundred degrees on one side and several hundred below on the other - ask the chinese.

Open your eyes to real science and you may find that it comports with the idea that the earth is warming and we are the primary cause. Simple as that.
My point is, no one gives a shit about man made global warming because they don't believe it.
Only pseudo scientists on the internet make it an issue.

so you've done some research, made some groundbreaking discoveries, had it peer reviewed, collected accolades, and i haven't heard of any of this?

damn, you are one special sock puppet.
so you've done some research, made some groundbreaking discoveries, had it peer reviewed, collected accolades, and i haven't heard of any of this?

damn, you are one special sock puppet.

Have another drink buck, it will make the facts I post go down much smoother.
you? facts?

that's funny.


i know you worship hitler, you have made that much apparent.

you blame WWII on the jews for not getting guns and fighting the nazis alone (certain death) rather than hitler.

that's a pretty disgusting argument you are making, but then again, you are a pretty disgusting person.

hell, you even have a fist up your ass. a dick i could understand, to each his own. but a fist? that's pretty extreme.

anyhoo, best of luck with your anti-semitic line of hitler worship, socky McFistuptheass.
i know you worship hitler, you have made that much apparent.

you blame WWII on the jews for not getting guns and fighting the nazis alone (certain death) rather than hitler.

that's a pretty disgusting argument you are making, but then again, you are a pretty disgusting person.

hell, you even have a fist up your ass. a dick i could understand, to each his own. but a fist? that's pretty extreme.

anyhoo, best of luck with your anti-semitic line of hitler worship, socky McFistuptheass.

I didn't defend Hitler, you sir, are on record doing it.
Exposed as the unprincipled charlatan you are.