Banks can now do business with the Weed business


Well-Known Member
Voting does not make someone your master...not voting assures that you have no voice
He cant vote. He is only 16 and he was profoundly demented after he read some Lysander Spooner and realized he could use it as an argument to not clean his room


Well-Known Member
Voting does not make someone your master...not voting assures that you have no voice
You think your "voice" matters?

Every 4 years you vote for either Blue Lefty Dipshit A or Christ-lovin' Red Dipshit B.

That's not a choice, it's how you treat a child, give them the illusion of options but each option is pre approved by the parent so regardless of the child's choice it's not really options.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Voting does not make someone your master...not voting assures that you have no voice
In any situation it is important to consider all the possible elements. A choice between Romney and Obama was not a real choice and you are a fool if you don't know this.

Obama and Romney are both players in the status quo and there is no viable option to vote for "none of the above" or no thanks I'll just be left alone. If there is no option of saying I want to be left alone and left out of your snare, then you are in fact ensnared. To be ensnared is to be captured isn't it? To be captured and then told you can pick your overlord
from a pair of dipshits or you can write in some other soon to be forgotten person is hardly a choice representing all of the possibilities. Logic insists this is true.

If there is NO POSSIBILITY of a non participant being left alone, and you admit this is true because you say non voters have no voice, then the only possibility left is you are participating in something that amounts to a phony "choice" that doesn't involve all the possibilities. Besides Vermin Supreme took down the offer of a pony and that made me disappointed. I thought HE was different!!

Practically speaking you have no voice anyway, the vote is a sham. Grow up.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
He cant vote. He is only 16 and he was profoundly demented after he read some Lysander Spooner and realized he could use it as an argument to not clean his room
At least I know that prohibiting something is a trait of a prohibitionist.

I don't have a room, I live in a thatched nest in a tree and have my concubines bring me fresh fruit and grubs.
We are free and you are a slave. I know this because your rubber blowup doll has been using your computer and sending messages when you fall into a deep slumber after you have an orgy with them and the gerbils. She said your Harleys weren't real and your feet barely touch the ground when you sit on parked bikes you imagine are yours until burly men chase you away. She said you are torn between wanting them catch to you and fear that they will use you like you have used small mammals.


Well-Known Member
In any situation it is important to consider all the possible elements. A choice between Romney and Obama was not a real choice and you are a fool if you don't know this.

Obama and Romney are both players in the status quo and there is no viable option to vote for "none of the above" or no thanks I'll just be left alone. If there is no option of saying I want to be left alone and left out of your snare, then you are in fact ensnared. To be ensnared is to be captured isn't it? To be captured and then told you can pick your overlord
from a pair of dipshits or you can write in some other soon to be forgotten person is hardly a choice representing all of the possibilities. Logic insists this is true.

If there is NO POSSIBILITY of a non participant being left alone, and you admit this is true because you say non voters have no voice, then the only possibility left is you are participating in something that amounts to a phony "choice" that doesn't involve all the possibilities. Besides Vermin Supreme took down the offer of a pony and that made me disappointed. I thought HE was different!!

Practically speaking you have no voice anyway, the vote is a sham. Grow up.
I've been grown for awhile now. SO your suggestion is to not vote and do what ???? If I don't vote then I get what I vote for nothing. I agree that the political arena is full of scum, which is the very reason why ALL should vote to keep the greedy scum fools out. When you sit back and just complain about a system (in which you have no other solution ), you start to become the problem. Fine you don't like who is running your local office ( ALL politics start local ) then find someone who you do like OR run your damn self...but to sit back and complain and do nothing is foolish and will get you nowhere. You have Congress men now who have tenure of 20 years plus all because people like yourself don't vote. You see what they complain but don't vote to get them out. Unless you have another system to stop the madness then a suggest you start to vote.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I've been grown for awhile now. SO your suggestion is to not vote and do what ???? If I don't vote then I get what I vote for nothing. I agree that the political arena is full of scum, which is the very reason why ALL should vote to keep the greedy scum fools out. When you sit back and just complain about a system (in which you have no other solution ), you start to become the problem. Fine you don't like who is running your local office ( ALL politics start local ) then find someone who you do like OR run your damn self...but to sit back and complain and do nothing is foolish and will get you nowhere. You have Congress men now who have tenure of 20 years plus all because people like yourself don't vote. You see what they complain but don't vote to get them out. Unless you have another system to stop the madness then a suggest you start to vote.
Predictable retort. Yet polishing a turd never quite changes the fact a turd exists. I see you have no stomach for addressing my assertions that there is no real choice, relying instead on tired platitudes that make you feel like you have some choice when in reality you don't.

For the record, my activism cred is long and involved in the system turd polishing. Turds should be flushed, imagining that one day a super turd will set you free is a shitty idea.


Well-Known Member
obama doesn't seem to have any problems suing arizona for their unconstitutional laws...and winning.

note the proper use of ellipsis above.
Nope, unless what you're implying is that something was omitted in between "laws" and "and winning," this is a colloquial use of ellipsis. Ellipsis are grammatically used to indicate that a piece of text continues, though has been omitted in reproduction. Usually ellipses are used when quoting a lengthy piece of text that either includes many tangential clauses or other commentary that distracts from the purpose of quoting such a passage. It is also used to distill a main claim from a more lengthy line of argumentation.

be easy,


Well-Known Member
Predictable retort. Yet polishing a turd never quite changes the fact a turd exists. I see you have no stomach for addressing my assertions that there is no real choice, relying instead on tired platitudes that make you feel like you have some choice when in reality you don't.

For the record, my activism cred is long and involved in the system turd polishing. Turds should be flushed, imaging that one day a super turd will set you free is a shitty idea.
I see you NEVER offer any other solutions to the problem...just complain

You always have a choice. Sometimes most people don't want to take the time to do it. Find a person you can believe in and support that person from the bottom to the top..even if that person has to be you...or you can just sit back on the internet an complain about the choices others have made.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I see you NEVER offer any other solutions to the problem...just complain

You always have a choice. Sometimes most people don't want to take the time to do it. Find a person you can believe in and support that person from the bottom to the top..even if that person has to be you...or you can just sit back on the internet an complain about the choices others have made.

I've offered many solutions. Your inability or unwillingness to read and comprehend the leads I've given is telling. Your solutions involve repeating the same mistake and hoping for a different outcome. Einstein had a saying about that. If you think by rearranging the players you can make a system based in coercion produce sugary and flowery outcomes you are EXACTLY the kind of person that the Prussian school system was designed to produce.


Well-Known Member
I've offered many solutions. Your inability or unwillingness to read and comprehend the leads I've given is telling. Your solutions involve repeating the same mistake and hoping for a different outcome. Einstein had a saying about that. If you think by rearranging the players you can make a system based in coercion produce sugary and flowery outcomes you are EXACTLY the kind of person that the Prussian school system was designed to produce.
your only solution has been "no government"...everyone just govern themselves. CHAOS

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Looks like the free market done spoke:

Meanwhile, The Denver Post reported Wednesday that banks holding commercial loans on properties that lease to Colorado marijuana businesses say they don't plan to refinance those loans when they come due. Bankers say property used as collateral for those loans theoretically is subject to federal drug-seizure laws, which makes the loans a risk.

Colorado's two largest banks, Wells Fargo Bank and FirstBank, say they won't offer new loans to landowners with preexisting leases with pot businesses. And Wells Fargo and Vectra Bank have told commercial loan clients they either have to evict marijuana businesses or seek refinancing elsewhere.

"Our policy of not banking marijuana-related businesses and not lending on commercial properties leased by marijuana-related businesses is based on applicable federal laws," Wells Fargo spokeswoman Cristie Drumm told the Post.


Well-Known Member


I am trying to figure out what N***ger could stand for. At first I thought it was a racist thing, but closer inspection says you cannot spell that word unless it were N**ger, but there is the third * in there, I wonder what word it could be. Either that or the OP is an idiot.


Well-Known Member
(CNN) -- The U.S. government issued rules on Friday for the first time allowing banks to legally provide financial services to state-licensed marijuana businesses.
The Justice Department issued a memorandum to prosecutors that closely follows guidance last August largely limiting federal enforcement priorities to eight types of crimes.
These include distribution to children, trafficking by cartels and trafficking to states where marijuana isn't legal. If pot businesses aren't violating federal law in the eight specific priorities, then banks can do business with them and "may not" be prosecuted.
The Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) issued guidelines that Director Jennifer Shasky Calvery said was intended to signal that "it is possible to provide financial services" to state-licensed marijuana businesses and still be in compliance with federal anti-money laundering laws.

This is littered with landmines. Were I a bank's law firm I would advise they steer clear. How is a bank to know if a marijuana business is selling to a "cartel or a child"? Unless they are to come up with examiners - which makes them again involved in enforcement where they don't belong.

If and when the civil forfeiture laws are modified to exclude marijuana, I will be less dubious about these sorts of "guidelines".