"global warming petition project" peer reviewed and everything???

The anti-warming folk have gotten all their ideas from a single source - the GCC. The GCC was a front group funded by dozens of large corporations who had and have huge vested interests in the energy status quo. The GCC took it's playbook from the tobacco industry. Every argument against global warming eminates originaly from an organization formed with the specific purpose of sowing doubt in the mind of the lay and discrediting science in every way possible.

to this day, years after the GCC was disbanded because it's job was done, we see the same exact phrases and arguments they first put forth to the general public. The antis are still echoing these falacies, now tell me PR doesn't work wonders. The antis are still being influenced by an organization that no longer exists - and still they continue.
You cited an article from 1971 whose co-author went on to say this in 1977;

In 1977 Schneider criticized a popular science book (The Weather Conspiracy: The Coming of the New Ice Age), which predicted an imminent Ice Age. He wrote in Nature:
...it insists on maintaining the shock effect of the dramatic...rather than the reality of the discipline: we just don't know enough to choose definitely at this stage whether we are in for warming or cooling— or when.

...hence the term "Climate Change", "global warming" was too political a term for people ignorant of the science behind how the climate changes and any little deviation in temperature or weather patterns to them means all the science and evidence is junk.

The only reasons people don't believe it are political, just like with the theory of evolution as I mentioned before. There simply is no debate about these topics from scientifically literate people. The debate and controversy are manufactured by the right.
Dude get real, 40 years ago scientists were telling everyone we were heading into the next ice age, now they admit there were FOS. The term global warming was tossed to escape the ridicule of getting it dead fuckin wrong again. Now it's climate change, what a convenient little term, like the weather man saying there's a chance of rain when it's cloudy, well no shit. WC Fields must have had a global warming premonition.
Dude get real, 40 years ago scientists were telling everyone we were heading into the next ice age, now they admit there were FOS. The term global warming was tossed to escape the ridicule of getting it dead fuckin wrong again. Now it's climate change, what a convenient little term, like the weather man saying there's a chance of rain when it's cloudy, well no shit. WC Fields must have had a global warming premonition.

did you learn that from rush limbaugh, or one of his pupils?
Dude get real, 40 years ago scientists were telling everyone we were heading into the next ice age, now they admit there were FOS. The term global warming was tossed to escape the ridicule of getting it dead fuckin wrong again. Now it's climate change, what a convenient little term, like the weather man saying there's a chance of rain when it's cloudy, well no shit. WC Fields must have had a global warming premonition.

Like I said, there is no controversy among scientific professionals, the perceived controversy exists among scientifically illiterate people and is fueled by right wing propaganda. Anyone can see this for themselves, simply take a look at who is funding the anti-climate change propaganda, it's energy companies, not scientists. It would stand to reason that energy companies would have a lot to lose by people transitioning to alternative sources of energy, right?
Like I said, there is no controversy among scientific professionals, the perceived controversy exists among scientifically illiterate people and is fueled by right wing propaganda. Anyone can see this for themselves, simply take a look at who is funding the anti-climate change propaganda, it's energy companies, not scientists. It would stand to reason that energy companies would have a lot to lose by people transitioning to alternative sources of energy, right?

People like you believe what the political establishment programs you to believe.
To claim there is no scientific controversy speaks volumes, you couldn't be more inaccurate if you tried.

And if you want to use funding as the culprit, do some research on government funding for man made global warming, compare the money spent to find a man made causation to the money given to find that it's from nature, try $99 for every $100 funded.
People like you believe what the political establishment programs you to believe.
To claim there is no scientific controversy speaks volumes, you couldn't be more inaccurate if you tried.

And if you want to use funding as the culprit, do some research on government funding for man made global warming, compare the money spent to find a man made causation to the money given to find that it's from nature, try $99 for every $100 funded.

another rush limbaugh talking point, or did that come from one of his accolades?
People like you believe what the political establishment programs you to believe.
To claim there is no scientific controversy speaks volumes, you couldn't be more inaccurate if you tried.

And if you want to use funding as the culprit, do some research on government funding for man made global warming, compare the money spent to find a man made causation to the money given to find that it's from nature, try $99 for every $100 funded.

Well, while you sit around and wait for the missing link, the rest of the scientific community will continue to innovate in the field of renewable energy

Where's the controversy? Is it from the hundreds of thousands of independent researchers and dozens of national academies of science all reaching the same conclusion independent of one another or the scientifically ignorant obviously politically biased back country hicks who didn't know the latest years on record have been the hottest since we began keeping track?
What's great about science is it has the power to make accurate predictions...

"...we notice a clear tendency in our model for greater than average warming in the southeast United States and the Midwest. ... we conclude that there is evidence that the greenhouse effect increases the liklihood of heat wave drought situations in the southeast and Midwest United States. If our model is approximately correct, such situation may be more common in the next 10 to 15 years than they were in the period between 1950 and 1980."

-James Hansen (June 23, 1988 )
Well, while you sit around and wait for the missing link, the rest of the scientific community will continue to innovate in the field of renewable energy

Where's the controversy? Is it from the hundreds of thousands of independent researchers and dozens of national academies of science all reaching the same conclusion independent of one another or the scientifically ignorant obviously politically biased back country hicks who didn't know the latest years on record have been the hottest since we began keeping track?

Yeah, umm well you see, this person named Nikola Tesla, already invented a device which could have powered every home, all of our cars, and anything we needed for free and without wires.

Tesla made the modern age possible. Radio, Robotics, Remote control, AC Current, RADAR, Generators, The X-ray, hydro-electric power, Tesla Coil, Fluorescent lights, LASER, wireless communication (Cell phones too), radio astronomy, neon lights, electric motors are just a few of his many inventions. Probably the most towering intellect ever on the face of earth.

Ever heard of the Philadelphia experiment where a entire ship was teleported? Tesla. Ever heard of weather control through HAARP? Tesla.

He spoke 8 languages fluently. He could recite the entire Bible verse by verse chapter by chapter from memory.

Smart dude, no one remembers him, but they remember Edison, and Edison didn't invent anything.

Einstein was once asked what it felt like to be the smartest man alive. Einstein’s reply was “I don’t know, you’ll have to ask Nikola Tesla.”
Yeah, umm well you see, this person named Nikola Tesla, already invented a device which could have powered every home, all of our cars, and anything we needed for free and without wires.

What device would that be?

I think I know the point you're trying to make, but it seems inconsistent not to apply the lesson of said point to the current energy companies
another rush limbaugh talking point, or did that come from one of his accolades?

I think you meant acolytes, accolades are what people get when they point out your hypocrisy. Acolytes are sort of like the sock puppets you create. Do carry on.
another rush limbaugh talking point, or did that come from one of his accolades?

I don't listen to or like Rush Limbaugh, speaking of talking points, using him to deflect from the subject on hand is itself a democrat talking point, and quite used up to be honest.

Well, while you sit around and wait for the missing link, the rest of the scientific community will continue to innovate in the field of renewable energy

Where's the controversy? Is it from the hundreds of thousands of independent researchers and dozens of national academies of science all reaching the same conclusion independent of one another or the scientifically ignorant obviously politically biased back country hicks who didn't know the latest years on record have been the hottest since we began keeping track?
Mr. Pada, wasn't it you that was worried about how you would be able to get into a college. Take some good advice, save your time and money bro, you already have a firm grip on what they will have to offer you.
Mr. Pada, wasn't it you that was worried about how you would be able to get into a college, take some good advice, save your time and money bro, you already have a firm grip on what they have to offer you.

"People that think and know stuff always go against what I believe, I better play the victim and claim liberal prejudice, that'll show em!"

The reason old stuffy conservatives like yourself believe places of higher education have a liberal bias is because reality has a liberal bias because reality is the shit that's true.

You silly people will be gone in 20 years, your entire thought process will be eliminated. Nobody 20 years from now will think like you, and if they do, they'll keep it to themselves because they'll be laughed out of public places if they don't, just like those same people don't discuss how much they hate other races (even though everybody knows it), or religion. That trend is delicious!
"People that think and know stuff always go against what I believe, I better play the victim and claim liberal prejudice, that'll show em!"

The reason old stuffy conservatives like yourself believe places of higher education have a liberal bias is because reality has a liberal bias because reality is the shit that's true.

You silly people will be gone in 20 years, your entire thought process will be eliminated. Nobody 20 years from now will think like you, and if they do, they'll keep it to themselves because they'll be laughed out of public places if they don't, just like those same people don't discuss how much they hate other races (even though everybody knows it), or religion. That trend is delicious!
You don't have the experience or the perception to tell me about the bias in our college system my friend, I lived it, you can't even get there.
A bit ironic for a kid having trouble getting an education and making minimum wage, to be doing all the laughing.
I'm talking about how the vast majority of professionals whose job it is to study the climate agree that human activity is the cause

You're literally the first person I've ever come across who isn't a bitter old scientifically illiterate numbnuts.

Do you accept the theory of evolution?

Let me be the second then. I will not reveal my age but at work today the ladies thought I looked about mid twenties.
The consensus is that if it is not man made, then there will be no more funding, end of story.