Pruning all fan leafs during veg


Well-Known Member
If they're all gone (and they probably aren't, there are probably little nublets that were growing near new growth) your plants are dead. You should punch your friend in the head.

Also probably unwise that he knows about your location.
Really it's dead and you know this because you are expert lol. I have taken just a branch with no leaf or anything on it and put it in rapid rooter and water and a week later roots. lol.


Active Member
So when you defoliate how long does it delay flowering? If I defoliated my purple voodoo there is no way it would finish in its 55 days it normally takes that strain to finish.

The levels of defoliation you guys speak of will shock any plant and delay flowering times. Now you may end up with close to the same yields but you end running the strain for 3 weeks longer.


Active Member
(for me it makes no difference in flower time)

most my defoliate is done in veg so the leaves grow back smaller, the canopy level, increased airflow though the canopy, larger colas and my plants needs about a week more in veg but as I have a veg and flower room
say I flower for 8 weeks, the plants in veg have got 6 after the clones have rooted before the flower room is available so it works great for me

I love my organic soil grown bud, my yield should be low as the buds are dank and high quality but I get loads of it :):)


Active Member
most my defoliate is done in veg so the leaves grow back smaller, the canopy level, increased airflow though the canopy, larger colas and my plants needs about a week more in veg but as I have a veg and flower room
say I flower for 8 weeks, the plants in veg have got 6 after the clones have rooted before the flower room is available so it works great for me

I love my organic soil grown bud, my yield should be low as the buds are dank and high quality but I get loads of it :):)
I guess I mis read the first post where you were going to flip to 12/12 after the defoliation. Then you decided to wait a couple weeks for it to recover before the flip.

Regardless if you enjoy hermies keep messing with your plants in flower. You would think if the plant didn't need the leaves it wouldn't grow them.


Well-Known Member
@PopCorn and Stinkybuds

So you remove every leaf on your plant and get great results???

Manicuring your plant and removing useless garbage is a bit different from what the original topic was. SCROG takes huge advantage of removing those stupid spindly branches. It is hard for me to believe that anybody removes all of their leaves and has great results.

Personally I remove the stupid shit. But the OP said his buddy took off everything. You are telling me that this will be better? As in I should turn my plant into a stick and than expect huge colas?


Well-Known Member
He said that he was watching a vid on youtube and we will get a bigger yield..Yet no where in the vid said to take off all fan leaves. Hes just burnt
Lol, here is a video: (Don't do this BTW) Read the coments, they are funny.


Active Member
@PopCorn and Stinkybuds

So you remove every leaf on your plant and get great results???

Manicuring your plant and removing useless garbage is a bit different from what the original topic was. SCROG takes huge advantage of removing those stupid spindly branches. It is hard for me to believe that anybody removes all of their leaves and has great results.

Personally I remove the stupid shit. But the OP said his buddy took off everything. You are telling me that this will be better? As in I should turn my plant into a stick and than expect huge colas?
Its not as bad as i thought. Im trying to upload a pic.
so its not all the fan leaves, just letting him know, there's a good chance he can pull his plant round or is it better to say "you dick head you f*cked them"

think about it


Well-Known Member
do you have an appendix?
Does your appendix help with photosynthesis?

[h=3]Leaves[/h]Most plants' food is made in their leaves. Leaves are designed to capture sunlight which the plant uses to make food through a process called photosynthesis.


Well-Known Member
10 plus years for me.
He says he's grown for 8 years....
You say you've grown for 10 years....

Do you think there is ONE person who doesn't think you're full of shit?

YOU CANNOT TAKE OFF EVERY FAN LEAF (half way through the vegetative cycle)

Please support your assertions by directing us to expert sources that concur with you.

I'm absolutely certain that you cannot do it.


Well-Known Member
so its not all the fan leaves, just letting him know, there's a good chance he can pull his plant round or is it better to say "you dick head you f*cked them"

think about it
I think the argument is always on two different levels. Remove everything or remove nothing. Personally I take off the shit I know doesn't do anything except waste my trimmers time when they are like, "Should I trim This?"... No Dude throw it in the hash pile, lol.

I agree he can still get a yield and have good results. But ideally you do not remove all of the fan leaves.

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
Does your appendix help with photosynthesis?


Most plants' food is made in their leaves. Leaves are designed to capture sunlight which the plant uses to make food through a process called photosynthesis.
the point:

would your body grow an appendix if it didn't need one?

btw, i know what the fuck a leaf is. you may want to read my earlier post about not pruning leaves?


Active Member
He says he's grown for 8 years....
You say you've grown for 10 years....

Do you think there is ONE person who doesn't think you're full of shit?

YOU CANNOT TAKE OFF EVERY FAN LEAF (half way through the vegetative cycle)

Please support your assertions by directing us to expert sources that concur with you.

I'm absolutely certain that you cannot do it.
sorry mate I have done it, you must of missed the link


Well-Known Member
I'm absolutely certain that you cannot do it.
It's not really correct to take off every single leaf, I agree the plant would probably die. Defoliation is a technique that needs to be done correctly throughout the plants life so that the plant gets used to having leaves removed, and if done correctly it will produce more usable buds on the lower branches which would normally be discarded and larger mid range buds due to the extra light penetration. Thus equating to a greater overall yield.

The majority of people that have mastered this technique have increased their yields over not using defoliation, and combining it with other techniques such as lst and supercropping. I have seen many people say the technique is no good because they read up on it but don't really understand it, and go an defoliate their plants which are 5 weeks into flower then complain because it's stunted their growth!!

Many of the techniques that we use were found using trial and error and then perfected, so all anyone can ask is that you support new ideas and hopefully they will yield us even more in the future?


bud bootlegger
hey, idk what you're all arguing about. i cut off both of my legs so i'd run faster, and damn if i didn't just come i first place in the olympics, everyone here should try it, i swear, it works great..