"global warming petition project" peer reviewed and everything???

I mean less than 30K signed this bullshit document and that is supposedly 97%!!!! Holy Shit BATMAN!!! We had better get the EPA to protect the scientist as an endangered species.

Have another beer UB!!!

you should present your disproof, have it peer reviewed, collect worldwide fame and fortune, and retire from servicing dudes for $20 all day as a hero of right wingers everywhere.

what's that? you have no disproof? no peer reviewed research disproves anthropogenic climate change?

oh, so sorry to hear all that.

i guess it's back to servicing dudes for $20 all day in your case. don't worry about me, i'll be sitting here trimming about 3 pounds of weed.


Here's that beer (on me...the gewdlookin' cat at the end of the bar):
do you not get how this works?

creationism is NOT A SCIENTIFIC THEORY, it can not be tested scientifically. that means YOU have ZERO evidence whatsoever for your dumbass theory and will never have any evidence whatsoever because it can not be tested.

ever heard the saying that "a wise man proportions his beliefs to the evidence"?

that speaks volumes about you.

I sure do know how this works.
It means you have no proof, nada, zilch, thanks for clarifying what I already knew.
Oh, and as far as me having proof of creationism, I don't need proof, because NO one knows, and that includes scientists.
Another reason, I don't really care.

Ever heard the saying "Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it.”
i'd ask you if you even have one single iota of evidence to support this "intelligent design" (euphemism for creationism) nonsense, but i already know the answer is NO because it is a scientifically untestable theory.

but thanks for understanding that you have no idea how science works and follow the "scientists" who believe that sky daddy did it all.


Oh, and as far as me having proof of creationism, I don't need proof, because NO one knows, and that includes scientists.

that's because it is scientifically untestable. there is no way to test it.

yet those are the scientists you rely on, the ones who sign evangelical pledges.

it takes a real stupid idiot.
i'd ask you if you even have one single iota of evidence to support this "intelligent design" (euphemism for creationism) nonsense, but i already know the answer is NO because it is a scientifically untestable theory.

but thanks for understanding that you have no idea how science works and follow the "scientists" who believe that sky daddy did it all.


do you not get how this works?

creationism is NOT A SCIENTIFIC THEORY, it can not be tested scientifically. that means YOU have ZERO evidence whatsoever for your dumbass theory and will never have any evidence whatsoever because it can not be tested.

ever heard the saying that "a wise man proportions his beliefs to the evidence"?

that speaks volumes about you.


Strawman erected.....speaks volumes about you.
Except the premise is not true. 97% of scientists do not agree and you should be skeptical at that number to begin with...

You are being fed a load of bullshit by your government...

How does the government have control over the vast majority of independent researchers scientific opinions?
that's because it is scientifically untestable. there is no way to test it.

yet those are the scientists you rely on, the ones who sign evangelical pledges.

it takes a real stupid idiot.

Still no proof I see, so what else is unattainable by scientific means?

Many species of birds migrate back and forth to the same location each year with pinpoint accuracy, science cannot explain why.
So in your mind, birds cannot does this, why, because science cannot substantiate it.

My advice, give up philosophy, you suck at it.
Still no proof I see, so what else is unattainable by scientific means?

Many species of birds migrate back and forth to the same location each year with pinpoint accuracy, science cannot explain why.
So in your mind, birds cannot does this, why, because science cannot substantiate it.

My advice, give up philosophy, you suck at it.

cite some more creationists and rush limbaugh proteges, dumbass.