"global warming petition project" peer reviewed and everything???


Well-Known Member
So you would have to ask, what is wrong in saying, we just don't know as yet?
There is a lot of physics in climate science that is ignored...hell, there's a lot of physics that is ignored in physics!
We may know everything, but it has yet to be compiled into a holistic model or hypothesis. As these anomalies crop up, they will be studied and their data, crunched. Eventually, the pieces of information will work their way into the various models and hopefully give more accurate forecasts.

Nevertheless, I am of the opinion (based on study of contrasting research) we don't know enough. Early warnings become false alarms too easily in this field, still.
In many ways, climate science suffers from similar problems to economics; excessive reliance on abstract regression models, funding bias, ill-conceived assumptions, etc.
I think science will figure this stuff out eventually, perhaps not in our lifetimes, though.


Well-Known Member
9,136 peer reviewed studies disagree with you.

1 doesn't.

you are an idiot.
That's a blatant lie, there are no peer reviewed studies supporting the accuracy of the computer models being inaccurate in the last 17 years, it just doesn't exist.
Just about every model was found to be way off it's predicted projection, you just refuse to believe you are wrong.


Well-Known Member
There is a lot of physics in climate science that is ignored...hell, there's a lot of physics that is ignored in physics!
We may know everything, but it has yet to be compiled into a holistic model or hypothesis. As these anomalies crop up, they will be studied and their data, crunched. Eventually, the pieces of information will work their way into the various models and hopefully give more accurate forecasts.

Nevertheless, I am of the opinion (based on study of contrasting research) we don't know enough. Early warnings become false alarms too easily in this field, still.
In many ways, climate science suffers from similar problems to economics; excessive reliance on abstract regression models, funding bias, ill-conceived assumptions, etc.
I think science will figure this stuff out eventually, perhaps not in our lifetimes, though.
You are spot on with that honest assessment.
You touched on one the main reasons I am such bitter cynic, it's the lack of funding by the federal government on the study of the natural causes.
I've read where over 90% of government grant money goes to research geared towards man made climate change exclusively.


Well-Known Member
over 90% of government grant money goes to research geared towards man made climate change exclusively.
citation needed.

try not to cite any creationists, rush limbaugh proteges, politicians funded by politicos, or white supremacy organizations like you have done so far in your stay here, socko.


Well-Known Member
A review of that website does not impress me. No scientific article that appeals to "31,487 Americans with university degrees in science – including 9,029 PhD..." as it's premise, and fails to state how they are qualified, should be taken as informed. Business administration is a university science degree; as is journalism, food science, hospitality management, pharmacy, psychology, nutrition science, mechanical engineering, and software engineering. The list of doctorates is even broader. This whole premise is based on an appeal to authority, not expertise. I'd like to know how much research a person with a PhD in journalism has done regarding global warming for his/her doctorate thesis and beyond. Your site may have valid points somewhere, but they're buried under a shitty premise.
Yet you try to pretend that 97% of all eco-nuts writing articles about man-made global warming somehow translates to 97% of all scientists supporting your "consensus".


Well-Known Member
What's funny is the only people who deny the science behind climate change and the overwhelming consensus in support of it are older than 40 years old and have little to no basic understanding of how modern science works. Can someone younger than 40 be found who denies climate change is happening? That should tell you old folks something..
That young people. lacking experience, are gullible? If you think wisdom declines with age and experience, you are an idiot.


Well-Known Member
Myself and 98% of It's a common theme among that demographic, science and education is not something they value. They don't accept the theory of evolution for similar political reasons, is that just a coincidence?
How did "97% of articles written about global warming agree that man causes it" become 98% of the worlds leading scientists?


Well-Known Member
Half the graphs you show have already been admitted by the IPCC to have been rendered false due to manipulation of data...

But they look cool!! And the internet is forever!! So you show those cool discredited graphs till you pass out in your own vomit... You go boy!


Well-Known Member
Well, while you sit around and wait for the missing link, the rest of the scientific community will continue to innovate in the field of renewable energy Where's the controversy? Is it from the hundreds of thousands of independent researchers and dozens of national academies of science all reaching the same conclusion independent of one another or the scientifically ignorant obviously politically biased back country hicks who didn't know the latest years on record have been the hottest since we began keeping track?
" the hundreds of thousands of independent researchers " Now you're just making shit up. It was warmer during the Renaissance than it is now.


Well-Known Member
Yet you try to pretend that 97% of all eco-nuts writing articles about man-made global warming somehow translates to 97% of all scientists supporting your "consensus".
Did I do that? I seem to recall pointing out how shitty a particular premise was.