Well-Known Member
You bettcha! We set up the Presidency to be mighty. And anyone who tries to say, might is not what makes right, or that we can have any Right without might, better go back a few chapters and review.Might makes right!
The simple legal fact is that the president cannot make law. It is illegal for him/her to do so. Whether a "potted plant" congress stands by fecklessly while the president assumes their proper role is irrelevant to the legality of it.
One wonders whether the US will eventually reach a tipping point and we get our very own Putin.
Putin is good for Russia and when we need one, by gawd, we will have one. Obama is our Putin on a civil rights breakthrough, right now. Duh.
With a little bit of magnetic ink, WE could have Obama as VP and Biden as President, and then switch back. 24 years of OBO, if we needed that.
The Constitution is a living, breathing thing. It can be Amended almost over night, certainly within a few months, these days.
If WE need it, WE get it. The States call the shots. What we call the Federal govt, is just the Godfather complex for the States themselves. It only exists, in whole or in part, at the will and Vote of the States and the People in the various States.
Convenience 75% of States on a 50% vote is all that is required.
Right now, things are pretty boring so, we chaff. But, sometimes it gets very the cold war.