"global warming petition project" peer reviewed and everything???


1.the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight.
2.scholarly knowledge or learning: the wisdom of the schools.
3.wise sayings or teachings; precepts.
4.a wise act or saying.
5.(initial capital letter) Douay Bible. Wisdom of Solomon.


1.capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.
2.manifestation of a high mental capacity: He writes with intelligence and wit.
3.the faculty of understanding.
4.knowledge of an event, circumstance, etc., received or imparted; news; information.
5.the gathering or distribution of information, especially secret information.

Thanks for proving my point

Your best argument against climate change is that with age comes wisdom, wisdom equals intelligence, therefore old people are intelligent when it comes to climate change, when I've already provided evidence that young people are more scientifically literate and accepting of valid scientific theories than older people?

Half the graphs you show have already been admitted by the IPCC to have been rendered false due to manipulation of data...

do you know what exonerated means?

i'd ask you for citation instead, but since i know you are simply lying through your teeth again, it's pointless.

have another 20 year bender.

1.the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight.
2.scholarly knowledge or learning: the wisdom of the schools.
3.wise sayings or teachings; precepts.
4.a wise act or saying.
5.(initial capital letter) Douay Bible. Wisdom of Solomon.


1.capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.
2.manifestation of a high mental capacity: He writes with intelligence and wit.
3.the faculty of understanding.
4.knowledge of an event, circumstance, etc., received or imparted; news; information.
5.the gathering or distribution of information, especially secret information.

Thanks for proving my point

Your best argument against climate change is that with age comes wisdom, wisdom equals intelligence, therefore old people are intelligent when it comes to climate change, when I've already provided evidence that young people are more scientifically literate and accepting of valid scientific theories than older people?

Thanks for proving your point, now that's some funny shit, the last go around, you defined wisdom as having morals.

When you get to the age where you have acquired much more wisdom than you have now, you will have figured out that you gained more intelligence and will have the ability to make more intelligent decisions.

Crystallized intelligence: Crystallized intelligence refers to the knowledge and skills that are accumulated over a lifetime. This type of intelligence tends to increase with age.
Crystallized intelligence: Crystallized intelligence refers to the knowledge and skills that are accumulated over a lifetime. This type of intelligence tends to increase with age.

i just had to look up where you got this little gem, and it was worth it like usual.


William H. Tucker[SUP][16][/SUP][SUP][17][/SUP] and Barry Mehler[SUP][18][/SUP][SUP][19][/SUP] have taken issue with Cattell based on his interests in eugenics, evolution and political systems. They argue that throughout his life Cattell adhered to a mixture of eugenics and theology, which he eventually named Beyondism and proposed as "a new morality from science". Beyondism is based on the premise that groups, like individuals, evolve based on survival of the fittest. Cattell argues that a diversity of "racio-cultural" groups is necessary to allow that evolution. He makes controversial arguments to support natural group selection by encouraging not only the separation of groups but also the prevention of any "external" assistance to "failing" groups from "successful" ones, and by calling for a process of "genthanasia," in which the former would be "phased out" by the latter through "educational and birth control measures"—that is, by segregating them and preventing their reproduction.[SUP][20][/SUP][SUP][21][/SUP]
Thanks for proving your point, now that's some funny shit, the last go around, you defined wisdom as having morals.

When you get to the age where you have acquired much more wisdom than you have now, you will have figured out that you gained more intelligence and will have the ability to make more intelligent decisions.

Crystallized intelligence: Crystallized intelligence refers to the knowledge and skills that are accumulated over a lifetime. This type of intelligence tends to increase with age.

I can see right through this bullshit appeal to authority. You're essentially saying "I'm older than you so I know more". Bitch, I just proved to you that a higher percentage of younger people accept valid scientific theories than older people. Knowledge has a direct correlation with education, holy shit, imagine that! Not age. Experience doesn't equate to intelligence, wisdom doesn't equate to intelligence, education does, those with more of it tend to be more intelligent.
Wisdom is not equal to intelligence. Wisdom didn't get us to the Moon, it wasn't wisdom that invented vaccines...

Wisdom is knowing what is right and just, it has to do with human morality and ethics, not intelligence

The debate is about anthropogenic climate change (human involvement)

Nobody is disputing that, the dispute is if humans hold any responsibility for the rate of the change

The temperature of the Earth fluctuates




I could show you every graph in the world and you would just say it's from a biased source or the way they did it was somehow unscientific.

​What would you accept as irrefutable proof of anthropogenic climate change?

IT IS A TREND LINE!!! ROFLMAO!!! Draw lines from any points on the graph and you get a trend line. Sometimes up, sometimes down... It doesnt mean shit...

The COMMON SENSE point is that the earth fluctuates in temperature either rising or falling as shown BY YOUR OWN AND ALL THE GRAPHS!!!

So yes, the trend was rising. The last 17 years it does not seem to be following the same path. It might start rising again or it might start falling. However, since it always is rising and/or falling, that specific fact cannot be used to infer anything...

You want higher wages yet you are on top of the furniture screaming that the USA should just tax the shit out of energy and give the tax money to other countries. Are you insane or just naieve? Have you thought this through?

It isnt about the climate, the politicians dont give a fuck about the climate. It is about power and control that taxation and money bring to the government. But hey, you are all for it... Your political and life platform is seriously confused.... Everything you promote is about government control and force.
The last 17 years it does not seem to be following the same path.

probably all those forest fires.

just kidding, the hottest 10 years on record all happened in the last 17 years. you're just mind numbingly stupid and easily duped by partisan hacks. see skewed polls.
probably all those forest fires.

just kidding, the hottest 10 years on record all happened in the last 17 years. you're just mind numbingly stupid and easily duped by partisan hacks. see skewed polls.

See temperature on graph going up and down over centuries and millenia... still doesnt get it... You are so dumb it hurts to look at.
See temperature on graph going up and down over centuries and millenia... still doesnt get it... You are so dumb it hurts to look at.

you should see the thousands of peer reviewed studies showing how human activities are causing the earth to warm at an accelerated rate.

but you're probably too busy watchuing fox news from the moment you wake up and servicing dudes all day for $20 each.
I can see right through this bullshit appeal to authority. You're essentially saying "I'm older than you so I know more". Bitch, I just proved to you that a higher percentage of younger people accept valid scientific theories than older people. Knowledge has a direct correlation with education, holy shit, imagine that! Not age. Experience doesn't equate to intelligence, wisdom doesn't equate to intelligence, education does, those with more of it tend to be more intelligent.

Well, you're dead wrong, as usual.
Remember back a couple pages I said "all things equal" I take it you don't, given the rash comment you made.
What i am saying is, you yourself will be more intelligent when you are older.
You will most likely loose that immature cocky attitude as well.
IT IS A TREND LINE!!! ROFLMAO!!! Draw lines from any points on the graph and you get a trend line. Sometimes up, sometimes down... It doesnt mean shit...

The COMMON SENSE point is that the earth fluctuates in temperature either rising or falling as shown BY YOUR OWN AND ALL THE GRAPHS!!!

So yes, the trend was rising. The last 17 years it does not seem to be following the same path. It might start rising again or it might start falling. However, since it always is rising and/or falling, that specific fact cannot be used to infer anything...

You want higher wages yet you are on top of the furniture screaming that the USA should just tax the shit out of energy and give the tax money to other countries. Are you insane or just naieve? Have you thought this through?

It isnt about the climate, the politicians dont give a fuck about the climate. It is about power and control that taxation and money bring to the government. But hey, you are all for it... Your political and life platform is seriously confused.... Everything you promote is about government control and force.

In 2 sentences or less, can you tell me what you WOULD accept as irrefutable proof of anthropogenic climate change?
more on raymond cattell, major racist fucker.


Virtue in "Racism"

Raymond B. Cattell

Another idiot who claims you don't increase intelligence with time and experience.

Is it very intelligent to put a litter box in the same room as your plants, NO.
Will buck do it again, NO.
Why, buck now has experience, he will make a more intelligent decision in the future.
See how that works?
I will, how about irrefutable proof, hows that?
When you get it, you cite it.

You're too biased to know what irrefutable proof is when you see it, so clearly, that won't work

You can't tell me what you would accept because there is nothing you would accept.
Global change climate cooling weather warmer scary bad thing............
has mad for some nice riding weather this week.

I would like some actual proof it was man made so I can thank yall for the weather and be factually correct in doing so, till then I shall thank the Earth and the Sun, somehow I think they are bigger than we are still prolly not "scientific" enough though.....actually that means I think humans made saddles for their dinosaurs though right?
a third of texans do, not sure about the rest of the south where you hail from.

We got it all.
From atheists to Catholics. Wiccans what? Yep.
Even 7th day Adventists.
Muslims too, they even have armed (supposedly according to some delivery driver from Home Depot) village thingys.

Look the climate changed, send money.