"global warming petition project" peer reviewed and everything???

Well, you're dead wrong, as usual.
Remember back a couple pages I said "all things equal" I take it you don't, given the rash comment you made.
What i am saying is, you yourself will be more intelligent when you are older.
You will most likely loose that immature cocky attitude as well.

Another idiot who claims you don't increase intelligence with time and experience.

Argue with your strawmen all you want

I didn't claim "you don't increase intelligence with time and experience"

I claimed younger people are more likely to accept verifiable scientific theories than older people. I even provided a chart for proof. That is a fact. Younger people accept scientific theories more because older generations of Americans were raised more traditionally, ie, more religiously. Organized religion denies theories like evolution and abiogenesis. Republicans who are normally politically tied to conservatives and Christianity in America are more inclined to deny climate change because of the political bias it presents.

They follow their religion and their political affiliation, not what the science says

my parents got a tax break for their energy efficient appliance because the government is trying to cpenalize them with this conspiracy about anthropogenic climate change, which is a conspiracy among scientists to get grant money.

yes, you have it ALL right.
Argue with your strawmen all you want

I didn't claim "you don't increase intelligence with time and experience"

I claimed younger people are more likely to accept verifiable scientific theories than older people. I even provided a chart for proof. That is a fact. Younger people accept scientific theories more because older generations of Americans were raised more traditionally, ie, more religiously. Organized religion denies theories like evolution and abiogenesis. Republicans who are normally politically tied to conservatives and Christianity in America are more inclined to deny climate change because of the political bias it presents.

They follow their religion and their political affiliation, not what the science says

So, what you're saying is young people are gullible and will accept anything without doing any investigation or thinking on their own, as long as it comes from a group of individuals who get together and collectively proclaim themselves correct. No wonder Progressives love 'em and pander to them. That's PRECISELY the type of people the Progressives rely on...and feed on.
So, what you're saying is young people are gullible and will accept anything without doing any investigation or thinking on their own, as long as it comes from a group of individuals who get together and collectively proclaim themselves correct. No wonder Progressives love 'em and pander to them. That's PRECISELY the type of people the Progressives rely on...and feed on.

You don't understand how science works.

Interesting trend.. those that deny these theories don't understand how they work, who would have guessed? /s
probably all those forest fires.

just kidding, the hottest 10 years on record all happened in the last 17 years. you're just mind numbingly stupid and easily duped by partisan hacks. see skewed polls.

Must admit, the record is a tiny tiny fraction of the historic temperatures on earth
my parents got a tax break for their energy efficient appliance because the government is trying to cpenalize them with this conspiracy about anthropogenic climate change, which is a conspiracy among scientists to get grant money.

yes, you have it ALL right.

Try and follow along more better.
I mentioned funding several times....nothing close to what you're talking about though.

Solar panels? They got a tax break from feds?
Enlighten us instead of drunk angry posting.
You don't understand how science works.

Interesting trend.. those that deny these theories don't understand how they work, who would have guessed? /s

Yuh-huh, I watch Big Bang Theory every week.

Just like the Ron Paul zealots, you are your agenda's worst enemy. Keep up the smug bullshit and condescension and see how far you get changing minds. Ima go run my SUV in my driveway for a couple hours now, for no reason other than to raise the temperature up in dis bitch.
Yuh-huh, I watch Big Bang Theory every week.

Just like the Ron Paul zealots, you are your agenda's worst enemy. Keep up the smug bullshit and condescension and see how far you get changing minds. Ima go run my SUV in my driveway for a couple hours now, for no reason other than to raise the temperature up in dis bitch.

awwww, the little dummy thinks we are being smug and condescending.

i have given up on the idea that i can change anyone's mind, now i'm just here to mock you idiots for all you're worth.

the government needs to stop stealing from me by giving me tax breaks for energy efficient appliances and solar panels!
Yuh-huh, I watch Big Bang Theory every week.

Just like the Ron Paul zealots, you are your agenda's worst enemy. Keep up the smug bullshit and condescension and see how far you get changing minds. Ima go run my SUV in my driveway for a couple hours now, for no reason other than to raise the temperature up in dis bitch.

Attempting to change the minds of people like you is a waste of my time. Better to just point and laugh
So, what you're saying is young people are gullible and will accept anything without doing any investigation or thinking on their own, as long as it comes from a group of individuals who get together and collectively proclaim themselves correct. No wonder Progressives love 'em and pander to them. That's PRECISELY the type of people the Progressives rely on...and feed on.

LOL, man you are a fucking clown.

"Younger people are more likely to accept scientific evidence. "


You're straight up retarded man, right up there with freedomworks and schuylaar.
awwww, the little dummy thinks we are being smug and condescending.

i have given up on the idea that i can change anyone's mind, now i'm just here to mock you idiots for all you're worth.

the government needs to stop stealing from me by giving me tax breaks for energy efficient appliances and solar panels!

Attempting to change the minds of people like you is a waste of my time. Better to just point and laugh

So, basically you're going to take our move? Laughing at you imbeciles and mocking you to your faces.
Argue with your strawmen all you want

I didn't claim "you don't increase intelligence with time and experience"

I claimed younger people are more likely to accept verifiable scientific theories than older people.
younger people are also more apt to believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and government is here to help them, no shit.
So, basically you're going to take our move? Laughing at you imbeciles and mocking you to your faces.

I'm gonna side with science and whoever sits there and denies the body of evidence that supports valid theories and can't even tell me what they would accept as undeniable proof of one (because they won't accept anything as proof) will be laughed at