Well-Known Member
Its all good my nigga, I just need me some info, I don't want my little girls to die thaz why Ima here.
Focus on getting some better lighting.Its all good my nigga, I just need me some info, I don't want my little girls to die thaz why Ima here.
Do you plan on growing everything in that room? If so why don't you save a little more and drape the walls with Mylar. A 400w will be all right for about 4 plants(golden rule is a 100w a plant). What's your budget if I may ask?Yeah when I have enough cash Ima get a 250 watt to 400 watt swithchable hps/mh light, homeboy wants 280 or sumthing, psshhh
I was going to go shopping for you but............You should have been feeding them plants a long time ago. Go ahead and feed them. btw I grew with mg for years, your going to need more than just mg. Ok seen the second post. so 140.00 would be top line for you let me see what kind of lamp I can find for ya.Just wondering, should I start giving my plants half dose miracle grow now, and when I feed should the soil be totally dry. thanks guise
I went shopping for you post#27. get rid of the miracle grow and buy something like GH flora series.Ima get mc bloom booster eventually when flowering, and what do you mean you gona go shopping fo me?: I meant mg bloom booster
I'm a bro. and your welcome.That light is JUST what I'm looking for, I might have to face a fan on it huh. thanks bro/sis/brosis/sisbro
You must have nice parents to allow you to grow in the house. good luck, if you need help ask.Cool I'm a bro tooo. We are brothers, can I write you on the holidays? thks btw
That's all-right I'm 43. I have rented 2 apartments and smashed out the divider walls and run 200 plants. then just cleaned up my rig and balled lol. wonder how much that cost the landlord.Yes they are nice, I'm legal anyways. But let me tell you, when I made that hole in the upper left hand corner of my door, my mother cringed. Its only a $40 door I can buy a new one. I'm 28 btw, lol.
I'm no pro. Just a man growing medicine. I'v been posting there.Well dude you are from Canada ur a pro. I seen them tv shows about bc grow ops in residential hoods, crazy man.