"global warming petition project" peer reviewed and everything???

What used to be the proof? Are you old enough to remember the giant "hole in the ozone" layer? Wasn't that "proof" then?

The proof is the accumulation of all the data that's been collected since the 1880's

It's the higher frequency of extreme weather patterns in the recent decades

It's not "It's winter and now it's colder, so climate change must be bullshit" or "It's summer and it's not as hot as last summer was I think..."..

We have data from before the industrial revolution began and data since, the normal fluctuations in the Earth's climate do not account for the current trends we see, the scientifically illiterate and politically motivated choose not to accept this information because it flies in the face of what they espouse and believe.

There is literally no good reason not to transition to alternative renewable energy sources
The proof is the accumulation of all the data that's been collected since the 1880's

It's the higher frequency of extreme weather patterns in the recent decades

It's not "It's winter and now it's colder, so climate change must be bullshit" or "It's summer and it's not as hot as last summer was I think..."..

We have data from before the industrial revolution began and data since, the normal fluctuations in the Earth's climate do not account for the current trends we see, the scientifically illiterate and politically motivated choose not to accept this information because it flies in the face of what they espouse and believe.

There is literally no good reason not to transition to alternative renewable energy sources

How much data is there on alignment with galactic center? We know the black hole is thin like a sheet of paper and its gravity is focused that way as well.

Oh there is plenty of good reason not to transition as its not economically viable and the nudges just aren't budging many people.
Especially when good nuclear is like 8 cents per KwH.

There's no good reason for Cali not to go full alt energy or at least more than now....oh wait that bird might fly into the blade....solar farm cant go here what about the sacred bacteria that will lose its habitat?

I am all down for the cause but only for monetary reasons. I would like to find some land with a year round stream, I have a great idea for a generator.
The proof is the accumulation of all the data that's been collected since the 1880's

It's the higher frequency of extreme weather patterns in the recent decades

It's not "It's winter and now it's colder, so climate change must be bullshit" or "It's summer and it's not as hot as last summer was I think..."..

We have data from before the industrial revolution began and data since, the normal fluctuations in the Earth's climate do not account for the current trends we see, the scientifically illiterate and politically motivated choose not to accept this information because it flies in the face of what they espouse and believe.

There is literally no good reason not to transition to alternative renewable energy sources

What caused the earth to warm up after the last little ice age?

Maunder minimum
The cause of the Little Ice Age is unknown, but many people have pointed at the coincidence in low sunspot activity and the timing of the Little Ice. This so called Maunder Minimum[SUP]2[/SUP] coincided with the coldest part of the Little Ice Age, in particular during the period roughly from 1645 to 1715, when sunspots were a rare occurrence, as noted by solar observers such as Cassini and Flamsteed[SUP]3[/SUP]. A minimum in sunspots, indicates an much less active and possibly colder sun and consequently less energy output to warm the earth.

I believe this video is a good place to start.
It clearly shows if one takes CO2, and pumps it in a tube, it will block infra-red.

If one can't accept the basic premise, there is no point going further; however, there is a caveat to this particular demonstration (which I'll leave to the imagination for now)
Nevertheless, it demonstrates under controlled circumstances what happens.


What do the skeptics say to this? Yea, Nay? It's real, it's bullshit?
If the Sun was responsible for climate change on Earth, we would see similar changes on the other planets. We don't.

How do you explain that?
Maunder minimum
The cause of the Little Ice Age is unknown, but many people have pointed at the coincidence in low sunspot activity and the timing of the Little Ice. This so called Maunder Minimum[SUP]2[/SUP] coincided with the coldest part of the Little Ice Age, in particular during the period roughly from 1645 to 1715, when sunspots were a rare occurrence, as noted by solar observers such as Cassini and Flamsteed[SUP]3[/SUP]. A minimum in sunspots, indicates an much less active and possibly colder sun and consequently less energy output to warm the earth.


How much data is there on alignment with galactic center? We know the black hole is thin like a sheet of paper and its gravity is focused that way as well. Oh there is plenty of good reason not to transition as its not economically viable and the nudges just aren't budging many people. Especially when good nuclear is like 8 cents per KwH. There's no good reason for Cali not to go full alt energy or at least more than now....oh wait that bird might fly into the blade....solar farm cant go here what about the sacred bacteria that will lose its habitat? I am all down for the cause but only for monetary reasons. I would like to find some land with a year round stream, I have a great idea for a generator.
Getting a new dam permitted is like getting a new oil refinery permitted.
Getting a new dam permitted is like getting a new oil refinery permitted.

Me and permits don't mix. The county tries me once in a while but I always end up getting the assessor to walk across to the courthouse and make it right.

I just build whatever, it always passes inspection.
The proof is the accumulation of all the data that's been collected since the 1880's

It's the higher frequency of extreme weather patterns in the recent decades

It's not "It's winter and now it's colder, so climate change must be bullshit" or "It's summer and it's not as hot as last summer was I think..."..

We have data from before the industrial revolution began and data since, the normal fluctuations in the Earth's climate do not account for the current trends we see, the scientifically illiterate and politically motivated choose not to accept this information because it flies in the face of what they espouse and believe.

There is literally no good reason not to transition to alternative renewable energy sources

exactly, and ice core data can be a pretty accurate form of measurement of our global climate. Dating back tens of thousands of years.
they can also determine what types of pollution are present in the atmosphere @ the corresponding time periods.
Did you prove it wasn't when you made your claim? No?


"The empirical evidence isn't conclusive on whether global warming is happening on Mars. However, to answer the question on whether the sun is causing Earth's global warming, there is plentiful data on solar activity and Earth's climate. Many papers have examined this data, concluding the correlation between sun and climate ended in the 70's when the modern global warming trend began.

So the argument that Martian warming disproves anthropogenic global warming fails on two points - there is little empirical evidence that Mars is warming and Mars' climate is primarily driven by dust and albedo, not solar variations."


I actually just watched a show on this recently. It claimed the earth was on an orbit that is slowly putting it further from the sun slightly. This should be causing a cooling of our planet. Instead global temps are rising at a rate unprecedented in human history.

That's not to say the earth hasn't been this warm before....it has. and warmer even.

it is the rate at which the earth is warming that is alarming scientists. not current temperatures alone.
https://www.skepticalscience.com/Climate-Change-on-Mars.html "The empirical evidence isn't conclusive on whether global warming is happening on Mars. However, to answer the question on whether the sun is causing Earth's global warming, there is plentiful data on solar activity and Earth's climate. Many papers have examined this data, concluding the correlation between sun and climate ended in the 70's when the modern global warming trend began. So the argument that Martian warming disproves anthropogenic global warming fails on two points - there is little empirical evidence that Mars is warming and Mars' climate is primarily driven by dust and albedo, not solar variations." http://www.skepticalscience.com/solar-activity-sunspots-global-warming.htm
So, no, you can't prove it. ""The empirical evidence isn't conclusive on whether global warming is happening on" Earth.
I actually just watched a show on this recently. It claimed the earth was on an orbit that is slowly putting it further from the sun slightly. This should be causing a cooling of our planet. Instead global temps are rising at a rate unprecedented in human history. That's not to say the earth hasn't been this warm before....it has. and warmer even. it is the rate at which the earth is warming that is alarming scientists. not current temperatures alone.

Apparently Joe hasn't taken astronomy. The Earth is actually warmer at the furthest point called aphelion and coldest during closest point called perihelion, on average world wide. This is because land heats up faster than water. During aphelion the northern hemisphere is titled more towards the sun with more land, but during perihelion, the Earth is tilted more towards the southern hemisphere with more water. Don't you just love global alarmists who don't know jack shit about science, yet believe scientists bullshit out of faith? Kind of sounds like a religion if you ask me.