What's For Dinner Tonight?


Well-Known Member

First you had "swamp ass"....lol...but then you tried to touch it up with a alcohol pad:fire:.Aren't they like 4inx4in!
Trust me were all laughing!That was funny rb:)


bud bootlegger
Rep slap BAM !!!!
Bro that is tha fucking funniest thing i have herd for a long time !!!!!
Thumbs up ...........................like ........................
lol, how stupid of me, i know, but i have a funny ass story out of it now at least.. everyone i told out work pretty much had the same reaction you had.. i got no shame in my game, nothing worse then a bad case of swamp ass ime..


bud bootlegger

First you had "swamp ass"....lol...but then you tried to touch it up with a alcohol pad:fire:.Aren't they like 4inx4in!
Trust me were all laughing!That was funny rb:)
it wasn't marked as an alcohol pad, but of course that's what it ended up being, dumb ass me, lol..

hey you go, it was something similar to this product, but i think work used zee products..



Well-Known Member
lol, how stupid of me, i know, but i have a funny ass story out of it now at least.. everyone i told out work pretty much had the same reaction you had.. i got no shame in my game, nothing worse then a bad case of swamp ass ime..
LOL "swamp ass " you fucking idiot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great quote though .

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
my brother grows all sorts of those hot ass, literally, lol, peppers every year.. drives a couple of hour away each spring to get the plants.. idk, i like a lil spicy, but if i got the ring sting, i've gone too far.. i just don't find it enjoyable sitting on the shitter and wanting to dip my ass in the cool shit water just to stop the burning.. not really my scene, lol...

omfg, quick story since we're on the subject.. a few years ago i was at work and had a bad case of swamp ass, you know, when things just feel messy back there.. so i went into the first aid cabinet and found some wipes to clean glasses off with, headed into the handicapped stall and got comfortable, opened up the wipe, and went about trying to clean myself up a bit and killing the funk.. well, lo and behold, holy shit, who knew alcohol on the arse would hurt so bad?? i used them on my hands all the time and never felt a thing, but omfg, just a word of warning, don't try and use them on the old bum, lol..

go ahead and laugh at my expense, i deserve it, lol.. :D

First you had "swamp ass"....lol...but then you tried to touch it up with a alcohol pad:fire:.Aren't they like 4inx4in!
Trust me were all laughing!That was funny rb:)
ring sting to swamp ass. this thread rocks! too funny :) i have a similar story about trying to use massage oil as lube once. god damn i don;t know what it was that was in the stuff but holy jeebus i wasn't getting any after applying. nor did i want it :oops: we laughed a day later...


Well-Known Member
Alright since we're laughing at each other.......One morning while taking a shower with the wife she offered a handy j in the shower!...lucky me right?.....Well she's like i'll just use this shampoo.I knew the consequences of the soap but she swore it was a mild shampoo,organic or some shit.When i "finished" it felt like the tip of my dick burned off!It was one of the worst pains I ever felt:)

Go ahead and laugh..but that's how you burn without heat!....lol


bud bootlegger
Alright since we're laughing at each other.......One morning while taking a shower with the wife she offered a handy j in the shower!...lucky me right?.....Well she's like i'll just use this shampoo.I knew the consequences of the soap but she swore it was a mild shampoo,organic or some shit.When i "finished" it felt like the tip of my dick burned off!It was one of the worst pains I ever felt:)

Go ahead and laugh..but that's how you burn without heat!....lol
i think we've all been there, done that one before, at least i know i have, lol..


Well-Known Member
same same , that sux hard .
You wanna laugh do ya ?
I got up one morn had a smoke and thought shower time .
so i got in tha shower rinsed off and said to myself lets brush my toothy pegs ,
so i started brushing and the tooth paste dribbled and run down on to my cock !!!!!!!!
Fuck did that sting like a mother fucker ,
then what made it worse was i cleand my mouth out with listerine mouth wash after that ,
abd i tilted my head back to have a gargle and it splashed straight in my fucking eye ,
FARK , that shit stings , so i had 3 burning eyes !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
When i was young i rolled around in some grass or someshit , i started to feel itchy around the big fat cock section (sorry my bad )
Then it got worse and worse , i ded up showing mum and dad and they said faek en hell , it's swollen like a balloon !
enough said i think , hehe

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i have an annoying habit of putting toothpaste onto the brush and then it springing a bit back into my eye. and yes that shit stings like hell!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
All these alcohol based mouthwashes jut leave me with a really sore throut. They're something like 28
% alcohol! crazy. I use that funky 2 coloured sparkly stuff :D


Well-Known Member
ever cooled that swamp ass with medicated gold bond? now that's a menthol-y burn like no other. there will be some 'ring sting' lmao :shock: