HN not updating?

Ok just a FYI

the user thats posting here isnt jay from holistic nursery......
nobody has had contact with him sinse he stopped posting
on IG and no other forums have had a user pop up claiming
to be jay so its super suspect that this user is jay! And the IP
adress dont match jays state to the user posting here.

and like wyte said this user has been banned from riu!
Seems super shady on both jay and this users part so
beware of scammers

To be fair though, IP's prove nothing these days, they're easily masked and easily changed. Not only that, if the guy had to do a runner because of certain legal obligations, then he'd probably leave the state, no?

Edit: I'd just like to clarify, that I am in no way defending the guy, just throwing an option out there is all.
To be fair though, IP's prove nothing these days, they're easily masked and easily changed. Not only that, if the guy had to do a runner because of certain legal obligations, then he'd probably leave the state, no?

Edit: I'd just like to clarify, that I am in no way defending the guy, just throwing an option out there is all.

This is true but jay was a super open cat! And leaving a state will not rid you of any legal issue.
i to am hoping for the better for jay but based off what i see on IG and the scammer here on riu
il never do biz with that outfit again.

freedon aint cheap, better to be safe
HN seems to be updating their webpage now. Selling Bodhi's drunken unicorn, fantasy island and sunshine3 for $900/pk.

WHAT?!?!?! GUYS something is SO SO SO not right here. BEWARE.

On a side note I had drunken unicorn, jabbas stash and clusterfunk stolen by the maid out of my hotel fridge in the process of a move. Still can't get over it.:evil:
LOL at $900 for Fantasy Island. I know it's rare and all but is it 10x better than B's other gear. I haven't had it but I'd lean heavily towards no. That's pretty crazy - Doggy's Nuts style there.
LOL at $900 for Fantasy Island. I know it's rare and all but is it 10x better than B's other gear. I haven't had it but I'd lean heavily towards no. That's pretty crazy - Doggy's Nuts style there.

And this is why I know something has to be very wrong. Bodhi would never authorize him to sell packs like that..... And he's in China right now coincidentally.

When this all began Bodhi vouched HEAVILY for Jay on TSD forum. Only reason I ever trusted HN. SO IMO this either isn't Jay doing this...OR he's pulled a total 180 and is severely fucking people over. Either way...There is NO WAY IN HELL I would ever give HN money again.
the HN site looks like someone is offing their collection or something. where did the 1 pack of the rare ones come from? jay himself stashing? and now cashing out? pump and dump to try and get brek to send them money? Brek did ya send them money yet? be honest now lol

hmmmmm any word on IG?
HAHAHAHA! Of COURSE I did! 900 dollar seed packs seem totally legit.

The way things are going I can't fathom the next time I would send ANY seedbank my money. Besides I have enough strains I realllllllllly wanna run to last me for YEARS.
HAHAHAHA! Of COURSE I did! 900 dollar seed packs seem totally legit.

The way things are going I can't fathom the next time I would send ANY seedbank my money. Besides I have enough strains I realllllllllly wanna run to last me for YEARS.

Zon and dankbidz is it for me!
Poor brek, And i thought i was unlucky for missing the seedsman promo... damn. Will dankbidz ever have an actual catalogue to look through? That shits annoying coming back month after month to see the same 15 strains and a couple new ones. Not to be a complete ass, But i dont want pursang haze or mindcontrol, I want pure fucking gooey, and every bodhi pack ever, is that so much to request?
and back to your HN Banter.
Btw thanks hellraizer for the heads on on HN< i was like WOW they have so many pretty BODHIS, GOTTA CATCHEM ALL!
What is hn and what is their affiliation with gage green...personally I won't give gage or rd the time of day because both companies popped up and had 20 plus strains within two years but that's another topic..
So what? I have been breeding for years I have about 15 strains so if I come out to the market I'm no good? don't understand this?
Ya Idk i'm just more weary of the companies with a high turn over rate on their strains I guess. I mean they sell out of anything they call puff within minutes yet they can't seem to reproduce even one of those strains?..seems like some of the best companies on the other hand have had strains available for years and years and add Very few strains over a year or so, plus they are usually more reasonably priced..maybe ill get around to trying gage I've liked some of their strain descriptions, usually the most expensive lol, but rd I doubt ill try i'm just not impressed from what I see
that would be called marketing 101.. Supply goes fast... take it off the market let folks really want it, then rerelease it at a higher price. Don't get me wrong lads I don't mean 900 a pack. I mean if they were a 100 per pack maybe raise price to 125.. Nothing that would kill anyone.
HAHAHAHA! Of COURSE I did! 900 dollar seed packs seem totally legit.

The way things are going I can't fathom the next time I would send ANY seedbank my money. Besides I have enough strains I realllllllllly wanna run to last me for YEARS.

guess we all should just finally listen to that little voice that tells us we've had enough lol. mines been trying to get me to quit buying seeds for some time now. guess like Hellraiser says if i really really need to get some seeds, zon it is!

this whole thing has my head spinning lol. i pride myself on being an very highly skilled amateur strategist. no matter the scenario I'm almost always in the ball park on what the goal was and the steps taken to achieve said goal.... this situation tho.... WTF. like 3 days ago THE ABSOLUTE LAST THING i woulda said was coming next was $900 packs up on HN's newly updated website lol...

it feels like the CIA got ahold of Jay instead of the DEA or something lol
Poor brek, And i thought i was unlucky for missing the seedsman promo... damn. Will dankbidz ever have an actual catalogue to look through? That shits annoying coming back month after month to see the same 15 strains and a couple new ones. Not to be a complete ass, But i dont want pursang haze or mindcontrol, I want pure fucking gooey, and every bodhi pack ever, is that so much to request?
and back to your HN Banter.
Btw thanks hellraizer for the heads on on HN< i was like WOW they have so many pretty BODHIS, GOTTA CATCHEM ALL!

Just so we're clear I did NOT really send HN any money for 900 dollar packs! ha

But the maid did steal my bodhi beans and TSD DID scam me on the "black triangle restock"

I'm not a sucker in the slightest. But my need for se ed gets me into trouble sometimes :)
Just so we're clear I did NOT really send HN any money for 900 dollar packs! ha

But the maid did steal my bodhi beans and TSD DID scam me on the "black triangle restock"

I'm not a sucker in the slightest. But my need for se ed gets me into trouble sometimes :)

Man, I think many of us have that problem...I got seed to last for several years, especially if I keep f2'ing stuff and making other crosses, but new drops are just too tempting! In a way I'm almost glad the GGG drop didnt happen cuz I got my $120 back and still got my sunshine daydream and a silver lotus freebie.

If Jay really is thinking he can sell $900 packs off his own website then FUCK HIM. Bodhi trusted him to provide a level playing field for people to access his genetics at Bodhi's reasonable price, not create a monopoly and resell "Rare" packs for 1100% markup.