"global warming petition project" peer reviewed and everything???


Well-Known Member
You are a dumbass

It's immediately rendered suspicious because of its funders

No shit the findings would be consistent with keeping their business model going

That's not how science works

Even if every single dollar came from government funding (it doesn't), the research is sound and the findings are unanimously conclusive, having nothing at all to do with the government.

Science is not like journalism, it's not like politics, there is a strict process that has to be followed and if its deviated by one step, the entire experiment and results are trash. In science, the only thing that matters is the truth, you can bullshit all you want, science will get to the bottom of it eventually. You don't understand these things about how science works, that's why you come up with so many wrong answers when it comes to scientific questions.

You should stick to politics
What a steaming pile of bullshit. Intentionally or unintentionally feed bad data into the models and you can get any outcome you want. That's why all the predictions have fallen on their face. Time is the enemy of this farce.

Hey, we can just move the dire calamity 75-100 years in the future, then we can push our agenda with no blowback for decades. Grab the children, we've only got 50 years to outrun this rising tide.

As to UB's earlier statement, I'd trust a climatologist funded by Exxon, LONG before 50 funded by some douchebag liberal university, the UN or our gub'ment.


Well-Known Member
Lmfao...uncle small penis. Others may know you as uncle buck. I see you have your little penis in yet another thread spewing more of your vomit into an arena you know little to nothing about and using antiquated or misleading and disproved information. Hey everybody I think we found our missing link and its entire genealogy. It wasn't missing... it was buried in hopes it would never be found. You fucking moron. You should unplug.
Go live a life without interrupting others.
Before you spew another " how did know about my small penis". I told you once before. Compared to mine most others are small.
Its obvious you have no social skills and everyone could assume safely that you are a borderline sociopath.
Get a job...even if its at minimum wage. I'm sure you could live off it. Everyone knows you've been hacking away at that thread since its inception. If you already have a job get another one...just stay away from your computer.
If I were to take a riu poll this would be the outcome 97.% would agree, 2.8% wouldn't care. This leaves you with 0.2%. Doesn't this tell you something?

Unplug dude. You're giving the human race a bad rep.

Peace out


Well-Known Member
You are a dumbass

It's immediately rendered suspicious because of its funders

No shit the findings would be consistent with keeping their business model going

That's not how science works

Even if every single dollar came from government funding (it doesn't), the research is sound and the findings are unanimously conclusive, having nothing at all to do with the government.

Science is not like journalism, it's not like politics, there is a strict process that has to be followed and if its deviated by one step, the entire experiment and results are trash. In science, the only thing that matters is the truth, you can bullshit all you want, science will get to the bottom of it eventually. You don't understand these things about how science works, that's why you come up with so many wrong answers when it comes to scientific questions.

You should stick to politics
To be quite frank, you are the most naive person on this thread.
You're saying that the hundreds of billions of dollars our corrupt government has spent on pro anthropogenic climate change is not suspect.
Anytime you mix politics and money with science, you get politics, wake the fuk up.
You should stick to getting into school.


Well-Known Member
The debate IS over. Man has no more effect on the climate than an ant has on my SUV's direction when I run it over. Speaking of my gargantuan, monstrosity of a vehicle, I took it to run some errands today. I could have used my Saturn, but I took the Excursion for no other reason than to belch some extra exhaust into the atmosphere. Why? In case these zealots are right, of course. I'm cold.


Well-Known Member
I blame this all on that Zimmerman dude.
calm heads always get the most laughs, that was a good one Red.
What a steaming pile of bullshit. Intentionally or unintentionally feed bad data into the models and you can get any outcome you want. That's why all the predictions have fallen on their face. Time is the enemy of this farce.

Hey, we can just move the dire calamity 75-100 years in the future, then we can push our agenda with no blowback for decades. Grab the children, we've only got 50 years to outrun this rising tide.

As to UB's earlier statement, I'd trust a climatologist funded by Exxon, LONG before 50 funded by some douchebag liberal university, the UN or our gub'ment.
I second that emotion.


Well-Known Member
do you even fucking think before you open your stupid mouth?
10 key not my strong suit, fixed now. Hows my new technique working on you? If we were in person I would shake your hand.
I heard you KKK types don't like to shake hands with your opposition, but I would smile and throw it out there for the camera!


Well-Known Member
Look at your "little or no human effect" chart made by Hans von Storch, six years ago.

Read what he has to say now.

The Climate Science Capitulation Begins…Hans von Storch: “We Definitely Have Seen Less Warming Than Expected”
Georg Ehring of German Public Radio conducted an interview with climate scientist Professor Hans von Storch, Director of the German Coastal Research Center.
The introductory text before the interview reads as follows:
The Earth has warmed considerably less than expected over the past 15 years days, says Hans von Storch. That may be due to an unforeseeable climate variability, or that CO2′s effect as a greenhouse gas was over-estimated, so says the meteorologist of the Coastal Research Institute.

If anything, this interview shows that German climate science is beginning a slow shift and that warmist scientists starting to come to terms with the real possibility that they have been wrong all these years – possibly very wrong. It also shows that they are admitting that climate is poorly understood. The science in nowhere near understood, let alone settled.
On whether global warming has stopped, Hans von Storch says: “No. We don’t expect that. But it is indeed true that we have seen a considerably reduced warming trend compared to what our climate model scenarios showed over the last 15 years. [...] We definitely have seen less warming than we expected.”
On what the cause could be, von Storch says many candidates are possible, and it points to climate variability, which would be natural fluctuations, which is what skeptics have been saying from Day 1. He also says that perhaps the climate sensitivity of CO2 was perhaps “a bit over-estimated“. Hans von Storch even mentions the S-word, claiming that it could have something to do with the sun.
