Gay wedding cakes and the bigots who won't bake them.

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This one intellectually challenged gay kid got tormented, teased, kicked and all manners of evils. One day he went crying and screaming while he ran off campus. That was the last day I saw him. He was a pretty nice guy. Never had any problems with him. The teachers saw it, never said jack. That never happened to me. I even told my parents, they told me to grow the fuck up. Until I was almost 18, my weight was from 119 to 145 pounds and under 5'6". I'm now close to 6' and 180 pounds. In a matter of months I grew almost 6 inches. What was I supposed to do, be like that gay guy who constantly tried to stand up for himself while a pact of wild animals pestered the hell out of him? I may have been their bitch, but I was a bitch who was happy through all my high school years. No one fucked with me. All I had to do was tell my "friends" beat the fuck out of him. That kid wouldn't be in school for several days.

Canna: Hates when people eat animals. Yet is a coward when humans are involved. I used to have at least some respect for your views. Now I know what manner of a person you truly are.
they wanted to change the language of the bill "to remove sweeping and inaccurate assertions that homosexual conduct is internationally recognized as a fundamental human right."

oh, well, that's comforting then.

as long as they only wanted to make sure that being gay was not recognized as a right, that's all good.

no one should have a right to be gay, or at least we should not recognize that they have a right to do so.

it's not like two consenting adults choosing who to fuck in the privacy of their own homes should be recognized as a fundamental human right.

you make some convincing points, and i am now going to go tell my two friends that they have no right to bring each other to glorious clitoral climax.

actually, there is more than one clitoris being pleasured in this equation, so i should say clitorides.

two clitorides being simultaneously brought to furious orgasm by two beautiful women on each other is not a right, not a fundamental right.

you ma'am, have the power of persuasion.
I think you meant to say your previous post were wrong, and that you, and hate speech Maddow both lied
as was just proven once again.
You mindless little troll. Remember 90% of Rachael Maddows hate speech is a lie.

Following exposure of the lobbying contribution in June 2010, the FRC issued a statement denying that they were trying to kill the bill, but rather that they wanted to change the language of the bill "to remove sweeping and inaccurate assertions that homosexual conduct is internationally recognized as a fundamental human right." They further stated, "FRC does not support the Uganda bill, and does not support the death penalty for homosexuality - nor any other penalty which would have the effect of inhibiting compassionate pastoral, psychological, and medical care and treatment for those who experience same-sex attractions or who engage in homosexual conduct -Political Hotsheet. CBS News. August 16, 2012.

Ah, so once the truth got out, then they changed their stance?
I think you meant to say your previous post were wrong, and that you, and hate speech Maddow both lied
as was just proven once again.

Changing you stance from "kill them" to "treat them like shit, but don't kill them" is better; but only a relative better.
Canna: Hates when people eat animals. Yet is a coward when humans are involved. I used to have at least some respect for your views. Now I know what manner of a person you truly are.

I got played way too often. People now need to prove they're not pretending, most of the time they are though. If you don't screw with me, then neither will I. But if you fuck with me, you'll wish you thought otherwise.

You have no clue what others went through. It doesn't matter who a person is, anyone can get treated like garbage. It has nothing to do with generational abuse. What is a person to do, pretend? Why? There would be no problems if people didn't want to pretend. I still don't pretend and will tell you straight up what I think of you. If you or others don't like it, tough shit, wear some big boy pants like I had to do.

It seems others think the truth is bad. I'm very much like House from that medical drama. He's actually a nice guy, but he doesn't take shit. Yet everyone thinks he's an asshole, but he doesn't give a fuck either.
I got played way too often. People now need to prove they're not pretending, most of the time they are though. If you don't screw with me, then neither will I. But if you fuck with me, you'll wish you thought otherwise.

You have no clue what others went through. It doesn't matter who a person is, anyone can get treated like garbage. It has nothing to do with generational abuse. What is a person to do, pretend? Why? There would be no problems if people didn't want to pretend. I still don't pretend and will tell you straight up what I think of you. If you or others don't like it, tough shit, wear some big boy pants like I had to do.

It seems others think the truth is bad. I'm very much like House from that medical drama. He's actually a nice guy, but he doesn't take shit. Yet everyone thinks he's an asshole, but he doesn't give a fuck either.

Anyone who bitches about me eating meat, but is wiling to direct other people to kick my ass is both a coward and intellectually dishonest. It's really that simple.

It only happened one time. This jack ass 11th grader who was over 6 foot and well over 215 pounds, was pestering me. I was in the 9th only a little over 5 foot and 119 pounds. He took away my back pack, ripped my homework I spent a lot of time on, stepped on my lunch, broke a few pencils, etc. A few days later he come back to school. I asked hey where you been! With a wry smile. Both of us knew damn well. He was still acting like a punk, so all I did was threaten if he wanted another round with my buddies. Who cares if he called me a pussy and was upset. No one dared even look at me funny again until I graduated.

Moral, never fuck with anyone unless you can have enough friends to back you up from their friends. The simpler solution, don't go down that path.
I got played way too often...if you fuck with me, you'll wish you thought otherwise...You have no clue what others went through...treated like garbage...generational abuse...wear some big boy pants like I had to do.

what kind of help have you had for the abuse you suffered and still suffer from?
Anyone who bitches about me eating meat, but is wiling to direct other people to kick my ass is both a coward and intellectually dishonest. It's really that simple.

This was when I was a kid. Why you calling kids cowards? I'm now a big boy and can handle myself. It was really funny. This one ex-marine thought he was so cute pestering me about being a vegan, so I mocked his PTSD and saying "oh don't hurt me, the bombs they scare me." That dumb ass punched me in the stomach. But because I was so pumped up on adrenaline and hate for his stupidity, I felt nothing. I then wrestled him to the ground until he passed out, used to be on the wrestling team. That's what he got for calling me a sissy and a coward. You can't judge someone for the things they had to do for survival as a wimpy pathetic kid. Yeah, I was a wimpy coward as a kid. Used to be quite the nerd too. People change.

So nope, things aren't that simple.
It only happened one time. This jack ass 11th grader who was over 6 foot and well over 215 pounds, was pestering me. I was in the 9th only a little over 5 foot and 119 pounds. He took away my back pack, ripped my homework I spent a lot of time on, stepped on my lunch, broke a few pencils, etc. A few days later he come back to school. I asked hey where you been! With a wry smile. Both of us knew damn well. He was still acting like a punk, so all I did was threaten if he wanted another round with my buddies. Who cares if he called me a pussy and was upset. No one dared even look at me funny again until I graduated.

Moral, never fuck with anyone unless you can have enough friends to back you up from their friends. The simpler solution, don't go down that path.

that explanation doesn't reduce or mitigate or excuse anything about what you have just said.
It only happened one time. This jack ass 11th grader who was over 6 foot and well over 215 pounds, was pestering me. I was in the 9th only a little over 5 foot and 119 pounds. He took away my back pack, ripped my homework I spent a lot of time on, stepped on my lunch, broke a few pencils, etc. A few days later he come back to school. I asked hey where you been! With a wry smile. Both of us knew damn well. He was still acting like a punk, so all I did was threaten if he wanted another round with my buddies. Who cares if he called me a pussy and was upset. No one dared even look at me funny again until I graduated.

Moral, never fuck with anyone unless you can have enough friends to back you up from their friends. The simpler solution, don't go down that path.

Bullies suck, and I have done my share of standing up for those who can't. I never had any use for being the guy who made friends with the bullies to be the one guy they didn't pick on. Maybe it's because my parents rewarded me for standing up for myself. You still seem like that guy who hung in the back of the group of bullies in my school that sat by and watched them be assholes.
what kind of help have you had for the abuse you suffered and still suffer from?

I now make a good amount of money and do whatever I want. Life is very good for me. Without what I went through, I wouldn't be who I am today. You know the saying, that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger. The same thing with T.S. Eliot. He had this psycho wife, who he really loved. She gave him hell, but without it we wouldn't have his writings. You don't have to let your socio-econimic status dictate who you are and stay trapped in a nowhere life like you do waiting ghoulishly for your in-laws to die, so you can take over what they built. I built it my life, for better or worse all on my own. It wasn't easy, but if it was, I wouldn't appreciate what I got now.
I mocked his PTSD and saying "oh don't hurt me, the bombs they scare me." That dumb ass punched me in the stomach...I felt nothing.

seems like you were taking pride in overcoming the PTSD you suffered after being beaten as a kid, both physically and emotionally. you were used to getting punched in the stomach, and you mocked his PTSD because you felt you had overcome your own PTSD.

you still need lots of help though.
Bullies suck, and I have done my share of standing up for those who can't. I never had any use for being the guy who made friends with the bullies to be the one guy they didn't pick on. Maybe it's because my parents rewarded me for standing up for myself. You still seem like that guy who hung in the back of the group of bullies in my school that sat by and watched them be assholes.

These days it's just me and my family. I stand up to bullies now. Like that one thread I made about this fat bitch who was picking on this Chinese guy on vacation because his kid wasn't playing by her rules and had the nerve not to understand English for her self pretentious self. I was ready to beat down her husband she called, and if she tried anything funny she would've got it to. It was only my wife who stopped me and said it wasn't worth it, she's the fool, don't be one yourself too.
seems like you were taking pride in overcoming the PTSD you suffered after being beaten as a kid, both physically and emotionally. you were used to getting punched in the stomach, and you mocked his PTSD because you felt you had overcome your own PTSD.

you still need lots of help though.

You need to ask your wife about dissociation and how those who do it can get in this trance like state where you feel no pain and become really strong.
These days it's just me and my family. I stand up to bullies now. Like that one thread I made about this fat bitch who was picking on this Chinese guy on vacation because his kid wasn't playing by her rules and had the nerve not to understand English for her self pretentious self. I was ready to beat down her husband she called, and if she tried anything funny she would've got it to. It was only my wife who stopped me and said it wasn't worth it, she's the fool, don't be one yourself too.

Ah, yes, you stood up to a physically unfit woman and her husband who wasn't there. Way to stand up to the flabby and their hypothetical spouses; I'm sure that was a grave threat...
waiting ghoulishly for your in-laws to die, so you can take over what they built.

i'm actually not interested in taking over their family business, which they inherited rather than built. running apartments would bore the shit out of me. but feel free to keep lashing out at me because i recognize that you were clearly beaten as a child.
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