Gay wedding cakes and the bigots who won't bake them.

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What did you go through? It sounds like you made friends with the bully's and got to enjoy the easy life by being their "toadie".

No one took me seriously. Teachers mocked me, even though I aced their tests and and the standardized ones too. They weren't really my friends. I only had one Chinese guy as my friend who was so nerdy and picked on, that he joined a gang an a few years after we graduated high school he was shot dead because he was a mule for the wrong side. The girls all made fun of me. One girl even said how she was going to rip off my balls if I even looked at her, since one of my bully friends went to her asking about me. The bullies thought it was hilarious. It wasn't the easy life, it was survival. Not just minorities go through the rough life with no opportunities. No one gave me what I had besides me. My parents one time insulted my hispanic girlfriend and asked her if it was ok she wasn't having mackerel tonight. She dumped me and said she didn't want to be with someone who had a racist family. Got accused of liking gay sex by my mom after visiting my grandparents because she washed a pair of my grandfather's underwear when I didn't bring enough.

Just because I'm white doesn't mean I didn't go through hell, just as much or worse than those who were treated badly by other white people not myself for hundreds of years. As a kid you do what you got to do to survive.
This was when I was a kid. Why you calling kids cowards? I'm now a big boy and can handle myself. It was really funny. This one ex-marine thought he was so cute pestering me about being a vegan, so I mocked his PTSD and saying "oh don't hurt me, the bombs they scare me." That dumb ass punched me in the stomach. But because I was so pumped up on adrenaline and hate for his stupidity, I felt nothing. I then wrestled him to the ground until he passed out, used to be on the wrestling team. That's what he got for calling me a sissy and a coward. You can't judge someone for the things they had to do for survival as a wimpy pathetic kid. Yeah, I was a wimpy coward as a kid. Used to be quite the nerd too. People change.

So nope, things aren't that simple.

"Coaward" has no age limitation last I saw. Given your breakdown of events, I'd be willing to bet that he didn't have PTSD. Probably some POG that wanted to get some free shit or sympathy (Which most Marines consider to be one of the biggest offenses one can commit.). I've seen real PTSD in combat Marines; and if you tried to wrap him up, then I can guarantee it would have resulted him in punching you in the balls until you submitted and/or going for your eyes. We had our share of wrestlers who enlisted, and none of them were equipped to deal with shots to the dick or eyes; which are two prime targets in combat. If he wanted to actually hurt you, then he would NOT have hit you in the stomach. Center of mass is for bullets, not fists.
The girls all made fun of me. One girl even said how she was going to rip off my balls if I even looked at her, since one of my bully friends went to her asking about me.

Did you ever consider that her response might have something to do with the fact you hung out with the bullies?
Your newest lie got you demoted to dumbass 1st class. No one ever said to "kill them" they never helped make the law, they never supported the law, and have condemned the law. I think you may be so filled with cock you cant spit the truth out.

Or perhaps you are just ignorant of the fact that Pat Robertson went over there and encouraged the sentiments behind the bill. Way to demonstrate your bigotry by attempting to paint me as gay to insult me.
"Coaward" has no age limitation last I saw. Given your breakdown of events, I'd be willing to bet that he didn't have PTSD. Probably some POG that wanted to get some free shit or sympathy (Which most Marines consider to be one of the biggest offenses one can commit.). I've seen real PTSD in combat Marines; and if you tried to wrap him up, then I can guarantee it would have resulted him in punching you in the balls until you submitted and/or going for your eyes. We had our share of wrestlers who enlisted, and none of them were equipped to deal with shots to the dick or eyes; which are two prime targets in combat. If he wanted to actually hurt you, then he would NOT have hit you in the stomach. Center of mass is for bullets, not fists.

He thought I was a weak helpless skinny vegan. He should've done what you suggested, cause I didn't give him a second chance. This was at a party and he wouldn't stop pestering me.

I took his fist that was extended and quickly did a foot sweep to his leg without the weight on it. He then experienced first hand what it was like to get choked out, I know Judo too. It was years since I did that stuff too. But it all comes back when put into the right situation. My wife pulled me off him and said stop or you might kill him. I'm just glad my wife was there, or I could be in jail right now. Guess he wasn't too bright?
Did you ever consider that her response might have something to do with the fact you hung out with the bullies?

She had broke up with one of my "buddies" several months before, and her next boyfriend was one of the ones who did that kind of shit too.

But that's not who I am now. I have a loving wife and kids. Anyone who dares try to harm them, I'd kill them, or get killed myself.

I have these bowel problems which before I went vegan, would cause me to get so nervous I'd get extremely enraged. So that's why I went vegan and do meditation. It keeps me calm and doesn't enflame my digestive tract. The more it's enflamed, the more hostile I get. Now I'm at peace and a rather friendly fellow. Quite the hippy now.
He thought I was a weak helpless skinny vegan. He should've done what you suggested, cause I didn't give him a second chance. This was at a party and he wouldn't stop pestering me.

I took his fist that was extended and quickly did a foot sweep to his leg without the weight on it. He then experienced first hand what it was like to get choked out, I know Judo too. It was years since I did that stuff too. But it all comes back when put into the right situation. My wife pulled me off him and said stop or you might kill him. I'm just glad my wife was there, or I could be in jail right now. Guess he wasn't too bright?

Yeah, POG and a half. Dude probably hadn't lifted anything deadlier than a pen in his 4 years. I am curious as to how kicking out a non-support leg caused much disruption. You would never go for the non-support leg, as it's just pointless and opens you up. Having had my back leg kicked out and not going down; this seems odd. Also, every marine gets choked out in boot camp during basic hand-to-hand. It's sounding more and more like you're lying (Which I don't have enough evidence to yet decide.) or he was lying (Which is pretty damn common.).
Yeah, POG and a half. Dude probably hadn't lifted anything deadlier than a pen in his 4 years. I am curious as to how kicking out a non-support leg caused much disruption. You would never go for the non-support leg, as it's just pointless and opens you up. Having had my back leg kicked out and not going down; this seems odd. Also, every marine gets choked out in boot camp during basic hand-to-hand. It's sounding more and more like you're lying (Which I don't have enough evidence to yet decide.) or he was lying (Which is pretty damn common.).

Who said anything about sweeping the back leg? I just said if he has weight on the leg you want, it's pointless to sweep it out, unless you want to kick it so hard you break it.

As you can see in this video at 0:38, the guy has his leg forward, it's the leg with all the weight, it does you no good to sweep at the front supported leg. You must make him move by pushing in the opposite direction you want him to go and as he struggles he'll put himself out of balance, where you can do a foot sweep.

Who said anything about sweeping the back leg? I just said if he has weight on the leg you want, it's pointless to sweep it out, unless you want to kick it so hard you break it.

As you can see in this video at 0:38, the guy has his leg forward, it's the leg with all the weight, it does you no good to sweep at the front supported leg. You must make him move by pushing in the opposite direction you want him to go and as he struggles he'll put himself out of balance, where you can do a foot sweep.


And Marine hand-to-hand beats into you never to place your legs parallel. If you intercepted a strike and then swept the non-support leg, then it would be to the rear. And if you pulled a guy who actually had PTSD from combat into that situation, you'd be wearing an eye-patch. If you caught a fist flying at you and he didn't move into it after you caught it, then that guy was likely a POG or making shit up. I'm willing to to give you the benefit of assuming you found the dumb one, but that doesn't really make it much more impressive. The moment you grabbed my collar to push me off balance; you'd be on the receiving end of a wristlock.
actually, the family research council (to whom chic-fil-A donated monies) lobbied against condeming uganda's "kill the gays" bill.

the family research council says that homosexuality is not a civil right.

"but rather that they wanted to change the language of the bill "to remove sweeping and inaccurate assertions that homosexual conduct is internationally recognized as a fundamental human right."

Could you possibly be more stupid?
Or perhaps you are just ignorant of the fact that Pat Robertson went over there and encouraged the sentiments behind the bill. Way to demonstrate your bigotry by attempting to paint me as gay to insult me.

One pathetic lie after another Gomer!
They have all been shot down so far.
And Marine hand-to-hand beats into you never to place your legs parallel. If you intercepted a strike and then swept the non-support leg, then it would be to the rear. And if you pulled a guy who actually had PTSD from combat into that situation, you'd be wearing an eye-patch. If you caught a fist flying at you and he didn't move into it after you caught it, then that guy was likely a POG or making shit up. I'm willing to to give you the benefit of assuming you found the dumb one, but that doesn't really make it much more impressive. The moment you grabbed my collar to push me off balance; you'd be on the receiving end of a wristlock.

It didn't do it that way exactly, it was to show how you can get yourself into that sort of situation. I grabbed his arm he was punching me with like you see there. Then I faked attempting to do what is called a shuck in wrestling by pulling down hard on his arm, you let go. The person will try hard to push up. Dumb ass moved his leg too, he probably thought I was just trying to keep him away from me. So I swept it. I was actually trying to set up a High C. Got lucky.
It didn't do it that way exactly, it was to show how you can get yourself into that sort of situation. I grabbed his arm he was punching me with like you see there. Then I faked attempting to do what is called a shuck in wrestling by pulling down hard on his arm, you let go. The person will try hard to push up. Dumb ass moved his leg too, he probably thought I was just trying to keep him away from me. So I swept it. I was actually trying to set up a High C. Got lucky.

Congrats, you caught a POG or a faker. Like I said, a guy with PTSD would not have treated that situation like a wrestling match. He would have treated it like a fight with real stakes. In which case, you'd be short an eye or a testicle. I've wrestled guys who had PTSD and I thank my friends they were around to pull him off while I had both hands on his arms that were trying to pop my eyes out.
And greentip deleted before I could do the spam report... sad face.

Snitches get stitches? I personally don't agree but that's the site motto here. Like if you knew some asshole had a child held hostage, why wouldn't you get the authorities involved or kill that fucker yourself? Like Sandusky who was raping the boy in the shower would've had the shower head pushed through his skull if I saw it.
Snitches get stitches? I personally don't agree but that's the site motto here. Like if you knew some asshole had a child held hostage, why wouldn't you get the authorities involved or kill that fucker yourself? Like Sandusky who was raping the boy in the shower would've had the shower head pushed through his skull if I saw it.

He was spamming a copy and paste to a christian family group. I saw it before he deleted, but he deleted before the quote stuck. in regard to that bullshit "'snitches get stitches" mentality, if he wanted to hook me up with some stitches, then that would have been a fun time. I enjoy a sporting fight. I feel no desire to get someone arrested for posting something that doesn't involve people who aren't consenting or something else clearly fucked up.

I have a mixed issue with child molesters though. My initial urge is brain surgery with a .45, but my reasoning tells me they are just fucked up individuals deserving of the same treatment as anyone else with a mental issue.
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