Gay wedding cakes and the bigots who won't bake them.

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Try going to an ethnic center where those of a certain ethnicity tend to own all the businesses, which exist for all ethnicities. If you try to become a tourist there, often times you're ignored and called all sorts of no very nice things. But no one gives a fuck about that, now do they?

So we're going the "two wrong make a right" route? I give a fuck about it, but there aren't laws being passed in multiple states to justify it. While I'm here, Webster's dictionary says your definition of harm being only physical is wrong.
Actually you seem to think everyone must share your leftist views. How Anti American.

Most Americans disagree with you, and that's why the Chic-Fil-A business received such a boost.

Lol now it's "leftist" to believe that nobody should be denied goods and services? It makes me sad that "American" doesn't come with the idealistic connotation of equality these days.
goddamn you are stupid.

kp's point was not that everyone must share his view, it is that people flocked to chic-fil-A after they heard about the owner's donations to groups that lobbied against condemning a bill that called for gays to be killed, which flies in the face of conservative claims that people would boycott such hateful establishments.

not only did you miss the point entirely, you reinforced his point by pointing out how well chic-fil-A did after their anti-gay practices were made public.

you are really, really stupid, thetoolwoman.

His reading compensation was a few dollars short this month.
I decided to read one from the block list, and all we have is another pathetic lie from rollitups leading bigot.

you never once cited an example of me being "rollitups [SIC] leading bigot" as thecoolman, and you certainly don't have the mental faculties to even attempt such a task as greentrip.

reported as obvious sock puppet.
So we're going the "two wrong make a right" route? I give a fuck about it, but there aren't laws being passed in multiple states to justify it. While I'm here, Webster's dictionary says your definition of harm being only physical is wrong.

But it's not that way at all, everyone likes to talk about equality, yet never mention everyone is guilty of it. Don't you read Buck's posts which state repeatedly, "well, you're white, so you don't understand." How is that equality? It's every bit as racist as some neo-nazi dork.

I first experienced business racism against myself when I was a teenager. I was hungry while my grandparents went to the thrift shop in the Korean district. I kept asking over and over for a donut to the shop owner next door. At first I thought he was just being lazy. But this Korean person walks in speaking Korean, and he gets him a donut. Then another one comes in but speaks English and he speaks back with almost no accent, better than many white people. Never did get my donut.
But it's not that way at all, everyone likes to talk about equality, yet never mention everyone is guilty of it. Don't you read Buck's posts which state repeatedly, "well, you're white, so you don't understand." How is that equality? It's every bit as racist as some neo-nazi dork.

I first experienced business racism against myself when I was a teenager. I was hungry while my grandparents went to the thrift shop in the Korean district. I kept asking over and over for a donut to the shop owner next door. At first I thought he was just being lazy. But this Korean person walks in speaking Korean, and he gets him a donut. Then another one comes in but speaks English and he speaks back with almost no accent, better than many white people. Never did get my donut.

So one korean donut shop is comparable to decades of discrimination that other groups have experienced? Please, show me where people are passing laws to ensure the right of korean donut shops to discriminate. You argument is a diversion from my actual point. That point being that donating millions to discriminatory groups does not mean you're not discriminatory for turning certain groups away.
Nope, it's documented fact. There's even links in this thread about it.

There is no link to the restaurant giving money to organizations that
lead to the murder of gays as you claim. Repeating the same lie doesn't help
your cause. Remember you may need the services of Exodus International someday!
There is no link to the restaurant giving money to organizations that
lead to the murder of gays as you claim. Repeating the same lie doesn't help
your cause. Remember you may need the services of Exodus International someday!

they gave money to the family research council.

the family research council has not only lobbied congress to not condemn the ugandan "kill the gays" bill, but they sent people to uganda to help them implement, explain, and defend the bill.

all this has been documented already.

i would ask if you are retarded, thecoolman, but the plain fact is that you are. or you are dangerously close to being retarded. but you're probably retarded by all metrics.
note how greentrip has similar
random breaks in his posts which
are reminiscent of how thecoolman
used to post. the random bolded posts
and unattributed copy and pastes
also tell the story.
So one korean donut shop is comparable to decades of discrimination that other groups have experienced? Please, show me where people are passing laws to ensure the right of korean donut shops to discriminate. You argument is a diversion from my actual point. That point being that donating millions to discriminatory groups does not mean you're not discriminatory for turning certain groups away.

That's why I said I don't like you. Racism is racism, but I don't give a fuck until people like you realize you can't use comparisons. But my apathy by no means doesn't mean I don't get the fact both are racist and equally bad. Whether a group or an individual, both need equal treatment. Pack mentality makes you a liberal, and even though I agree with a lot of what liberals think, in many ways they're worse than the racists. Groups are made of individuals, it's the individual who feels the pain, not the group.
That's why I said I don't like you. Racism is racism, but I don't give a fuck until people like you realize you can't use comparisons. But my apathy by no means doesn't mean I don't get the fact both are racist and equally bad. Whether a group or an individual, both need equal treatment. Pack mentality makes you a liberal, and even though I agree with a lot of what liberals think, in many ways they're worse than the racists. Groups are made of individuals, it's the individual who feels the pain, not the group.

And this is why I dislike 98% of what you have to say. Laws against racism are already solidly established. That donut shop broke the law by refusing to serve you on the basis of race (Assuming you weren't just being as much of a dick then as now.). However, states are trying to make it legal for that same donut shop to discriminate against homosexuals. Once again, way to divert and ignore the point.
they gave money to the family research council.

the family research council has not only lobbied congress to not condemn the ugandan "kill the gays" bill, but they sent people to uganda to help them implement, explain, and defend the bill.

all this has been documented already.

i would ask if you are retarded, thecoolman, but the plain fact is that you are. or you are dangerously close to being retarded. but you're probably retarded by all metrics.

Back when I was in high school, the kids used to beat the shit out of those who acted like you. Isn't it great we evolved past that! Doesn't look like you're getting that pretty face pounded into the dirt anymore. But I was smart back then and became their toady who watched them perpetrate the acts against their victims.

You act the way you do because your prissy self never experienced what it's like from both sides. It's not so simple as "the white man raped me!"
Back when I was in high school, the kids used to beat the shit out of those who acted like you. Isn't it great we evolved past that! Doesn't look like you're getting face pounded into the dirt anymore. But I was smart back then and became their toady who watched them perpetrate the acts against their victims.

You act the way you do because your prissy self never experienced what it's like from both sides. It's not so simple as "the white man raped me!"

When I was in school, we stood up to bullies. Way to be their bitch when you were attending.
they gave money to the family research council.

the family research council has not only lobbied congress to not condemn the ugandan "kill the gays" bill, but they sent people to uganda to help them implement, explain, and defend the bill.

You mindless little troll. Remember 90% of Rachael Maddows hate speech is a lie.

Following exposure of the lobbying contribution in June 2010, the FRC issued a statement denying that they were trying to kill the bill, but rather that they wanted to change the language of the bill "to remove sweeping and inaccurate assertions that homosexual conduct is internationally recognized as a fundamental human right." They further stated, "FRC does not support the Uganda bill, and does not support the death penalty for homosexuality - nor any other penalty which would have the effect of inhibiting compassionate pastoral, psychological, and medical care and treatment for those who experience same-sex attractions or who engage in homosexual conduct -Political Hotsheet. CBS News. August 16, 2012.
When I was in school, we stood up to bullies. Way to be their bitch when you were attending.

This one intellectually challenged gay kid got tormented, teased, kicked and all manners of evils. One day he went crying and screaming while he ran off campus. That was the last day I saw him. He was a pretty nice guy. Never had any problems with him. The teachers saw it, never said jack. That never happened to me. I even told my parents, they told me to grow the fuck up. Until I was almost 18, my weight was from 119 to 145 pounds and under 5'6". I'm now close to 6' and 180 pounds. In a matter of months I grew almost 6 inches. What was I supposed to do, be like that gay guy who constantly tried to stand up for himself while a pact of wild animals pestered the hell out of him? I may have been their bitch, but I was a bitch who was happy through all my high school years. No one fucked with me. All I had to do was tell my "friends" beat the fuck out of him. That kid wouldn't be in school for several days.
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