• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Kratom, anyone use it?


Well-Known Member
Are all the sources posted throughout thread valid still? Like I am looking to buy maybe a few ounces of different veins.

Is there like a go to place currently?


Well-Known Member
Haven't had any kratom in almost a year now. In the kratom world then, Kratomdelight.com had best quality for best prices, straight from indo.. Herbresearch was great quality, and actually tested percentage of alkaloids etc... but expensive. Speciosapro.com Mistymountainherbals.com are good too. Bikhuk and thekratomking were ones that I always told people to avoid.


Well-Known Member
May I ask why you stopped Kratom? Just did not like/need it anymore? Or negative effects that you did not like?


Well-Known Member
May I ask why you stopped Kratom? Just did not like/need it anymore? Or negative effects that you did not like?
Like anything else with me, I kept using more and more. 4-5x a day. And I wanted to get rid of any addictions. the effects I got were I'd get shaky randomly. Even my head would shake sometimes.. At first I'd get shaky if I took too much kratom, but then after 8-9 months it was all the time. And I'd get nervous for no reason, or silly reasons. I'd also feel super lightheaded multiple times a day. It would strike me out of nowhere like I was about to faint. The w/d really wasn't that bad though imo. It kind of sucked, but I was functional.

Most people have been using it for years with no problems though. This was just me.


Well-Known Member
Haven't had any kratom in almost a year now. In the kratom world then, Kratomdelight.com had best quality for best prices, straight from indo.. Herbresearch was great quality, and actually tested percentage of alkaloids etc... but expensive. Speciosapro.com Mistymountainherbals.com are good too. Bikhuk and thekratomking were ones that I always told people to avoid.

I love bikhuk Their green maylay has ben my favorite strain for years , and the price is 'right'


Well-Known Member
I love bikhuk Their green maylay has ben my favorite strain for years , and the price is 'right'
I should have mentioned that, actually. I always loved their GM as well. It's the perfect leaf to mix with anything. Smooth, and long duration. Good anytime.

The prices there are good, most of the leaf I got was just subpar. Lots of people like them. You don't like to order Fabi's leaf?


Well-Known Member
I am thinking about taking some kratom tonight before I go out with some friends to a club or 2, what do you guys think the threshold is for Euphoria/Energy to me just wanting to sit and watch TV?

Edit: Just took 2.5 grams of powder


Well-Known Member
Oh bikhuk...
I used them for the longest time being drawn in by the $100 kilos. They were great at first. Maybe about a year and a half ago ish? Potency was nothing to complain about, price was good seems as other sites charge you twice the amount. Even bikhuks US buyers.
A buddy and I used Bikhuk for a long time. I stopped once the DEA got on them and made them ship by boat(Is this still a thing?) reason being, two week shipping. This is why I generally stopped using it to begin with, other reason being that I used it for anxiety and stopping caused that to be a little menacing. Nothing some work can't take care of though :p
My bud ordered a package once and got nothing! No refund, no kilo. Nothing.(800grams technically).

So no more bikhuk.
I just bought a bali strain off of thekratomking.

Skuxx, I love/forget your kratom advice.
Which strains stick out to you? And I'll be looking at those websites you posted.

Got a new job today, went in today after eating some kratom just to loosen up. Great idea! Otherwise I tend to get really really nervous around superiors. Always been a problem for me.

  • I am thinking about taking some kratom tonight before I go out with some friends to a club or 2, what do you guys think the threshold is for Euphoria/Energy to me just wanting to sit and watch TV?

    Edit: Just took 2.5 grams of powder​

Depends on you man, I normally ingest anywhere from 7-35 grams through alcohol or just eating or caps. If I just woke up in the morning, or want to go do things, I usually just do a kratom shot. But some days I'll take ten caps instead(This bali honestly makes me feel like I took a couple percs or something.. Jesus).
Haven't been messing around with it much, but I can say you can comfortably gauge your dosaging without having a bad time. Just pace. Bring it with you! Go to the bathroom with a drink and toss n wash or just do it right there. Take caps in secrecy. Keep a flask of kratom shots.. xD You'll figure it out. I have had a couple bad experiences, but only in my earlier days of using. For awhile I couldn't even catch a buzz(bad kratom maybe). One time at first I fell asleep in the bathroom at work because I had just.. OVERDONE it the night before. Then took more in the morning. Not even that much, but man. I fell asleep in the bathroom. No one noticed, I was only out for 10min. But good god that was a.. Hazy.. Experience.


Well-Known Member
Okay after reading this thread, good to see some feedback on Bikhuk. Liberty, like I said, my friends package never came, I'm not sure what actually happened(sure it wasn't THEIR fault) but now I'm scared of buying from em because I'm too broke for a few months.
Any bulk suppliers that aren't red listed? Did you guys mention one?


Well-Known Member
The only way customs can steal a package is if it comes thru customs ....... So if your afraid of that (rightfully so) order domestic

Im sure your friends package was stolen by customs bikhuk is a solid vendor , over at kratom connisours many people say they use him reguraly and any problems (besides customs) are always cleared up fast

I have ben ordering bikhuk mayabe 4-6 times a year for at least 3 years, every package has made it hear 100% intact , althow sometimes customs seems to lose packages for weeks , but for the price differences I dont dont mind at all

I have ben looking for a domestic vendor with good price and product for some time , I refuse to pay more than 100$ a key . Im trying to build up a good stock and would rather order all at once to get a decent price rather than make several medium size orders from overseas


Well-Known Member
I think bikhuk is the highest it gets, I haven't ever seen anything else. It has been a very long time since I last tried to find a supplier for bulk so who knows. This is a really stupid question, but what is the difference between domestic and costums? And
A friend of mine says he's growing it right now, interested in that.
Liberty, you're into growing kratom if I remember right?

Also have you tried contacting them with a more bulk order? through e-mail or something?


Well-Known Member
Domestic kratom is all bought overseas but resold locally , Customs is what it goes thru to get hear like MJ ceeds , thats where they rob you

For a overseas vendor bikhuk is expensive but their quality is consistant and unless customs steals your package you will recieve your order, Most of the domestic vendors are 2 to 3 times more expensive sometimes alot more

Yea I grow kratom , but in NY it's more of a novelity than anything productive . I cant get the plants big enouth to produce anything worthwild . The plants I grow in a greenhouse get about 6' tall in 2 years and produce leaf that is mayabe 1/4 strenth of standard quality leaf
I have seen pictures of kratom trees in floida texas that have gotten better than 15' tall and that was 2-3 years ago


Well-Known Member
I really enjoy this plant. I have 2 small live specimens. A Rift and Bumblebees. They reside under 24hr T5s. I have seen a massive growth spurt since transplant . Hoping for under an in a month of growth. They go outside as as weather permits.


Well-Known Member
I have had /tryed bolth rift and the bumble bee strain and find no difference in strenth and effects ????

In the past year or so their has also ben a maylasn and a few other strains on the market , But I have my doughts esipically for a premium price


Well-Known Member
I really enjoy this plant. I have 2 small live specimens. A Rift and Bumblebees. They reside under 24hr T5s. I have seen a massive growth spurt since transplant . Hoping for under an in a month of growth. They go outside as as weather permits.
How the Kratom handle out where you live? Easy to grow outside? Good harvest?


Well-Known Member
Alright, I want to order like 4oz of dried leaf, what is best US based vendor/ verses the price ratio...will also reread thread lol


New Member
Use 3tsps boiled like tea and its the best thing ever. Only get the strongest extract you can find, no pills. They suck and you have to take like 15 to feel a 5 min buzz as opposed to the extract that lasts hours =)


New Member
[Qorder through kratom king, only the extracts. They are the best! UOTE="smokajoe, post: 10462593, member: 323852"]Alright, I want to order like 4oz of dried leaf, what is best US based vendor/ verses the price ratio...will also reread thread lol[/QUOTE]